Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear BJ,

I believe the same things that Untellectual does, give or take some. We do not trust in a savage nomadic people (like it seems you are stoning your ancestors). The people in the Bible are not savage, ignorant nomads. You are out of your frying mind. But what else is new. It has to be your way or no way. You know, you'll be pleading with Jesus quite soon, and He will say, "Depart from me, for I never knew you." That is not too cool at all. We love Our God and His Son, and we believe in the Creation story. You just got too much of it when you were younger, and you overloaded.

Pick Your Own Poison,

ignore bin (double toothpicks)


In making that very claim, you did it again.

I have read the Bible. Cover to cover, page by page. I have studied it by subject areas. I have various translations, and commentaries. I have read the Apocryphal books. I have read several extra-biblical works that claim divine origin.

There comes a point in a conversation when there is nothing to be gained by continuing to pretend the other side has any real interest in considering your ideas. It is embarrassing to repeatedly show that you are subjugating reality to your narrow brand of theological beliefs. I really wish you were a person with a devotion to truth, but you have made it exquisitely clear that such is not the case.

Since you trust a savage nomadic society to define what is truth for you, then beware, for in Revelations it tells that the stars shall fall to the earth. Almost without exception, each one of the stars you see in the sky is bigger than our sun – millions of times bigger than the earth. But hey, it is in “God’s word”, and so somehow those massive stars are going to jump into warp drive to zip across the trillions of miles, and fall like snow onto the earth. (The next children’s story will be at bedtime.)

Dear BJ,

The trouble is, no matter how much of the Bible you read, you were never 'Saved.' Jesus never entered your heart or we wouldn't be having this conversation. If you had asked Him into your heart to sup with Him, you would have felt the difference inside you very compelling.

As far as the stars falling to earth, we all know many will break up in the atmosphere. Plus, Jesus says that they will be the weight of a talent. Now, at different times, a talent has weighed differently. But during the time of Jesus, it weighed I think, about 100 lbs.? I'm not sure. Check out wiki. It is written in Rev. 16:21, 'each stone about the weight of a talent,..for the plague of hail was exceedingly great.' Only God knows the minute details of that hail storm and the stars falling from heaven.



New member
Dear BJ,

The trouble is, no matter how much of the Bible you read, you were never 'Saved.' Jesus never entered your heart or we wouldn't be having this conversation. If you had asked Him into your heart to sup with Him, you would have felt the difference inside you very compelling.

As far as the stars falling to earth, we all know many will break up in the atmosphere. Plus, Jesus says that they will be the weight of a talent. Now, at different times, a talent has weighed differently. But during the time of Jesus, it weighed I think, about 100 lbs.? I'm not sure. Check out wiki. It is written in Rev. 16:21, 'each stone about the weight of a talent,..for the plague of hail was exceedingly great.' Only God knows the minute details of that hail storm and the stars falling from heaven.

ignore bin (dozen)


Well-known member
Dear BJ,

The trouble is, no matter how much of the Bible you read, you were never 'Saved.' Jesus never entered your heart or we wouldn't be having this conversation. If you had asked Him into your heart to sup with Him, you would have felt the difference inside you very compelling.

Michael, Jesus entering your heart should not make you blind to reality. Whatever happened to you, made you blind to reality. I would strongly suspect that is not Jesus. Just saying.


New member
Are you talking about a whale, etc. mimicking a turtle or frog/toad, or alligator, etc. They all lay eggs, right?
If I talk about "evidence" Michael it usually refers to something that if there were some reason for doubt I could in theory experience it for myself.
I have no reason to doubt that whales do not lay eggs, but instead give birth to their young and suckle them.
Why don't I doubt it?
Because all marine biologists will separately agree that all the evidence confirms it from manifold sources.
Besides I have seen video evidence that I conclude to be genuine.

If otoh only one anonymous ancient scripture claimed that whales laid eggs then clearly I would want to know what the evidence was before I gave that scripture any credence at all.

It is by gathering from many confirming sources of information that personal knowledge is acquired, not by simply believing whatever is written unconfirmed in one.

From what is written in Gen. 1, God created the whales BEFORE the land creatures, the water animals a day before the land animals. But now, in Gen. 2, it is written that the Lord God formed the fowl and land animals from the ground AFTER He formed man. And He saw that the man was lonely and made a help meet for Him. And the Lord formed the fowl and animals from the earth, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. I'm not sure, but it almost seems like two different instances here of creating Adam or forming Adam. The whale was always a water creature. I'm getting too deep here, so I'll keep my silence. But actually, Who do you think changed the whales tail into a rhino or hippo rump? And when he went back in the water, who changed his rump back into a tail? I know they seem like silly questions to silly hypotheses.
Genesis 1 & 2 are two different accounts that may have been originally one, but changes creep in to any retelling just as with Chinese Whispers. The way to confirm the truth is to attempt to find supporting evidence, not simply to decide whichever story you like best and believe it come "hell or high water" (so to speak).
Are either Genesis 1 or 2 factual historical accounts?
No, they are both based in perhaps the same myth and are contradictory, there is no supporting natural evidence, while evidence itself casts enormous doubts on any of it by natural means anyway could in any way be remotely true.
I don't believe in the miraculous, because there is no evidence of anything unexplainable by natural means, miracles and "God did it" all you are left with Michael.
The natural evidence is that whales descended from land animals that in turn had descended from sea creatures, but there is no evidence that any miraculous events caused any of them to appear suddenly out of thin air or thin water for that matter.

Thank you also, Al. You know, I posted a response to you about this post of yours, but lost it almost when it was finished. Bummer!! Well, I'll try to make sure this gets to you.

Hey Mate!! Blessings!!

Don't worry Michael we all lose our best efforts from time to time which if on a computer will leave no evidence at all.


It appears that Michael feels a need to add his comment in almost every non-trivial exchange in this thread. If he had something to say that wasn’t just the 500th repetition of what he has already cluttered the thread with, then he might be contributing something. As it is, he has an insatiable need to put his stamp on every idea expressed.

I'm only doing exactly what you are. You sure got exasperated when you couldn't get the young guy to believe in your 'truths.' I think he'll make it to heaven. So that's really good.



Michael, Jesus entering your heart should not make you blind to reality. Whatever happened to you, made you blind to reality. I would strongly suspect that is not Jesus. Just saying.

Dear noguru,

When Jesus entered my heart and soul, I was 12 years old. I felt the difference within a minute, or less. It was instantaneous. I believed in Him just like it were true, because that's what the Pastor said, and so did my Mom and Neighbor's. It was a Nazarene Church. Noguru, I'm not blind to reality. You just have no idea what's coming up soon here on earth? Haven't you seen the trouble in Israel and even the U.S. is not on Israel's side. It is written, 'when you see all nations standing against Israel, know that the time is near.' Of course, there's a lot more going on besides that.

I do understand that it is difficult to believe. I'm not usually posting with such unhappiness in another poster, but that's BJ's fault. I tried being courteous to him in the beginning, but he would have none of it. So he got me to the point where I just let loose on him. Why do you think he doesn't answer back what I say in my posts to him? It's because he reads them, and doesn't know what to say back, 'cause he sees the truth in them. That's why, all he does is count my threads. If he thought he was doing great, he'd surely be posting to me.

Ah, well. I'll go ahead and PM you and get to bed.

May God Keep You Such A Good Man,



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

When Jesus entered my heart and soul, I was 12 years old. I felt the difference within a minute, or less. It was instantaneous. I believed in Him just like it were true, because that's what the Pastor said, and so did my Mom and Neighbor's. It was a Nazarene Church. Noguru, I'm not blind to reality. You just have no idea what's coming up soon here on earth? Haven't you seen the trouble in Israel and even the U.S. is not on Israel's side. It is written, 'when you see all nations standing against Israel, know that the time is near.' Of course, there's a lot more going on besides that.

I do understand that it is difficult to believe. I'm not usually posting with such unhappiness in another poster, but that's BJ's fault. I tried being courteous to him in the beginning, but he would have none of it. So he got me to the point where I just let loose on him. Why do you think he doesn't answer back what I say in my posts to him? It's because he reads them, and doesn't know what to say back, 'cause he sees the truth in them. That's why, all he does is count my threads. If he thought he was doing great, he'd surely be posting to me.

Ah, well. I'll go ahead and PM you and get to bed.

May God Keep You Such A Good Man,


Michael, anyone can have a catharsis and believe it is divinely inspired.

I would be more inclined to believe you about your visions (which I have not seen) if you were accurately reporting the things I can see. I hope you can see the logic of my reasoning there, and the wisdom involved. Jesus even touches on that subject in the Gospel.


Dear noguru,

Well, I'll go ahead and tell you what the 2nd angel said to me. He said "Babylon is fallen" and showed me that there was a woman named Betty Hutton, who was an actress in Hollywood and that she had gotten rich from her movies, etc. and had been married 4 or 5 times, and that God gave all of that to her, but then He took it all from her, and she hit rock bottom. So she turned to God for solace and began to work for a church rectory as a volunteer. And the angel said that this was all written in Hosea chapter two. And it says in Hosea 2:16. The angel said God will be her husband and she shall call Him Ishi, and no more Baal.

OK, noguru, this is the 2nd angel. It is short. Betty means 'consecrated to God.' My mother's name was Betty. She passed away at 61 years old. Talk about untimely. And Betty Hutton passed even before my mother did. Anyway, I'd never heard of the woman before the 2nd angel spoke to me in a loud, commanding clear voice which filled the whole room.

OK, noguru, the 3rd angel that spoke to me said, "Do not follow after the beast and his image, neither receive his mark in your right hand or forehead." I will tell you about him later. Right now, I've got to go install some carpet in a bedroom here. Thanks!

Praise the Lord God and Be Filled With Laughter and Contentment,

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New member
I am waiting to see how an issue between two opposing creationist posts plays out. In this post the author acknowledges that his earlier idea, that speciation cannot occur, was wrong:
Jose. Yes this instance does indeed prove me wrong. it Seems that this particular Plant has produced an Self Pollinating Plant. That proves my theorem Wrong.

But later, a post was made which vehemently denies that speciation can occur, effectively calling the author of the first post a liar:
That Goatsbeard Plant, is Still a Goatsbeard. No Speciation has taken Place.
It will be interesting seeing which post’s author admits he was the one in error.


New member
Dear noguru,

Well, I'll go ahead and tell you what the 2nd angel said to me. He said "Babylon is fallen" and showed me that there was a woman named Betty Hutton, who was an actress in Hollywood and that she had gotten rich from her movies, etc. and had been married 4 or 5 times, and that God gave all of that to her, but then He took it all from her, and she hit rock bottom. So she turned to God for solace and began to work for a church rectory as a volunteer. And the angel said that this was all written in Hosea chapter two. And in says it Hosea 2:16. The angel said God will be her husband and she shall call Him Ishi, and no more Baal.

OK, noguru, this is the 2nd angel. It is short. Betty means 'consecrated to God.' My mother's name was Betty. She passed away at 61 years old. Talk about untimely. And Betty Hutton passed even before my mother did. Anyway, I'd never heard of the woman before the 2nd angel spoke to me in a loud, commanding clear voice which filled the whole room.

OK, noguru, the 3rd angel that spoke to me said, "Do not follow after the beast and his image, neither receive his mark in your right hand or forehead." I will tell you about him later. Right now, I've got to go install some carpet in a bedroom here. Thanks!

Praise the Lord God and Be Filled With Laughter and Contentment,

Just a few more posts from Michael Cadry, and no one will need to either buy or download Michael’s book. It’ll all be in this thread, just interspersed with numerous threats against the atheists.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Wow, DavisBJ. You're really good at telling that guy you are ignoring him. :chuckle:


Simply put, your infantile refusal to accept, or even state, the results I asked you to verify for yourself in wiki falsifies your whole stance. You are a liar and a deceiver in front of the world, and to whatever Gods there may be. You are morally deficient, and have a love for pleasing sounding stories in place of truths that you may not like. Unless I see honesty in future posts from you, then I will not waste my time replying to your requests for me to join you in your moral stupor.
Honesty is saying I will not verify wiki pages that support (macro)evolution. If this is an issue of science and not the Bible you can see that this rests on whether or not evolution can be supported by science.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
There is evidence in creation of Intelligent Design which I believe supports an Intelligent Creator or a Creator, God.

Biblically speaking: Creation is proof of the creator.

The problem is, evolutionists want to invent their own creator instead of getting to know Him through His word.


Just a few more posts from Michael Cadry, and no one will need to either buy or download Michael’s book. It’ll all be in this thread, just interspersed with numerous threats against the atheists.

Dear BJ,

I don't want anyone to buy my book. Why do you think I offered it Free online?? You all here on TOL are not the only recipients of my Free Book offer. It is on Facebook, too and gmail. And Twitter. I reach a lot of cool wise people that are real Christians on Twitter. Everyone doesn't respond like you BJ, because they still believe in God and Jesus.

No, my book has tons more in it that what I've shared on this TOL website. And I've reached tons of people in other countries and also here in the U.S. and they post to me and say very good things about my book.

BJ, You are the one missing the bus! I'm not trying to be anything but helpful. You won't listen to reason, because you're afraid to.

I'm sorry that we don't get along better. I get along with almost everyone on this TOL website. But you don't want to so what can I say? I'm not trying to be a threat to atheists. I have good friends who are atheists and they are pretty cool. I'm just trying to show them what they face by remaining unfaithful to Jesus and God. That's all. I'm just trying and hoping that they will be saved and go to heaven, like many will.



Wow, DavisBJ. You're really good at telling that guy you are ignoring him. :chuckle:

Dear Stripe,

Thank you Stripe!! He has tried, but he keeps ignoring a Christian and Jesus, so what is left for him? Happiness or sorrow? Do the right thing BJ. It's not time for games. Time is running out. I do care about you or I wouldn't be trying to show you where to dig!

Praise God And Jesus!! And The Holy Ghost!!!



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