Woman fired from Christian University for Being Pregnant


Active member
Coty Richardson is a former Assistant Professor of Exercise Science at Northwest Christian University, a small Christian University in Eugene, Oregon. Professor Richardson was an excellent instructor, loved by her students, respected by her peers, and received consistent positive reviews as well as a recent promotion.

But after becoming pregnant with her partner, the University gave her an ultimatum: (1) She could marry him immediately, or (2) she could proclaim the pregnancy was a mistake, dissociate with the father, and raise the child as a single mother. The University told her that having a child out of wedlock while still continuing a relationship with the father was inconsistent with the NCU’s core values and mission and set a “bad example” for the students.

When Professor Richardson refused the University’s demands and asked for privacy, she was summarily fired.


Christianity and all religion in general follows evolutionary principles: survival of the fittest. Those that aren't adapted to their environment will perish and those that are best adapted will thrive and multiply.

This university is an example of a religion that was suited for the 19th century and early 20th century environment, but will soon die off and be relegated to the dust bin of history where it properly belongs.

I wonder what the average age of the administration is of this university? It would not surprise me one bit if the old farts running the place are well into their 70's and 80's.

Edit to add: it doesn't look like I'm far off. Their board of trustees:



Well-known member
Most boards of trustees are full of older people, since they are usually rich and retired. As a religious institution, the university has a right to hire and fire who they like. If you violate their code of conduct in such an obvious way, firing isn't too surprising.

That said, this kind of standard is clearly out of sync with the rest of society. But that's kind of the point of a college like NCU. But not even every Christian college would do this kind of thing.


New member

Christianity and all religion in general follows evolutionary principles: survival of the fittest. Those that aren't adapted to their environment will perish and those that are best adapted will thrive and multiply.

This university is an example of a religion that was suited for the 19th century and early 20th century environment, but will soon die off and be relegated to the dust bin of history where it properly belongs.

I wonder what the average age of the administration is of this university? It would not surprise me one bit if the old farts running the place are well into their 70's and 80's.

Edit to add: it doesn't look like I'm far off. Their board of trustees:


If you break the rules.. you should be ready to accept the consequences.

If you think the rules are bogus, work to change them.

People who are stupid and break the rules of their employment deserve what they get.

The fact that this person seems to have gone to the media about what should have been a confidential employer/employee matter shows she probably isn't fit for the job anyhow.


Hall of Fame
I would have been more surprised had they *not* fired her.


...This university is an example of a religion that was suited for the 19th century and early 20th century environment, but will soon die off and be relegated to the dust bin of history where it properly belongs...

Your values change. God's do not.

If a man finds a young woman who is a virgin, who is not betrothed, and he seizes her and lies with her, and they are found out, *then the man who lay with her shall give to the young woman’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife because he has humbled her; he shall not be permitted to divorce her all his days (Dt 22:28–29).


Most boards of trustees are full of older people, since they are usually rich and retired. As a religious institution, the university has a right to hire and fire who they like. If you violate their code of conduct in such an obvious way, firing isn't too surprising.

That said, this kind of standard is clearly out of sync with the rest of society...
Deut 22:28, 29

And society :freak: is out of sync with God (Mt 24:37).

...feather problem

Woman fired from Christian University for Being Pregnant

No one has been fired for being pregnant. :dizzy: She has been fired for violating a moral clause in her employment agreement. She can now go work at JJ's truck stop. 1 Co 6:9-10


She'll get the dirty ho bonus. :thumb:

”Back When Tim McGraw With Lyrics"
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"If you break the rules.. you should be ready to accept the consequences. If you think the rules are bogus, work to change them."
They work to steal, kill and destroy (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). We work to hold back the forces of evil (Jn 10:10).

If you're a fornicator don't take the job in the first place (Ex 20:14). :hammer: Rob's Rib Rack & Strip Club has no morality clause (1 Co 6:9-10) and I do believe they have a great benefits package (Pr 20:17). :idunno:


"The fact that this person seems to have gone to the media about what should have been a confidential employer/employee matter shows she probably isn't fit for the job anyhow."
She's given her opinion
and she'd like to claim the moral high ground. :dizzy:

Sex is to be confined in marriage (Gen. 1:27, 28, Prov. 5:15–19).


New member
Sex is to be confined in marriage (Gen. 1:27, 28, Prov. 5:15–19).

Not always
Genesis 38:8-10New International Version (NIV)

8 Then Judah said to Onan, “Sleep with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to raise up offspring for your brother.” 9 But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. 10 What he did was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death also.

Onan did not marry his sister in law... and the Lord did not kill him for it.. the Lord killed him for it because he desired his brothers inheritance.

You need to QUIT trying to simplify things.... Life and Christianity is NOT simple.


Sex is to be confined in marriage (Gen. 1:27, 28, Prov. 5:15–19).] "Not always..."

Oh that's right--you're that serial adulterer (Lk 16:18). Can't wait to hear you explain that one (Ro 8:13, Heb 12:14) at the Great White Throne Judgment (Ro 1:32, Re 20:11). :popcorn:

Mocking You

New member
This university is an example of a religion that was suited for the 19th century and early 20th century environment, but will soon die off and be relegated to the dust bin of history where it properly belongs.

The consequences of this sort of behavior is millennia old. It's not a fashion that comes and goes out of style.

I wonder what the average age of the administration is of this university? It would not surprise me one bit if the old farts running the place are well into their 70's and 80's.

So a lot of experience and wisdom there.


New member
Oh that's right--you're that serial adulterer (Lk 16:18). Can't wait to hear you explain that one (Ro 8:13, Heb 12:14) at the Great White Throne Judgment (Ro 1:32, Re 20:11). :popcorn:

Way to deflect things.... Anyhow, since you are trying to teach, I believe you are the one that is going to face the harder judgement.

As far as me, I have asked for forgiveness multiple times... I am confident that Jesus as removed my sins as far as the East is from the West. Unfortunately, you seem to be haunted by your sins and which everyone to suffer the same misery as you.

You cannot accept the fact that God REQUIRED unwed sex in the Old Covenant.

So blame me instead.

How very unchristian of you... glad I don't go to your church.. I think my IQ would suffer by just walking through the door.


[Morality clauses] I agree if there had been written rules as part of an employment agreement. But I see no such rules from the article. Perhaps they had them, but we don't know from reading the article.

It's pretty standard. Peach's Polygamist's Paradise is hiring. They have no such clause. 1 Co 6:9-10 Why is this an issue?


New member
I agree if there had been written rules as part of an employment agreement. But I see no such rules from the article. Perhaps they had them, but we don't know from reading the article.
I would imagine there would have to be, right? Otherwise, can't she file for wrongful termination?


[Theology]"The consequences of this sort of behavior is millennia old. It's not a fashion that comes and goes out of style."

The apostle Paul's theology sort of went out of style when he met Jesus (Ac 9:4–9). :idunno:

:CRASH: These things happen. :straight:

Jose Fly

New member
I would imagine there would have to be, right? Otherwise, can't she file for wrongful termination?

Depends on the terms of her contract, if she had one. Most likely though, since this is a religious institution they are free to hire and fire as they please.


[The unapologetic serial adulterer Lk 16:18 "Can't wait to hear you explain that one (Ro 8:13, Heb 12:14) at the Great White Throne Judgment (Ro 1:32, Re 20:11).] "...ince you are trying to teach...

I'm not a teacher (Jas 3:1). :dizzy: I hand out the bulletins and change the toilet paper.


I believe you are the one that is going to face the harder judgment.
:scripto: You've said. But I checked my bible this morning and Lk 16:18--still sittin' there (Mt 5:18). :AMR: What does your copy say?

Mocking You

New member
Depends on the terms of her contract, if she had one. Most likely though, since this is a religious institution they are free to hire and fire as they please.

Yep. She's probably an at-will employee, meaning the college may fire her for any reason.