Alt-righter plows into crowd of anti-racists in Charlottesville


New member
That sounds ominous. When, where, and over what?

When Trump is removed from office for reasons that don't fit what is outlined in the Constitution.

When you are jailed for saying something offensive to politically protected groups , especially if your economic livelihood is permanently lost as a result.

When people get fed up over their vote being watered down by illegals.

When the only choices available for them to speak their voice in electronic public forums are limited to YouTube and Twitter which at some point, will censor all views contrary to the "party line".

When fox news is completely destroyed from its original purpose and turned into a MSNBC clone and new conservative stations are too difficult to create.

It will build to a boiling point and the plot to start internal war will begin in secret.

The Barbarian

Declaring "open season" on whites and cops.

Turns out, this guy isn't even a member, much less a leader of BLM. But this came from InfoWars, the same people who brought you the pedophile dungeon Hillary Clinton was operating under a pizzaria.

Don't you think there's a reason no one ever locates an actual BLM leader calling for violence? And there's a reason so many racists are trying to fake it, as they did here?

In my eyes, that is a public declaration for war.

That, interestingly, is the same message that radio host was peddling "Some whites are evil and attack innocent blacks. So let's kill all the whites.

As opposed to:

"Some blacks are evil and want to kill innocent whites. So let's kill BLM members."

Evil is pretty much the same, regardless of color.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Nick, I don't find anything wrong with any of the pictures you posted except that one. That is why I removed it. I didn't give you an infraction because I know why you're posting the pictures. If you want to let people know about these kind of things, post a link to the picture with a warning that the picture is inappropriate or offensive.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Nick, I don't find anything wrong with any of the pictures you posted except that one. That is why I removed it. I didn't give you an infraction because I know why you're posting the pictures. If you want to let people know about these kind of things, post a link to the picture with a warning that the picture is inappropriate or offensive.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Nick, I don't find anything wrong with any of the pictures you posted except that one. That is why I removed it. I didn't give you an infraction because I know why you're posting the pictures. If you want to let people know about these kind of things, post a link to the picture with a warning that the picture is inappropriate or offensive.
Works for me. That was the only picture I reported.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
When Trump is removed from office for reasons that don't fit what is outlined in the Constitution.
How would that happen?

When you are jailed for saying something offensive to politically protected groups , especially if your economic livelihood is permanently lost as a result.
What law permits that?

When people get fed up over their vote being watered down by illegals.
Who did more than declare that happened? Heck, your guy won the election with a minority of the actual vote.

When the only choices available for them to speak their voice in electronic public forums are limited to YouTube and Twitter which at some point, will censor all views contrary to the "party line".
I thought the right was free market, who are you to tell business how to regulate theirs? Don't like the selection? Add a new one.

When fox news is completely destroyed from its original purpose
As a propaganda wing for the Republican party? It's still mostly that. Else, see my free market note above.

It will build to a boiling point and the plot to start internal war will begin in secret.
And in in ruin and jail for those stupid enough to choose violence over engagement because they couldn't get on Twitter or Youtube and Fox News failed to sound hard core enough...yeah, that group will really accomplish a lot.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Truth has always been offensive to the left.

Rationality has always been alien to the right, ya know, just to return the silly little bumper sticker bit in turn. If a far right winger is going to make an asinine claim that the Nazis were 'liberals' then that isn't truth, it's either flat out ignorance or lies from the person saying such nonsense. Some far right wingers spread all sorts of rubbish like that routinely. Not all conservatives or those on the right do however.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
While you go around freely saying that Christians here are nothing more than a ongoing joke.
No, I never have. Quote me.

bout your ill-founded and fake support of Christianity.
What you think of my relation with Christ is of less importance to me than a tax on coffee (I don't drink it).

Rather than be utterly offended at the people in the photo, you go after the one that reports the facts as is.
Try really hard to understand this: if the thing itself wasn't offensive to me I wouldn't object to anyone posting it.

It wasn't Nick that was disgusting for reporting the facts.
I didn't call Nick disgusting. I objected to the foulness he posted on a Christian site. It doesn't belong here. Knight said so when he made the rule and I abide by it.

If you have a problem with the mod or the rule take it up with him.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
If you want to let people know about these kind of things, post a link to the picture with a warning that the picture is inappropriate or offensive.

It is simply good prudence (Proverbs 8:12; Proverbs 13:16; Proverbs 27:12) to forewarn the reader when possible offensive materials are being referred to for reading or viewing.

In fact, my standard warning when posting links to TOL at other sites goes along the following:

"Warning: If you scroll about TOL outside of the specific link I have provided, be aware that the site is riddled with second and ninth commandment violations."


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Turns out, this guy isn't even a member, much less a leader of BLM. But this came from InfoWars, the same people who brought you the pedophile dungeon Hillary Clinton was operating under a pizzaria.

Don't you think there's a reason no one ever locates an actual BLM leader calling for violence? And there's a reason so many racists are trying to fake it, as they did here?

That, interestingly, is the same message that radio host was peddling "Some whites are evil and attack innocent blacks. So let's kill all the whites.

As opposed to:

"Some blacks are evil and want to kill innocent whites. So let's kill BLM members."

Evil is pretty much the same, regardless of color.

"InfoWars"?! :freak:

You'd have to be a snowflake and then some to give any credence to Jones...


Hall of Fame
Do you think he tells the truth?

Here's trump as rated by the Truth-O-Meter:
