There is wide agreement Daniel 11, prior to verse 36, is prophesying ancient history, because those things did happen already. The king of the north is Assyria and king of the south Egypt. As to their identity in eschatological terms, starting verse 36 of the antichrist, the most learned person I've studied on Daniel supposed the king of the north may be Russia, and the king of the south may be Egypt, but, again, nobody knows. It's an instance, like the identity of the antichrist, where things will only become clearer as they actually unfold, otherwise we have a lot of speculation that's usually wrong.
I've always preferred, in the final analysis, "I don't know" to speculation, because being wrong in these things is a wasteland, worse can slander nations in vague scripture of national boogeymen, like the wingnuts who insist Putin is Gog. Consider this: how very evil a slander is it to claim somebody is Gog, or the antichrist, or anything such, and be wrong, how evil to even venture such a claim without absolute certainty? That's damnable lying! The word "devil" means slanderer, the false prophet more like Gog or the antichrist than their victims in such very real terms. Also, there are many charlatans selling books or DVDs, YouTube clicks, liars, who claim they know these things that are merely sucking gullible people in for money, just false prophets.
I do recall reading a well presented, interesting theory somebody had maybe worth mentioning, based on coalitions mentioned throughout scripture and alignments of nations today, that the king of the north could be a coalition of nearer north Muslim nations, likewise the south Egypt or a Muslim coalition of Africa. There are mentions of the nations surrounding Israel, in Old Testament eschatology, out the wazoo, a ton of regional turmoil in the end days, the Lord dealing with these warring enemies of Israel. I've always found some such maybes more probable than others, but would also say, for myself, I cease to dwell on things that can't absolutely be known, believing it a waste of time and perhaps even perverting one's thinking to subscribe to fictions: if somebody is wrong, they're wrong, and the whole line of thinking is just kaput, nowhere, what's worse could entirely skew your view of real scripture truth: you refuse to think outside the box, because you're prejudiced towards a wrong view. I think it's better to concentrate on truths that can be known, to dwell on those things, would also hasten to add many of these people selling bestsellers, of sensational prophecy claims, are frauds, have stuffed prophecy into fantasies they've invented that scripture, itself, disputes, even well disputes, on close examination of the whole of scripture. They're just leading people astray with fictions, and making a lot of money doing it, gullible people chasing these so-called expert frauds in the millions.
2 Peter 2
1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.