Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear Alwight,

I care about most everyone. They are my brothers and sisters descended from Noah and his wife, and kids. I love them. Now there are some who are the best favorites, like you and 6days. I think I might have a big heart considering what you say. Well, thank you for saying so. I'm so grateful!!

To One Hell Of A Guy!!!


:guitar: :singer:

You do realise that I still think you're bonkers Michael?
That isn't meant to be nasty in any way but you might want to try being somewhat more self critical about what you believe to be true and also rather more selectively critical of others.

Stuu has been banned again, check the Woodshed.


You do realise that I still think you're bonkers Michael?
That isn't meant to be nasty in any way but you might want to try being somewhat more self critical about what you believe to be true and also rather more selectively critical of others.

Stuu has been banned again, check the Woodshed.

Perhaps, alwight. I will be more careful in the future.


:angel: :cloud9:


Me. It is my life. I can make decisions and determine the value of things I see in my life.


That doesn't make you an authority on how much love is in other people's hearts. You are not Dr. Joyce Brothers. I believe that Jesus' second coming will be soon and that Armageddon will be before the end of this year. I don't say that I know the Day and Hour. I don't even know the week or month. But I can see the evidence ALL OVER in front of me and also hear what has been said to me. How's that hit you?


I think you should just "pack it in, and buy a pick, take it down to LA..."

Out on The Weekend

So you know how to post music now, eh?? That is a good thing to know. But the song you picked for me, I am not familiar with, even though I do like Neil Young's Harvest album. I also like Jethro Tull's Aquaman. I believe it's on Thick As A Brick.

Noguru, I don't need to pack it in and buy a pick. I already own a lot of picks and a 12-string guitar, and a $500 stage amp which kicks butt, and I used to sing in three different states: Michigan, Florida and New York City. My stage fright was too much, so I quit doing it. The audiences told me I was really good. Ah well, that was many years ago.


Well-known member
That doesn't make you an authority on how much love is in other people's hearts.

Introspection helps one to understand one's self. Understanding one's self is key to understanding others. Your love is "fluff" and "nice" words. I do not think love is all "nice" words and "fluff". It is about courage, accuracy and integrity. Which are things you lack, based on your meanderings here.

You are not Dr. Joyce Brothers.

You are correct. I am not. I do not need to be. Human behavior and attitude is there for all of us to acknowledge.


Introspection helps one to understand one's self. Understanding one's self is key to understanding others. Your love is "fluff" and "nice" words. I do not think love is all "nice" words and "fluff". It is about courage, accuracy and integrity. Which are things you lack, based on your meanderings here.

I understand myself just fine noguru. I've gone through A LOT in life and I'm still standing. My love is not fluff or nice words. There is a big heart behind all of my words. I detest flattery and will not put up with it. I will leave flattery to the antichrist. I do not lack courage, accuracy or integrity either. You just want to say I do because you like to speak down to people. You lack self-control yourself and I haven't seen much love emanating from you whatsoever, the whole time I've known you. I do not want to sit and tell you all the negative things about yourself, so don't cajole me into it.

You don't know how many very close friends I have and we've been friends for 40 some years. We're not fair-weather friends either. We are real, true friends. I've had that in my life. Have you? I've loved someone so much that I would die in their place. Have you?

You are correct. I am not. I do not need to be. Human behavior and attitude is there for all of us to acknowledge.

Well, why don't you work on your behavior and attitude. I'd go for it if I were you.



Well-known member
I understand myself just fine noguru. I've gone through A LOT in life and I'm still standing. My love is not fluff or nice words. There is a big heart behind all of my words. I detest flattery and will not put up with it. I will leave flattery to the antichrist. I do not lack courage, accuracy or integrity either. You just want to say I do because you like to speak down to people. You lack self-control yourself and I haven't seen much love emanating from you whatsoever, the whole time I've known you. I do not want to sit and tell you all the negative things about yourself, so don't cajole me into it.

You don't know how many very close friends I have and we've been friends for 40 some years. We're not fair-weather friends either. We are real, true friends. I've had that in my life. Have you? I've loved someone so much that I would die in their place. Have you?

Well, why don't you work on your behavior and attitude. I'd go for it if I were you.


Michael, you completely miss the point again. My criticism are of your attempts to report scientific understanding. You lack courage and integrity which is key to an accurate understanding. I'm not going to keep going over this. But you make repeated errors in regard to science and will never admit that nor correct them. Your attitude towards science is whimsical and not based on hard evidence. Sincere and rigorous analysis of science is a duty to yourself and others if you want to be taken seriously on science. Without an accurate view from this there is no "love" for you or anyone else. Why don't you try to change that?

What exactly is it about my attitude that disappoints you? Are your criticisms valid (a detailed and accurate explanation is needed, not just a vague affirmative response)? You are free to say all the negatives you choose about me. It does not make them accurate just because you say them. You really need to support your claims.
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Michael, you completely miss the point again. My criticism are of your attempts to report scientific understanding. You lack courage and integrity which is key to an accurate understanding. I'm not going to keep going over this. But you make repeated errors in regard to science and will never admit that nor correct them. Your attitude towards science is whimsical and not based on hard evidence. Sincere and rigorous analysis of science is a duty to yourself and others if you want to be taken seriously on science. Without an accurate view from this there is no "love" for you or anyone else. Why don't you try to change that?

Dear noguru,

I asked about C-14 dating, and iron-57 and uranium-328 dating, and how accurate are they. I posted a short article on it here on this thread, I believe. I know that C-14 has it's problems with dating anything older than 100,000 years, right? But considering all of the variables, like earthquakes, a global flood, etc., that could change the outcome of C-14 dating. The article says so.

Don't tell me there is no love for me or anyone else based on a scientific question. That is ridiculous. There is the first point I'd like to make about you.

What exactly is it about my attitude that disappoints you? Are your criticisms valid (a detailed and accurate explanation is needed, not just a vague affirmative response)? You are free to say all the negatives you choose about me. It does not make them accurate just because you say them. You really need to support your claims.

Your attitude is usually always negative. You have a short fuse with anyone who doesn't see it your way. You lack patience. You judge unfairly and exceedingly. That's about it without going into anything else. Oh, I also don't see a great pouring out of LOVE from you.

Well, that's it. You asked me. And I know you disagree with everything I've said. You don't see how you are because you are yourself.

God's Best For You, Anyways,




Dear noguru,

Here is a copy of my post to 6days regarding dating methods of carbon, iron, and uranium. Please see the following quote:

"Carbon dating relies on the hypothesis that the date of decay for the element carbon-14 is constant and has remained throughout time. However, this may not be the case and there is evidence to support the opposite case. Using iron-57 and isotopes of uranium-238 experiments have demonstrated that rates of decay not only can vary, they do. Even changing environmental conditions can alter rates of decay.

Carbon dating relies on the assumption that carbon-14 formation remained constant over the years. However, we know that carbon-12 formation was changed by human intervention. The industrial revolution increased carbon-12 concentrations. There is reason to believe that atomic bomb testing carried out in the 1950s may not only have increased neutrons in the surrounding area, but worldwide, causing a change in carbon-14 concentrations. Some scientists now believe that a worldwide flood did occur (similar to the one mentioned in countless religious texts). This would have impacted vegetation and impacted at least carbon-12 and perhaps carbon-14." › Sciences › Physics

Please tell me what you think. Do you understand this? This alludes to a worldwide flood also. How can I trust iron-57 or uranium-238 dating for sure also. Who is to say it will not be proven wrong later on down the line??

God Grant You Serenity And Much Love,

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New member
You don't know what love is. I do not trust your concept of love. Your love is a kind of poison that cannot survive in the light. Therefore it is fraudulent.

I know you from the things you post on this site. If you do not mean them to be descriptive of your character then why do you post them?

Here is advice. Stop now. You are dialing in. He will never, ever, give into the truth.


Here is advice. Stop now. You are dialing in. He will never, ever, give into the truth.

Yes, rogueone, you were spewing things about the whore in Rev. that were untrue, and I put you in check, and that is why you are against me now. You're still no closer in knowing which city is spiritually like Babylon. I always give in, if it's the real truth. Try speaking it sometime, rougueone. This site sometimes draws out the undesirables.



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

Don't tell me there is no love for me or anyone else based on a scientific question. That is ridiculous. There is the first point I'd like to make about you.

The way we approach life is indicative of our inner state. Our ability to squarely face the reality around us has much to do with our inner well being. Low self esteem means an inability to face reality squarely and so we develop diversionary tactics and fantasy scenarios. This is the last I will post about you.

There but for the grace of God,
Go I.

The Barbarian

Carbon dating relies on the hypothesis that the date of decay for the element carbon-14 is constant and has remained throughout time. However, this may not be the case and there is evidence to support the opposite case.

Let's set aside the fact that C-14 dating is not used by paleontologists because the half-life is too short to be of any use to them. ( creationists are always incredulous when they learn this, but it's true ) But it is a testable claim. It turns out that the real variation in C-14 dates is not the half-life (which no one has so far been able to alter even with the huge temperatures and pressures that work for some other elements) but the amount forming in the atmosphere, which does vary.

Hence the calibration done by using lake varves. Varves are a particular kind of lamina that form two per year in some lakes. One light layer, one dark layer. So, it's easy to get a core, and analyze the varves by C-14 to see how accurate a simple decay model would be.


Pretty well, as it turns out. But the calibration, which takes into account small variations in cosmic rays that form C-14, is being used to refine the dates.

Again, none of that has the slightest effect on paleontology.

Using iron-57 and isotopes of uranium-238 experiments have demonstrated that rates of decay not only can vary, they do.

Show us that. So far, the variations reported for uranium are at most, a few percent, and none that I've seen so far have been reproduced by other studies.

Carbon dating relies on the assumption that carbon-14 formation remained constant over the years. However, we know that carbon-12 formation was changed by human intervention. The industrial revolution increased carbon-12 concentrations. There is reason to believe that atomic bomb testing carried out in the 1950s may not only have increased neutrons in the surrounding area, but worldwide, causing a change in carbon-14 concentrations. Some scientists now believe that a worldwide flood did occur (similar to the one mentioned in countless religious texts). This would have impacted vegetation and impacted at least carbon-12 and perhaps carbon-14."

See above. Already detected and adjusted for. And as you just learned, C-14 is not used by paleontologists.


New member
Barbarian said:
Let's set aside the fact that C-14 dating is not used by paleontologists because the half-life is too short to

Evolutionists love circular reasoning. Most paleontologists reject C-14 because it doesnt agree with their long age belief system.

The Barbarian

Let's see...
"Metallurgists love circular reasoning. They reject candy thermometers for testing blast furnaces, because it doesn't agree with their high temperature belief system."

"Astronomers love circular reasoning. They reject yardsticks for measuring the distances between stars because it doesn't agree with their light-year belief system."

"Fire investigators love circular reasoning. They reject magical spells as causes for house fires, because it doesn't agree with their forensic belief system."


In fact, as you learned from the post above, we can directly calibrate the rate of C-14 decay by using lake varves of known age.


Evolutionists love circular reasoning. Most paleontologists reject C-14 because it doesnt agree with their long age belief system.

C-14 has a half-life of 5,730 years. Therefore the absolute maximum age of any sample dated with this technique is 100,000 years.

Dinosaurs died out 65,000,000 years ago. Paleontologists can't possibly use it for their work. They don't reject it. Don't blatantly lie

The Barbarian

C-14 has a half-life of 5,730 years. Therefore the absolute maximum age of any sample dated with this technique is 100,000 years.

Dinosaurs died out 65,000,000 years ago. Paleontologists can't possibly use it for their work. They don't reject it. Don't blatantly lie

Creationists love circular reasoning. They reject physics and science because it doesn't agree with their newly-invented YEC belief system.
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