ECT Are we born sinless? Pelagianism and semi-pelagianism


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I went back and found it. I dismissed no verses but offered perspective that comes from all scripture instead of "some" scripture. We see this occur with the Torah continually. Which... Genesis is part of.

I agree to disagree, as well. You've been putting scripture in conflict with itself quite a bit and I haven't ceased debate. Let the record show that the sailor didn't throw his sucker in the dirt and walk off like the marine.


All Grace and Peace,

- EE

What you call perspective I call spin !

Let the record show the Marine believes the scripture as it is written and does not take scripture out of context to fit his own opinions.



What you call perspective I call spin !

Let the record show the Marine believes the scripture as it is written and does not take scripture out of context to fit his own opinions.

Let the record show what Dodge is calling a spin.

1. Satan is the originator of sin
2. Pride is the first sin
3. Eve was deceived
4. Adam was bound to Eve as Jesus binds Himself to us
5. Adam willingly partook of death because he Loved Eve and didn't want to Live without her
6. Jesus defeated Satan who sinned against God by deceiving Eve to imbibe in "the Law", which Satan could then use to enforce physical death upon mankind through mankind's imperfection by the Morally Perfect Standards of God. (1 Co. 15:55f; Heb. 2:14)
7. That Eve was Bone of Adams Bone and Flesh of His flesh who Adam would "leave his Father for" and cling to, which was a prophecy of The Son coming to us.
8. That Love should be taken into account in the Eden account
9. That we are responsible for our own Spiritual Death (Blindness) by our own sin.
10. That we are born into "corruption" just as Adam and Eve were, because Creation is permitted to choose and chooses badly... I.E. corruption entered the Garden via Satan.
11. It is not okay to blame our bad choices on Adam and suggest we are doomed to sin because of Adam, instead of admit that only God can wield Good while having the knowledge of good and evil and judge correctly.
12. Humility is the cornerstone of all Relationship with God.
13. Paul and Peter link Adams Self Sacrifice to Christ's self sacrifice.
14. God is Love and Adam and Eve represent God's Love for us.
15. The list goes on....

Nice "Dodge"... Dodge!

The post where Dodge started dodging Evil.Eye.<(I)>

Thank you I was distracted when I posted the sin nature comes through Adam and Jesus had an earthly mother NOT an earthly Father, and there was a reason for that.

I know you revere the very WORD of God and HIS Scripture, thus I was certain this was the case.

There was a reason Jesus had no earthly father.

God Fathered God. This is the very "reason". The Sin that is "passed" down idea is Augustine and not scriptural. God made us equal to Him as His "children" of "His Body", but the Patriarchal tradition in scripture is specifically to show us our "Not Like God" place and equality existing only through Love likened to intimacy that is beyond the consummation of a marriage.

I cannot emphasize how Calvinist and Augustine the idea is that we are imputed with "Adam's" sin or "sin nature". We make mistakes... God doesn't. That's the actual truth of the matter. We are not and never will be "like God".

Even though man is born with a sin nature there is still no real excuse ! Scripture says every man is drawn away through his "own" lust and when lust conceives it produces sin and sin produces death.....Where id man's lust come from I would argue it comes from his sinful nature.

In other words... the extra biblical concept of imputed sin and "sin nature, can go out the window and all is well in Jesus land. You see it... I can tell you see it.

Jesus was truly man without a sin nature just as Adam was showing that Adam chose to disobey God He did NOT have to sin.

If He was tempted in every manner we were tempted in scripture... this is misleading. What if I say...

Our 5 Star General gave each of us a shot to recognize that He deserved His supreme Authority, or challenge it and from the first Angel to the Last Human... none have "measured up". Would that be "fair" to say? Same rules... same playing field... Only ONE could Draw "Excalibur".

That is making an excuse to sin. Adam disobeyed God period.

So admitting that I have free will and screw up is making an "excuse for sin", while saying God "imputed" a Sin nature through Adam or I "inherited" a "sin nature" from Adam and can't help but sin isn't?

Did you ever tell your Drill instructor that you couldn't make your bunk properly because your Great-Great Grand Father couldn't make his bunk properly, thus you have a propensity to screw up your bunk?

How would that have gone?

Yes, I have read and prayed over the analogy of the bronze serpent many times.
Bottom line of the analogy is look to Jesus for forgiveness as they looked to the bronze serpent to be healed we look to Jesus and only Jesus to be saved from the sting and poison of sin.

Aha! AMEN.... :thumb: Fully Agree! Only One "Bright" ... and TRUE... "NORTH". We can either pull our compass and map out and measure the Klicks out for ourselves, or we can accept that "He" alone made it through this "Jungle" for us.

I dealt with all of that at the foot of the cross in 1978.

Amen and Praise Jesus! Hoo Yah! Well... ya know I shouldn't be saying Hoo Rah... but... didn't we both have the same insignia's on our pay-stubs? :D

Why was Jesus born without an earthly Father ? Surely there was a reason !

Only God can Father God. We addressed this earlier.

That death thingy came from Adam how do you explain that death is a result of sin. Even though babies die never having sinned ?

Aha... Now you speak of "Physical" death. Is this not the result of us being "Like God", thanks to the old Dragon's excellent (severe sarcasm) suggestion. He's that one guy in the ranks that screws it up for everyone! The old Dragon is essentially Full Metal Jacket's Pyle, eating a jelly donut while we all suffer!

offered the forbidden fruit to Adam and he ate HE DID NOT HAVE TO. You are placing the blame on Satan when it was Adam who DISOBEYED God.

I believe that Adam didn't want to live without Eve and took on her "Sin" in a literal fashion, while a very SUPER DUPER SQUARED AWAY SOLDIER ... Aced the coarse and then imputed HIS SUCCESS in place of "EVERYONE" else's Failures and sniped the Alpha TARGET in the progress (Heb. 2:14). Do I get points for literary creativity yet and does not the Groom "Lay" his life down for the "Bride"... per scripture, while the instigator of the conflict is FOOBARed and DOA?

Satan tempted Eve she chose to disobey God she did NOT have to. Eve gave the forbidden fruit to Adam and he chose to sin. Satan tempted Eve and Adam disobeyed.

Eve was "seduced" into feeling "lacking". Again... Did Adam think "Eve" was "lacking"? I'm fairly certain the whole cloths thing upset him in the long run. Just saying... Does not scripture say this.... (1 Peter 3:7)? Does it not also say this... (Eph. 5:25)? Do you really want to take the (1 John 4:8) and the (1 Cor. 13) out of the matter?

Can you think of a more God defining Statement than God is Love that makes the (John 5:39) of the matter even more clear in the Creation account? Christology... Christology... Christology!

We sin because that is our nature to sin but we are responsible because of our nature that is what we chose to do.

That's odd... because as long as I have known better, I do it because I willingly screw up and then reap the consequences which usually suck! As in... sin... in and of itself is an empty pursuit, but we aren't GOD and Sin is actually "Missing the Mark", so in reality... we were born different from God and always will be, because God never desired to "Marry" a "Clone" of "Himself". Does that make sense?

We agree Jesus is the only propitiation there is no other.

Well Amen to that! This is imperative and binds us as brethren in Him with the afforded enjoyment of discussing differing theological perspectives.

Like the experience of Adam disobeying God and with that experience would have been trapped in living in sin had God not covered him with animal skins.

I could push this point to say that God covered up the most beautiful things He had ever formed and was disgusted that Satan caused Adam and Eve to be ASHAMED of HIS Workmanship...

But... I mainly want to point out that you are looking at the "Flesh" of Adam and Eve and not their "Hearts". We can do this as we have All Scripture and on top of it... (1 Cor. 2:16, 1 John 4:8 and 1 Cor. 13)... but that's just me. Is the disobedience the "important" part? Or is the message of Love the important part?

Little children, I shall be with you a little while longer. You will seek Me; and as I said to the Jews, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come,’ so now I say to you. 34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”​

Again why do you suppose Jesus had no earthly Father there was a reason otherwise God what purpose did that serve ?

Again... Only God can Beget God. As for the "Flesh" of the matter... God is no cheater. I genuinely believe that He walked as a 100 percent Man, just like scripture says, because He alone can "Walk" Righteously and Good without screwing up. If any other being was "Perfect like God"... they would "Be God". And alas... since that whole "Be like God" ego trip of the Dragon didn't work out so well, I'm fairly certain the fate of anyone else who tries it will end up similar.

He alone is Holy and righteous.

Amen Dodge! Amen!

P.S. Dodge... (1 Pt. 4:8). But hey... who uses scripture to discern scripture?!? :idunno:
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What was the condition of the nephilim toddlers?

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You are aware that the hyphen in the book of Job in the matter of the words "Sons of God" and the usage of the word "nephilim" as giant in the case of Goliath makes the usage of the book of Enoch kind of lame in discussion... right?

It's one of those matters that really shouldn't be used for doctrine.
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Evil.Eye.<(I)>;4992207]Let the record show what Dodge is calling a spin.

1. Satan is the originator of sin

Satan tempted but Adam sinned.

2. Pride is the first sin

Disobedience to God's command was the sin the reason is immaterial.

3. Eve was deceived


4. Adam was bound to Eve as Jesus binds Himself to us

While true it is immaterial Adam disobeyed God.

5. Adam willingly partook of death because he Loved Eve and didn't want to Live without her

While true it is immaterial Adam disobeyed God.[/B
6. Jesus defeated Satan who sinned against God by deceiving Eve to imbibe in "the Law", which Satan could then use to enforce physical death upon mankind through mankind's imperfection by the Morally Perfect Standards of God. (1 Co. 15:55f; Heb. 2:14)

Does NOT change the fact that Adam disobeyed God.

7. That Eve was Bone of Adams Bone and Flesh of His flesh who Adam would "leave his Father for" and cling to, which was a prophecy of The Son coming to us.

Bad analogy Adam was barred from the tree of life after he disobeyed God.

8. That Love should be taken into account in the Eden account

So Adam's love for Eve made it OK to disobey God ?
9. That we are responsible for our own Spiritual Death (Blindness) by our own sin.

David said he was shaped in iniquity and born into sin.

10. That we are born into "corruption" just as Adam and Eve were, because Creation is permitted to choose and chooses badly... I.E. corruption entered the Garden via Satan.

Which was not possible without Adam's disobedience.

11. It is not okay to blame our bad choices on Adam and suggest we are doomed to sin because of Adam, instead of admit that only God can wield Good while having the knowledge of good and evil and judge correctly.

Those that place their faith in Jesus are recovered from the fall they inherited in Adam.
In Adam all die and in Jesus all live.

12. Humility is the cornerstone of all Relationship with God.

True God resits the proud.

13. Paul and Peter link Adams Self Sacrifice to Christ's self sacrifice.

Adam is a type who failed while Jesus over came every temptation, which Adam COULD have done.

In ADAM all die !

14. God is Love and Adam and Eve represent God's Love for us.

God showed His love for Adam and Eve by warning them of the dangers in the forbidden tree ! They disobeyed God and HE still showed them love by covering them in skins.

15. The list goes on....

Yes it does even the ones you spin making excuses why Adam failed God.

Nice "Dodge"... Dodge!

What is the point of beating a dead horse. YOU excuse everything of any importance based on your opinions NOT scripture ?

The post where Dodge started dodging Evil.Eye.<(I)>

Go back and read Genesis 3 again without your preconceived opinions and let the scripture say what it means and mean what it says.


I know you revere the very WORD of God and HIS Scripture, thus I was certain this was the case.

Correct the twisting and taking out of context of scripture because I don't want something to be true is not the way to approach the creator of life and learn anything.

God Fathered God. This is the very "reason". The Sin that is "passed" down idea is Augustine and not scriptural. God made us equal to Him as His "children" of "His Body", but the Patriarchal tradition in scripture is specifically to show us our "Not Like God" place and equality existing only through Love likened to intimacy that is beyond the consummation of a marriage.

The Holy Spirit over shadowed Mary to break the curse of Adam passed on Adam's progeny.

I cannot emphasize how Calvinist and Augustine the idea is that we are imputed with "Adam's" sin or "sin nature". We make mistakes... God doesn't. That's the actual truth of the matter. We are not and never will be "like God".

Nope , it is neither it is scripture.

In other words... the extra biblical concept of imputed sin.

You mean the one in the bible !

If He was tempted in every manner we were tempted in scripture... this is misleading. What if I say...

Our 5 Star General gave each of us a shot to recognize that He deserved His supreme Authority, or challenge it and from the first Angel to the Last Human... none have "measured up". Would that be "fair" to say? Same rules... same playing field... Only ONE could Draw "Excalibur".

If ? don't you mean since He was tempted in every way ?

So admitting that I have free will and screw up is making an "excuse for sin", while saying God "imputed" a Sin nature through Adam or I "inherited" a "sin nature" from Adam and can't help but sin isn't?

Your free will will, without Jesus leading,will lead you to sin EVERY TIME and there is a reason for that you ignore.

Did you ever tell your Drill instructor that you couldn't make your bunk properly because your Great-Great Grand Father couldn't make his bunk properly, thus you have a propensity to screw up your bunk?

Humanizing ! Not even close to truth.

How would that have gone?

Probably 400 or 500 push ups.

I never dodge the truth you are not teaching the truth of scripture your opinion yes scripture no.


New member
Evil.Eye.<(I)>;4992207]Let the record show what Dodge is calling a spin.

1. Satan is the originator of sin

YOUR problem seems to be you think Satan ate off of the tree instead of Adam !

Where exactly in scripture does it say "in Satan all die" ?

I can give you the scripture that says "in Adam all die".


YOUR problem seems to be you think Satan ate off of the tree instead of Adam !

Lies and Shenanigans. Your problem is that you have no good answer for anything I have just said, thus you are avoiding a direct answer or resorting to twist the actual matter that I am expressing.

You are now officially out of gas and without scriptural rebuke. Your misrepresentation of what I have spelled out over 5 meticulous OPs is noted. You are literally lying about what I am saying.

But... If you want to take the (Love)God out of your doctrine... that's your prerogative.

Quit rattling of dismissal and false assertions of what I am saying; when, in reality, you are speechless and in scriptural check mate. Either answer my post line by line or... "Shut your trap".

With Sincerity,



Let the record show
what Dodge is calling a spin.

1. Satan is the originator of sin

Satan tempted but Adam sinned.

2. Pride is the first sin

Disobedience to God's command was the sin the reason is immaterial.

3. Eve was deceived


4. Adam was bound to Eve as Jesus binds Himself to us

While true it is immaterial Adam disobeyed God.

5. Adam willingly partook of death because he Loved Eve and didn't want to Live without her

While true it is immaterial Adam disobeyed God.[/B

Does NOT change the fact that Adam disobeyed God.

Bad analogy Adam was barred from the tree of life after he disobeyed God.

8. That Love should be taken into account in the Eden account

So Adam's love for Eve made it OK to disobey God ?

David said he was shaped in iniquity and born into sin.

Which was not possible without Adam's disobedience.

True God resits the proud.

Adam is a type who failed while Jesus over came every temptation, which Adam COULD have done.

In ADAM all die !

God showed His love for Adam and Eve by warning them of the dangers in the forbidden tree ! They disobeyed God and HE still showed them love by covering them in skins.

Yes it does even the ones you spin making excuses why Adam failed God.

What is the point of beating a dead horse. YOU excuse everything of any importance based on your opinions NOT scripture ?

Go back and read Genesis 3 again without your preconceived opinions and let the scripture say what it means and mean what it says.

Correct the twisting and taking out of context of scripture because I don't want something to be true is not the way to approach the creator of life and learn anything.

The Holy Spirit over shadowed Mary to break the curse of Adam passed on Adam's progeny.

Nope , it is neither it is scripture.

You mean the one in the bible !

If ? don't you mean since He was tempted in every way ?

Your free will will, without Jesus leading,will lead you to sin EVERY TIME and there is a reason for that you ignore.

Humanizing ! Not even close to truth.

Probably 400 or 500 push ups.

I never dodge the truth you are not teaching the truth of scripture your opinion yes scripture no.

Your answers are devoid of scriptural support. Well written, and fun to read... but you're out of gas. You're now at the borders of your doctrinal wonderland.

- EE

1 Peter 4:8 decimates every dismissal you have written here.

My "preconceived" ideas are drawn from the New Testament... Tell me again how we shouldn't use the New Testament when reading the "Old Testament"? I'm waiting breathlessly.



New member
Lies and Shenanigans. Your problem is that you have no good answer for anything I have just said, thus you are avoiding a direct answer or resorting to twist the actual matter that I am expressing.

You are now officially out of gas and without scriptural rebuke. Your misrepresentation of what I have spelled out over 5 meticulous OPs is noted. You are literally lying about what I am saying.

But... If you want to take the (Love)God out of your doctrine... that's your prerogative.

Quit rattling of dismissal and false assertions of what I am saying; when, in reality, you are speechless and in scriptural check mate. Either answer my post line by line or... "Shut your trap".

With Sincerity,


I see with all the distraction you never provided a verse that says in "Satan all die " ! I can provide the verse that says in "Adam all die ".

Sin did not enter the world "until" Adam disobeyed God.

Your line of reasoning has check mated your brain you cannot see the forest for the trees.


I see with all the distraction you never provided a verse that says in "Satan all die " ! I can provide the verse that says in "Adam all die ".

Sin did not enter the world "until" Adam disobeyed God.

Your line of reasoning has check mated your brain you cannot see the forest for the trees.

Heb. 2:14 and 1 Co. 15:55f

Like 1000 times... WHO Had the "Power" of death in the passage and WHO did God defeat?

Are you seriously even reading what I write?

I don't even know what its called when someone is grossly checkmated and keeps on trying to play. :idunno:

Look... John 8:44 even shows the headship of the matter. Want some more like it? I can produce them.


New member
Evil.Eye.<(I)>;4992232]Your answers are devoid of scriptural support. Well written, and fun to read... but you're out of gas. You're now at the borders of your doctrinal wonderland.

All you have are distortions and rejection of what the scriptures actually says and teaches !

One has to ignore and reject a whole lot of scripture to end up where your ilk has landed.


All you have are distortions and rejection of what the scriptures actually says and teaches !

One has to ignore and reject a whole lot of scripture to end up where your ilk has landed.

Oh... Okay... I have an idea... I'll link all 5 of my OP's that you can't even touch and are full of scripture.

Here... I link some scripture for you BRB

Scriptural List
Core Scriptures
(The Deceiver) Revelation 12:9; For all the “Nay Sayers” that want to take the devil out of the doctrine… note that you are denying “SCRIPTURE” that spans from Genesis to Revelation… and… that’s not a good idea!
John 12:31; Luke 10:18; 2 Cor. 4:4; John 8:44; Rev. 20:10; Rev. 20:2-3; Rev. 12:3; 1 John 5:19; 1 Pet. 5:8; 2 Thes. 2:9f, 11; 2 Co. 11:3; Gen. 3:1; Rm. 16:20; John 16:11; John 14:30; Luke 13:16; Mt. 25:41; Mt. 4:10; Is. 14:12; Rv. 19:20; Rv. 18:23; Rv. 18:2; Rv. 16:14; Rv. 12:7; Rv. 9:20; Rv. 2:24; Jd. 1:9; 1 John 3:8-10; Heb. 2:14; 2 Tim. 3:13; 1 Tim. 3:6-7; 1 Tim. 2:14; 2 Thes. 2:3; Eph. 4:14; 2 Cor. 12:7; 2 Cor. 11:14; 2 Co. 2:11; Rm. 16:18; Acts 26:18; Acts 5:3; Luke 22:31; Luke 22:3; Luke 8:12; Mt. 24:24; Mt. 13:39; Mt. 4:8; Mt. 4:5; Mt. 4:1; Zech. 3:1f; Ezek. 28:16; Is. 27:1; Ps. 109:5; Job 2:1-2; Job 1:6f, 8f, 10f, 12; 1 Chr. 21:1; Gen. 3:13; Gen. 3:4f;

(The Deceived) 1 Tim. 2:14; Gen. 3:6; Gen. 3:13; 2 Cor. 11:3; 1 Thes. 3:5; Rev. 12:15

(The Heart Broken Groom of Self-Sacrifice) Rm. 8:2; Rm. 5:14; John 6:57; John 5:21; Gen. 2:7; Gen. 2:23; Gen. 2:24; Eph. 5:30; Eph. 5:25; Mt. 19:3f, 5f, 7f, 9; Eph. 5:28f, 30f; 1 Co. 6:16f; 1 Co. 7:10f; 1 Pt. 3:1f, 3f, 5f, 7; 1 Co. 7:2f, 4; Rm. 7:2; Pr. 31:10; Pr. 12:4; 1 Tim. 5:14; Acts 11:23; Joshua 23:8; Dt. 4:4; Lev. 22:12f; Gn. 31:14f, Gn. 24:58f;

(Love Trumps ALL) John 15:13; 1 John 2:7; 3:11; Lev. 19:18; 2 John 1:5f; Mk. 12:29f, 31f, 33f, 35f; Gal. 5:13f; Rm. 13:8f, 10; Mt. 22:37f, 39f; 1 John 3:23; 1 John 2:24; James 2:8f, 10f, 12; Mt. 5:43; Dt. 6:5; Lev. 19:34


TOL Subscriber
Heb. 2:14 and 1 Co. 15:55f

Like 1000 times... WHO Had the "Power" of death in the passage and WHO did God defeat?

Are you seriously even reading what I write?

I don't even know what its called when someone is grossly checkmated and keeps on trying to play. :idunno:

The only "power" of Satan is deception.

The sovereign power of Christ is Truth.

The former temporal; the latter eternal.

Apples and oranges.

Your dualism brings too much attention and focus upon Satan, who is only a creature, after all.


TOL Subscriber
Oh... Okay... I have an idea... I'll link all 5 of my OP's that you can't even touch and are full of scripture.

Here... I link some scripture for you BRB

Scriptural List
Core Scriptures
(The Deceiver) Revelation 12:9; For all the “Nay Sayers” that want to take the devil out of the doctrine… note that you are denying “SCRIPTURE” that spans from Genesis to Revelation… and… that’s not a good idea!
John 12:31; Luke 10:18; 2 Cor. 4:4; John 8:44; Rev. 20:10; Rev. 20:2-3; Rev. 12:3; 1 John 5:19; 1 Pet. 5:8; 2 Thes. 2:9f, 11; 2 Co. 11:3; Gen. 3:1; Rm. 16:20; John 16:11; John 14:30; Luke 13:16; Mt. 25:41; Mt. 4:10; Is. 14:12; Rv. 19:20; Rv. 18:23; Rv. 18:2; Rv. 16:14; Rv. 12:7; Rv. 9:20; Rv. 2:24; Jd. 1:9; 1 John 3:8-10; Heb. 2:14; 2 Tim. 3:13; 1 Tim. 3:6-7; 1 Tim. 2:14; 2 Thes. 2:3; Eph. 4:14; 2 Cor. 12:7; 2 Cor. 11:14; 2 Co. 2:11; Rm. 16:18; Acts 26:18; Acts 5:3; Luke 22:31; Luke 22:3; Luke 8:12; Mt. 24:24; Mt. 13:39; Mt. 4:8; Mt. 4:5; Mt. 4:1; Zech. 3:1f; Ezek. 28:16; Is. 27:1; Ps. 109:5; Job 2:1-2; Job 1:6f, 8f, 10f, 12; 1 Chr. 21:1; Gen. 3:13; Gen. 3:4f;

(The Deceived) 1 Tim. 2:14; Gen. 3:6; Gen. 3:13; 2 Cor. 11:3; 1 Thes. 3:5; Rev. 12:15

(The Heart Broken Groom of Self-Sacrifice) Rm. 8:2; Rm. 5:14; John 6:57; John 5:21; Gen. 2:7; Gen. 2:23; Gen. 2:24; Eph. 5:30; Eph. 5:25; Mt. 19:3f, 5f, 7f, 9; Eph. 5:28f, 30f; 1 Co. 6:16f; 1 Co. 7:10f; 1 Pt. 3:1f, 3f, 5f, 7; 1 Co. 7:2f, 4; Rm. 7:2; Pr. 31:10; Pr. 12:4; 1 Tim. 5:14; Acts 11:23; Joshua 23:8; Dt. 4:4; Lev. 22:12f; Gn. 31:14f, Gn. 24:58f;

(Love Trumps ALL) John 15:13; 1 John 2:7; 3:11; Lev. 19:18; 2 John 1:5f; Mk. 12:29f, 31f, 33f, 35f; Gal. 5:13f; Rm. 13:8f, 10; Mt. 22:37f, 39f; 1 John 3:23; 1 John 2:24; James 2:8f, 10f, 12; Mt. 5:43; Dt. 6:5; Lev. 19:34



Don't waste your time. I prefer scripture in context without the spin you put on it.


Brilliant... Dodge scripture and then come back with a smashing rebuttal. How very A-J squared away of you.

I just linked scripture that supports everything I am saying, but if you want the old goat to get off scott free and bind him to Adam... who is a typification of Jesus... by all means... let the old goat off the hook.


The only "power" of Satan is deception.

The sovereign power of Christ is Truth.

The former temporal; the latter eternal.

Apples and oranges.

Your dualism brings too much attention and focus upon Satan, who is only a creature, after all.

You literally have no scriptural legs to stand on here. And... I agree... Satan "Deceives".

Cough... Cough...

Oops... Look mom... Hebrews 2:14 reveals that Nang is wrong!


YOUR problem seems to be you think Satan ate off of the tree instead of Adam !

Where exactly in scripture does it say "in Satan all die" ?

I can give you the scripture that says "in Adam all die".

1st Co. 15 is about death and rebirth into our incorruptible bodies. Also... it says... As in Adam...

1st Co. 15:26 is an interesting ditty... Why is death "personified"?

26 The last enemy that will be destroyed is death.

Waiting breathlessly for your doctrines of men answer.

Oh... looky ... 1 John 3:10 is an issue as it insinuates a different head ship?!? I wonder if Jesus said the same thing?

Do you believe in "predestination" Dodge?


Mt. 13:38
Luke 6:35 ... Predestination is "loving your enemy"?
John 8:44
John 8:47... which comes after John 8:44... hmmm ... headship? Did Jesus say you are "Son's of Adam"?