Your False Vision:


New member
The Geniuses and Scholarly Prophets of today read the Old Testament and get vision of sugar plums dancing in their foolish blood pumps / hearts. However, the Old Testament was ONLY a shadow of a thing to come which is and was the “New Testament”. The Old Testament is only / “ONLY” a PARABLE of the New Testament!!! – The Old Word was made Flesh and that was Jesus; - the Parable of God, the Words of the Old Testament. – The Old Word / Jesus the Anointed was lifted up on High and sent the Spirit of the Old, resurrected; which became the New Testament. – The Vision of the Old Testament is the Parable of the New Vision of the New Testament, but still only a VISION, and still not the VISION OF GOD!!! ---- What does the vision of the Old say!!! – One thing is, they offered up incense to idols on high places instead of to God. – That too is a shadow of things to come, but what is the Truth instead of just a vision of WORDS!!! – The Ten Commandments of the Old, CAME and stood among them and still they offered up nothing but the Ten Commandments / Jesus to their IDOL GODS which brought the Words of the New Testament, which is STILL a Vision and not the Truth of the Thoughts of the Vision!! ---- If any of you were truly ever in the SPIRIT, you could SEE IN THE VISION, THAT THE NATURAL MAN CANNOT SEE THE TRUTH OF THE VISION!!: - THAT IS THEIR FAITH / The reading of the vision as all you visionaries do!! – Your vision is the Words of the Scriptures, when Truth is the things not seen in the vision, and that is CALLED THE SPIRIT OF GOD. - WE SEE HIM FACE TO FACE, NOT JUST A VISION OF HIS WORDS IN PARABLES!!! – What then!! --- YOU NOW offer up on high / your high, - ( from just the vision of reading the Word ), - your desires, or you burn your incense on your high places of your hearts!!!! – You lifted up - “SHOES”, and let your “DESIRES” be made known to your false god. – You worshiped the “SHOE” ( Behold the news ), AMONG OTHER “THINGS”, as cell phones, cars, vacations, MONEY, and your own image!! ---- Trusting in the Gospel is the lifting Christ upon High in your hearts, not quoting from the VISION, but seeing Christ face to face that we are just like HIM / Christian; ---- NOT THE LOST FOOLS WHO TRUST IN THE VISION, AND NOT THE TRUTH / THOUGHT BEHIND THE VISION!!! – There’s a VEIL between the fool and the Truth of the VISION!!

Paul – 011612