
New member

There IS "N-O" Such THING As A ""CATHOLIC G-O-D"" OR Any Other GOD - Other than that which IS "N-O-T" CHRIST The "Heavenly G-O-D"!! - Satan is Called Every Name that the LOST Wants to HEAR And ACCEPT; - Catholic, Baptist, Mormon, Buddhist, J.W., ""C-H-R-I-S-T"", And MANY, MANY M-O-R-E Names!!! There IS Not But ONE N-A-M-E!! - """N-A-M-E /// M-E-A-N-S /// """A-U-T-H-O-R-I-T-Y""" You STUPID LOST FOOLS!!!!!!!

((( "I-F" )))!! Anything OR "P-E-R-S-O-N" IS NOT O-F Christ, THEN They ARE OF ""S-A-T-A-N""!!! - There's NOTHING ELSE!!! ---- What Kind of God Is The "Catholic god" ANYHOW???????

There IS ONLY TWO ///// ((( T-W-O """S-P-I-R-I-T-S"""!!! )))!! MAN Does Not Have "A" "S-P-I-R-I-T" Him Self - Except the "Devil or Christ"!!!!!! -- ( Can't Any of You Blind FOOLS See and Understand THAT )???????? -- "O-N-L-Y" The Spirit's O-F CHRIST A-N-D SATAN!!!! - That's A-L-L; - There IS NO More SPIRITS Than Just THOSE TWO!! -- Every MAN Has Either the Spirit of Christ in Him, O-R THE Man Has the Spirit of Satan IN HIM, there IS NO Other S-P-I-R-I-T!!!!

""B---O------Y"""" -- I Can't SEE How Your STUPID WORLD Worships EVERY THING But the Word of GOD / Christ; the Body of Christ which IS The Word of GOD, Christ's F-L-E-S-H!! - Christ's Flesh IS The Word of GOD, - S-O-O-O-O-O E-A-T THE Word of God FOR YOU "Spiritual" SOUL!! - NOT Your Stupid Cursed Carnal Fleshly BODY!!!!

Any How, There IS Nothing But FOOLS IN The Carnal Old Earth, None of You Are IN The NEW EARTH!!!!!!
(( Revelation 13:4-9 KJV )) -- 4- "And THEY worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the "Beast": and THEY worshipped the "Beast", saying, "Who is like unto the "Beast"? who is able to make war with "HIM""?
5- And there was given unto "HIM" a Mouth speaking great things and ( Blasphemies ); and Power was given unto "HIM" to continue forty and two months.
6- And "HE" opened "HIS" mouth in ( Blasphemy ) against God, to ( Blaspheme ) His Name , and His Tabernacle, and Them that Dwell in Heaven.
7- And it was given unto "HIM" to make war with the Saints, and to overcome Them: and power was given "HIM" over [[ A-L-L kindreds, and tongues, and nations. ]]
8- And (((( A-L-L that Dwell Upon the EARTH Shall WORSHIP "HIM", )))) whose Names Are NOT Written in the Book Of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
9- (((( If any man have an ear, LET H-i-m HEAR!!! ))))". --//----

PAUL, DAVID -- 060816


New member
You're stupid.

Y-E-S!!!! - PROVE ME WRONG -- ((((( """""W--O--M--A--N""""" )))))!!!!!!!

((( 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 ))) -- 34- (( "Let your W-O-M-E-N Keep Silence in the CHURCHES )): for it is NOT Permitted unto them to Speak; B-U-T - (( They are Commanded to be Under Obedience, as also Saith the LAW )).
35- And (( if they Will Learn ANY THING, let them ask their Husbands at HOME )): ((((( For IT is a Shame for W-O-M-E-N to Speak IN The C-H-U-R-C-H )))))!!!!!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060816


New member
Y-E-S!!!! - PROVE ME WRONG -- ((((( """""W--O--M--A--N""""" )))))!!!!!!!

((( 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 ))) -- 34- (( "Let your W-O-M-E-N Keep Silence in the CHURCHES )): for it is NOT Permitted unto them to Speak; B-U-T - (( They are Commanded to be Under Obedience, as also Saith the LAW )).
35- And (( if they Will Learn ANY THING, let them ask their Husbands at HOME )): ((((( For IT is a Shame for W-O-M-E-N to Speak IN The C-H-U-R-C-H )))))!!!!!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060816

((( "C-H-U-R-C-H" Means "G-R-O-U-P" ))); --- ( N-O-T A Radio OR TV Program, OR A Building )!!!

PLUS; ""Only Men"" Make up the C-H-U-R-C-H; the "Body of CHRIST" / Christian GROUP - There is NO Women Church Members!! -- ( Women are O-N-L-Y IN the "BODY of Their Husbands", A-N-D Their Husbands MAY or MAY NOT be IN The CHURCH, the "Body of Christ". -- AND "I-F" The Woman IS IN Her Husband / His Body, (( it doesn't Matter if Their Husband IS or IS NOT IN The CHURCH, The Wife // "WIFE" is Still Obeying G-O-D )); -- "IF" She Obeys Her HUSBAND!!! --That is the "MARRIAGE" / Merger / "JOINED"!!!! -- Marriage Means Joined, ( Marriage and Joined ) IS The SAME THING!!!!!!

(( NOW Prove That Wrong!!! )) -- The A-N-S-W-E-R IS IN THE BIBLE!!!! - Not in all the Stupid False Christian's MIND!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060816

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You STUPID LOST FOOLS!!!!!!!....

((How Your STUPID WORLD Worships .....NOT Your Stupid Cursed Carnal Fleshly BODY!!!!

STUPID is AS STUPID does, Lt. PAUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!



New member
I have a man's spirit, Christ (((PROVE ME WRONG)))

Why are you worshipping dragons?

Only The "Christian" Has Christ's MIND!!
The "LOST" Has Satan's MIND!!

There is NO "W-O-M-E-N" IN OR WITH The MIND OF Christ / GOD; PROOF IS ((( I-N ))) the Bible, Not because YOU Said S-O-O-O!!!!

((((( 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 KJV )))))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
G--O--D "SAID" THAT, Not "J-U-S-T" ME!!!!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID --060816


New member
You're a stupid false Christian.

T-H-A-T doesn't PROVE ME Wrong!!!!!! just that You Can't ""Ever"" USE The "WORD of GOD" to Prove anything YOU TEACH When Christ Said HE Didn't Permit a Woman to "Teach OR Speak" in the CHURCH!!!

You SAY -- You Are IN The Church, And that IS A LIE!!!!!!! Show "I-T" IN The Bible!!!!!!!!! IF Not, You are Wrong!!!!!!

(((((((( """"G-O-N-E""""!! - I'M Fed Up With Your STUPID False TEACHING!!!! ))))))))!!!!!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060816

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I'M Fed Up With Your STUPID False TEACHING!!!! ))))))))!!!!!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060816

LIFE is LIKE A BOX OF PAPES, IN WHICH TO ROLE YOUR HASheesH....YA NEVER KNOW WHAT YOUR ABOUT TO GET, STUPID PAUL??????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.