Worldly love is a death trap.


Anjura was a teenage Muslim high school going girl. One of her school mates attracted her by sweet words and mobile love songs. They were soon enamored of each other but parental approval was impossible. So they schemed to elope together to fabled Bombay town. They stole money and valuables from parents.
There they lived in a hired shanty room as newlyweds. No one enquired. Life was hard in this costly city as they were unused to hard laborious work available. Soon their infatuation wore off and turned to bitterness. He turned to drinking to find solace. A pimp pub-mate persuaded him to sale his girl for a good sum and register a police case as missing to save himself.
So they drugged her and sold to a brothel. There her resistance was broken brutally and sexually used mercilessly. There was no way of escape. Even police iis in their payroll. It was perfect replica of hell.

A Christian society was working for rehabilitation of prostitutes there. She contacted it through a kind client. It contacted her father. He sent his eldest son to Bombay. He with the help of that society recovered that girl after suffering much and paying some ransom money. Fortunately such girl is not rejected in Muslim society as Hindu society does not accept them back. She was fortunate also as millions of such girls are forever lost. This illustration shows how fake love is pushing us to eternal death and how a few escapes by Christ’s help as in biblical times.