Alt-righter plows into crowd of anti-racists in Charlottesville


like marbles on glass
stupid people have fallen in line and figured out that being offended over literally ANYTHING is a quick way to attention

I know exactly what you're talking about! It's gotten beyond bizarre, hasn't it? I mean, we're talking about paper coffee cups, for pete's sake. Thank goodness the Christian Post had a handle on it:

NEW YORK — Billionaire 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump waded into coffee giant Starbucks' alleged war on Christmas Monday when he suggested a boycott of the company over its controversial red holiday cups, but the company says there is no war.
"Did you read about Starbucks?" Trump asked a crowd of about 10,200 during a rally at a convention center in Springfield, Illinois, on Monday evening.
"No more 'Merry Christmas' at Starbucks. No more," he said as the crowd booed disapprovingly at his comments.
"I wouldn't buy. Hey look, I'm speaking against myself. I have one of the most successful Starbucks in Trump Tower," he continued.
"Maybe we should boycott Starbucks, I don't know. Seriously," he added to cheers. "I don't care. By the way: That's the end of that lease. But who cares? Who cares? Who cares?!"
Trump then hit the crowd with this promise: "If I become president, we're all going to be saying 'Merry Christmas' again. That I can tell you. That I can tell you! Unbelievable."


Well-known member
I know exactly what you're talking about! It's gotten beyond bizarre, hasn't it? I mean, we're talking about paper coffee cups, for pete's sake. Thank goodness the Christian Post had a handle on it:

NEW YORK — Billionaire 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump waded into coffee giant Starbucks' alleged war on Christmas Monday when he suggested a boycott of the company over its controversial red holiday cups, but the company says there is no war.
"Did you read about Starbucks?" Trump asked a crowd of about 10,200 during a rally at a convention center in Springfield, Illinois, on Monday evening.
"No more 'Merry Christmas' at Starbucks. No more," he said as the crowd booed disapprovingly at his comments.
"I wouldn't buy. Hey look, I'm speaking against myself. I have one of the most successful Starbucks in Trump Tower," he continued.
"Maybe we should boycott Starbucks, I don't know. Seriously," he added to cheers. "I don't care. By the way: That's the end of that lease. But who cares? Who cares? Who cares?!"
Trump then hit the crowd with this promise: "If I become president, we're all going to be saying 'Merry Christmas' again. That I can tell you. That I can tell you! Unbelievable."

I don't go to Starbucks - bad overpriced coffee - nor do I observe Christmas - an unbiblical "holy" day - in any traditional ("Christian") fashion so the whole issue means nothing to me.


- nor do I observe Christmas - an unbiblical "holy" day - in any traditional ("Christian") fashion...

I'm aware that atheists, Muslims and Jews don't celebrate Christmas (and a few supposed Christian denominations such as the JW's); would you please expound on this in further detail, as I'd like to know how celebrating the birth of Christ is "unbiblical".

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Left turned manufactured offense into a political tool
In the same sense the right turned manufactured victimization into a political tool, or a majority of them (with respect to Congress).

long ago and greedy, stupid people have fallen in line and figured out that being offended over literally ANYTHING
Such as?

It's crass, craven, wicked and utterly toxic to a nation's cohesiveness.
Because nothing says cohesiveness like discrimination, or "taking back" slogans, or Alt Right rallies, right?

We will not survive it intact because the people who would love nothing more than to get the hell away from them, can't. Push will come to shove, and worse, soon.
That sounds ominous. When, where, and over what?

I'm aware that atheists, Muslims and Jews don't celebrate Christmas (and few supposed Christian denominations such as the JW's); would you please expound on this in further detail, as I'd like to know how celebrating the birth of Christ is "unbiblical".
It's like air conditioning or polio vaccines. The Bible doesn't command it, so he's not having it.


It's like air conditioning or polio vaccines. The Bible doesn't command it, so he's not having it.

Evidently musterion's bible doesn't contain the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

and the 3 wise men/kings celebration of Jesus' birth.


I suppose we could talk about musterion's unbiblical support of Donald Trump's Presidency and what part of the Bible allows him to do such.


Well-known member
I'm no fan of Lincoln as most here know....but what was the reason for defacing His statute in Illinois? What did he do? I thought you leftists adored ole Abe...


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Then we should differ maturely. I shouldn't have to tell an adult or a Christian to refrain from that sort of thing. If you wouldn't use the language yourself before Christ, don't use it in the first place.
While you go around freely saying that Christians here are nothing more than a ongoing joke.
It says volumes about your ill-founded and fake support of Christianity.
Rather than be utterly offended at the people in the photo, you go after the one that reports the facts as is.
It wasn't Nick that was disgusting for reporting the facts.
It was the folks in the photo that were the disgusting ones.

Get your priorities straight.

patrick jane

While you go around freely saying that Christians here are nothing more than a ongoing joke.
It says volumes about your ill-founded and fake support of Christianity.
Rather than be utterly offended at the people in the photo, you go after the one that reports the facts as is.
It wasn't Nick that was disgusting for reporting the facts.
It was the folks in the photo that were the disgusting ones.

Get your priorities straight.
Just like a good leftist, he protested and got his way


Well-known member
I suppose we could talk about musterion's unbiblical support of Donald Trump's Presidency

Funny, but I never heard Musterion support the Donald. Ive heard him support some ideas he has, not all either...

...and what part of the Bible allows him to do such.

:think: Your favorite verse that makes you think you can snoop around into other people's bedrooms i.e. Romans 13?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Trouble at USC
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
August 19, 2017

Mascot under fire for name similar to Robert E. Lee’s horse.
Left wing nutters, always looking at molehills as if they were mountains.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Anti-Semitic Communist Rioters in Boston . . .
Thomas DiLorenzo

. . . who outnumbered free speech organizers by 50,000 to 50 chased and assaulted a man wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat and an Israeli flag draped over his back. *“Get the F _ _ _ out of our town!” they screamed at him while stealing his hat and jerking him around.
There were no Nazis or “white supremacists” in sight, yet the crowd insisted on screaming about Nazis and white supremacists. *According to news reports, some thirty people were arrested, mostly for assaulting the police by throwing bottles filled with urine at them, in keeping with the general theme of the police-hating “Black Lives Matter” division of the American communist movement.
One photo of the riot shows two young men who appeared college age wearing “Make America Great Again” hats being screamed at and chased down by hundreds of maniacal communists carrying signs saying “Socialist International” along with at least fifty professional news photographers feverishly snapping pictures. * The police sent everyone home at this free speech event, thereby censoring free speech, after which they were praised lavishly by President Trump.