Recent content by Jer17.5Ps50-Mt543

  1. J

    do you feel this way? I HATE Fox News!

    Fox is not conservative. In fact they are anti-conservative. They are trying to get the bully liar elected. They don't like Cruz and you can TELL by the way they .. don't televise his rallies, but every time you turn around, you see the bully/misogynist (etc) fake Republican rallies Ted CRuz...
  2. J

    Ted Cruz calls Trump "pathological liar"

    very interesting! also calls him "utterly amoral" a serial philanderer (aka womanizer) CNN earlier today. Cruz says what a lot of us have been thinking -- knowing -- for a LONG time! The man couldn't tell...
  3. J

    The word Christian needs to be defined objectively

    many people call themselves Christian, but they are NOT. Well, they certainly are not by MY definition. Here is my definition. Maybe you have your own A Christian is someone who loves Jesus. Well, all claim to love Jesus. But what does the word Love mean? Does it mean just a feeling...
  4. J

    Miisogynistic religions.. Hey, just like "Republican front-runner"!!

    Here is a site that shows the depths of "the Republican front-runner's" misogyny (If you dont know what that word means, it means "hatred/disgust of females" There are religions that are also misogynistic. Does DT's "religion" (ha ha...
  5. J

    Whole lotta lyin’ goin’ on--but.. don’t all liars go to “the lake of fire”?

    Whole lotta lyin’ goin’ on--but.. don’t all liars go to “the lake of fire”? The word Politician has become synonymous with Liar. But the thing is, everyone lies. Some pastor once said that if someone asks you a question, the answer to which is none of that person’s business--especially when...
  6. J

    CNN reporter says “least of [Jesus’s] Brethren" full of “hot air”

    Today, a female CNN reporter, when announcing the upcoming Debate (which is tonight around 8 pm, ET, please watch) said something to the effect that the empty auditorium would soon be filled with “hot air”! Ok, so maybe Kasich or Rubio (?)—are not exactly “saints.” We can cede that point. But...
  7. J

    Why its OK for Christians 2 watch CNN during election

    yeh, i am as about as Christian as you can get and have always stayed away from the liberal CNN news station. But during the election, we christians should go there fairly often. Y? b/c CNN gives us the truth about the "Republican forerunner" so called, you know, the one who didn't pay...
  8. J

    Write to your pastor/priest, to support Cruz

    If we Christians (meaning the real ones) do not support Ted Cruz, we will deserve waht we get.. more religious persecution, more stifling govt... Write to your pastor/priest (or even one outside your parish) and urge him to speak to as many people as possible about the necessity of supporting...
  9. J

    fake "Christian" pastors in the news

    i cannot get over how some "Christian" (so called) pastors (Yikes! Hard to use that word!) support the most UN-Christian person running! the one who is described by so many negative words and terms: liar crook baby killer (supports Planned Parenthood) bully fraud (in court on fraud...
  10. J

    If u didn't vote for Cruz today (Michigan/Hawaii/Idaho/MS...) you're not a Christian-

    yeh, if you didn't vote for Cruz, the only Christian, the only real outsider, the only sane choice, and don't plan on doing so, you can forget about me ever believing you are a Christian. a person like Cruz only comes by once in a lifetime don't miss the opportunity to support him, to give...
  11. J

    How the media routinely violate the 10 Commandments (bear false witness..)

    Here are some lies we have heard recently from the media (Don't ever trust them. Fox tries to pretend it is--choke--choke--"conservative". Ha ha! What a joke that is) Lies the media tell us: Ted Cruz is responsible for everything his 200,000 volunteers do/say (because we, the media, don't like...
  12. J

    Socialism is anti-Christ—so Christians cannot vote Democrat

    Socialism is anti-Christ—so Christians cannot vote Democrat Socialism is un-Christian, because it means an untrustworthy entity has control of your life, your business, etc. How can you trust government when it is run by ambitious, usually dishonest politicians whom you have no way of really...
  13. J

    Words to remember when preparing to--praying about-- who 2 vote for

    Words to remember when preparing to--praying about-- who 2 vote for If you have been following the news even a little, you should know what these following words mean, to whom they apply. If you don’t know which word/sentence goes w/ which candidate, I will be more than happy to tell you...
  14. J

    Why people don't like discussing Religion & Politics

    The reason is that people's minds tend to go out the window when talkign about either one. The reason for that is that people get entrenched in their own ideas and philosophies and refuse to even listen to anyone who sees things differently. i myself have come to see that, while i am a dyed...
  15. J

    My Anti-Christ (in the media) List

    Anti-Christs (Jesus said "Even now, there are many anti-Christs in the world") anyone who thinks he is better than others (especially when he is just SO obviously not) anyone who calls others losers whenever they say/do things he doesn't like anyone who doesn't pay his workers anyone who...