Creation vs. Evolution

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Well-known member
Dear noguru,

I do have friends who believe me. Plus many people around the world believe me enough to Twitter back to me with their email address and offers to follow me. I go on Twitter. Not just here all the time.

God Restore Your Compassion And Love,



When someone surrounds them self with "Yes" people, should they then be surprised that they have not progressed and not gotten a more accurate understanding of reality?
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Ben Masada

New member
1. believing in evolution does not indicate how old you believe the universe-earth is.

2. the bible does not clearly state that the earth is ~7,000 years old, that is merely one (very literal) interpretation of the text

3. it really doesn't matter how old you feel the earth is (or how life changed), concerning one's salvation, a subject that is FAR more important

The Genesis account of Creation is not about the age of the earth but the Jewish way to establish the weekly cycle of seven days and the establishment of the Sabbath as a day to keep it holy and part of the Decalogue. The earth could be as old as seven periods of times which it could be within the seven millions or billions of years for all that I care. The Tanach is not about Physics but Jewish Theology.


When someone surrounds them self with "Yes" people, should they then be surprised that they have not progressed and not gotten a more accurate understanding of reality?

Dear noguru,

When will you ever learn? Always, you have to say something atrocious. I don't surround myself by 'Yes' people. I have at least half saying 'No.' Don't you know why I do so well at this thread? It's because of the angels, the Lord, the Holy Ghost, and visions that have visited me. I am one of the two witnesses written of in the book of Revelation. See Rev. 11:3KJV. You won't believe me, which is quite understandable. Who could believe such a thing? Know me by my fruits, not my sins. I've overcome my sins finally. I've guided other atheists to become akin with the Lord God and the Lord Jesus. God will bear witness of me before the end of this year. Then, you can believe me. If I bear witness of myself, it is useless. I've been with you now for almost two years. God does nothing except He sends His prophets to let others know first.

The Most High God Watch Over You!!


:rain: :angel: :rapture:


New member

I don't know what to tell you alwight. I guess I don't know much about Stripe except that he seems right very often. He is very strong in resolve and a zealous Christian, which I am both also. We just reflect a different image in the mirror. He is one of my cohorts on this Creation thread. I don't know of anyone he's gotten banned. I care a lot for him.

Tons Of Love To You, Al!!


You're really :first:
To my mind Michael, Stripe is rarely right about anything, but then I'm not a Christian fundamentalist creationist.

You seem to care a lot for everyone, I really don't know how you do it. :)


All radioactive isotopes have a half-life. Each has a different one ranging from a few thousand to over a billion years. C-14 has never been used to try and date anything over 100,000 years old because it's ~5700 year half life means that it totally breaks down in about 70,000 years. It is 99% reliable for things younger than that. The other isotopes you mentioned have much longer half-lives, and we can confirm their effectiveness because of the sediment layers the objects they are commonly used to date are found in. Scientists knew that Earth was at least several million years old long before radiometric dating because of the very different fossils and geological composition of the sediment layers. Radiometric dating techniques just confirmed this, and all methods that can be used on a quality sample will always agree on an approximate age.

An example of how we can know that different animals lived during different periods of time (and that they got more complex along the way) are the fossils found in the Grand Canyon. Only trilobites, coral, and other small primitive creatures can be found there. No dinosaurs, no mammoths, no humans, nothing bigger than very small fish. This fits in perfectly with the known age of the canyon's formation. If this happened only a few thousand years ago then all kinds of fossils would be found there. But they're not

Oh well, Kdall, we know that Carbon-14 has flaws, so I don't trust it, iron-57, or uranium-328, to be honest. I trust that God could have created an older earth, just like He did with Adam being an older man that a teenager. God created man in His image. The animals also were not created as young babies. The chicken were created instead of eggs being created. So now you know, the chicken came before the egg. Just in case someone asks you, "What came first, the chicken or the egg?" Now you know. Who else could have answered that question? I know only because I've been taught by the Lord and by angels.

Thanks so much for posting, Kdall!! God did not create man half a million years ago. No way. But it is written in Genesis that God created man a few days after He created the Universe and the Earth. So go figure. I am not basing dates on the half-lives of certain elements. There is no telling whether the sediment layers are correct or whether certain factors played havoc with the elements, like carbon, iron, or uranium.

We'll find out when Lord Jesus returns for sure. We shall meet our maker, Lord God, and we can ask Him. From what I understand, Armageddon shall be soon.

Much Love, In Christ,


:guitar: :angel:


Well-known member
To my mind Michael, Stripe is rarely right about anything, but then I'm not a Christian fundamentalist creationist.

You seem to care a lot for everyone, I really don't know how you do it. :)

It's a facade. He is a two face liar.


To my mind Michael, Stripe is rarely right about anything, but then I'm not a Christian fundamentalist creationist.

You seem to care a lot for everyone, I really don't know how you do it. :)

Dear Alwight,

I care about most everyone. They are my brothers and sisters descended from Noah and his wife, and kids. I love them. Now there are some who are the best favorites, like you and 6days. I think I might have a big heart considering what you say. Well, thank you for saying so. I'm so grateful!!

To One Hell Of A Guy!!!


:guitar: :singer:



It's a facade. He is a two face liar.

Dear noguru,

It's not a facade. I've already told you that I love all of my brethren, female and male, as they are descended from Noah and his wife, just like me. I do have my limitations though, like many have WAYS that I don't like. So, don't worry. You don't know the real me at all. And you haven't spent much time to find out regardless. If God loves everyone, why shouldn't I? Even though I falter compared to Him by far, I still try to listen to my heart about others.



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

It's not a facade. I've already told you that I love all of my brethren, female and male, as they are descended from Noah and his wife, just like me. I do have my limitations though, like many have WAYS that I don't like. So, don't worry. You don't know the real me at all. And you haven't spent much time to find out regardless. If God loves everyone, why shouldn't I? Even though I falter compared to Him by far, I still try to listen to my heart about others.


You don't know what love is. I do not trust your concept of love. Your love is a kind of poison that cannot survive in the light. Therefore it is fraudulent.

I know you from the things you post on this site. If you do not mean them to be descriptive of your character then why do you post them?


You don't know what love is. I do not trust your concept of love. Your love is a kind of poison that cannot survive in the light. Therefore it is fraudulent.

I know you from the things you post on this site. If you do not mean them to be descriptive of your character then why do you post them?

Dear noguru,

Who died and make you an expert on love?? I can see from your posts that you're lacking in that dept. So quit with your, 'my love can't survive the light and it's fraudulent.' Haha! Very funny!

Ask friends of mine whom I do love, which are many, and they know my love is real and true. You are the one who needs some lessons, noguru, and you are not very endearing right now, either. I do still love the real you, but I'm not happy about your ways right now. A father's love is unconditional, despite he may have to spank his kid sometimes. It's to teach that child right from wrong. I still love Stripe too, but I certainly don't like what he just did to me. I will not bother him anymore because that is what he asks. I guess I didn't know the real him after all. What a surprise!!!



Dear alwight,

So much happening so fast. Is Stuu still with us? I don't see his name anywhere. Did he take a vacation? I don't know how else to get a hold of him. He maybe wanted a sabbatical or so. Do you know what happened?

Cheerio Mate!!

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