Why would God need a hell?

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"I am about to listen to the American president state of the Union speech. It[']s amazing how the Republicans have blocked this man at every turn..."
We don't stand with Gog. :Nineveh: If God is against him, we are against him (Eze 38:3). Every true Christian stands with Israel (Ru 1:16-17).
...it reminds me of how Christianity is trying to block salvation from unbelievers.

:yawn: Christians share the truth of God's word with others (Ac 20:20). :poly:


New member
The link doesn't show that the Bible teaches that the "human body" will perish while the consciousness of the human body does not.

The 34 links also did not prove that dead people remain alive.

The links prove it to me. We just see things differently.


New member
In Rev. 2:13 Jesus told HIS church that he knew " Where satans SEAT is!" Notice latter part of verse, he shows where that is;, "Who is slain AMONG YOU, where satan DWELLS!" Good grief, the seat of satan right inside a church of God! How can that be? Well one way is unholy doctrines, like eternal hell punishing. The devil is sitting all on top of that, pimping it in Christianity like its no tomorrow. With this doctrine, they are slaying humanity and mixing pure violence with the gospel.


The Kingdom of God suffers violence on earth, and Christianity has taken it by the violent force of their eternal hell punishing doctrine.

Don't confuse Christianity :straight: with Roman Catholicism :eek:linger: and Islam :CRASH: --one in the same (Re 17:5).
Seeing the thread title, over and over, it's the sort of vain and presumptuous question somebody may ask with no understanding of God. Sure enough, it's like a gateway drug to Adventist or the like false teachings of soul sleep and annihilation.

The question as to "why" any such thing, that questions God's nature or character, violates the Lord's clear admonitions at the end of Job, asking who are you to question the Creator? It's a presumptuous creature question, from somebody lacking the humility to realize you may actually know nothing, in your vast experience of living a few years, compared to the eternal Creator. Perhaps you aren't quite equipped to judge God? Is that possible?

As to hell, it's just what scripture clearly states, and states in enough places to understand it's a place of eternal punishment. What you don't understand is, in fact, completely immaterial. Maybe you should be presenting questions as to the fear of the Lord you don't seem to respect, or trusting the Lord in those things you don't understand? Instead of foolishly trying to put God on trial, could be you'd be wiser to be concerned over your own trial.

Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.


New member
Now, again Jesus speaking to HIS churches; in Rev.3:9, " Behold, I will make them of the " Synagogue of satan", which say they are Jews and are not, but do lie." Notice two things Jesus reveals here; one, that satan can organize himself as a church, that is what a Synagogue is, a church! satan is so powerful, he can actually lead a church of God, without them even being aware of his tampering with them. And the churches of the world are nothing for him to lead.

Then Jesus says that " They say they are Jews and are not." This is a church people who claim to be one thing, when really they are another. And they really believe themselves to be what they imagine they are.


New member
2 Thessalonians 1:9 KJV
(9) Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;


New member
I tell you, belief in eternal hell punishing, is just being stuck in a state of stupor; you just can't see how insane it is.

To show you just how far the Christian mind is gone in this area; a human could be punished alive for 700 years, then 7,000 years more, then 700,000 more years, then 7 million more years, then 7 trillion more years, and then repeat this on into infinity! This is what eternal punishing would entail, and the Christian mind is okay with this? They actually see nothing wrong with this terror! They think its sane?


What in the world of mercy and pity could be sane about punishing a human forever and ever and ever without it ever ending? This is why Christianity will never enter into my belief system; I don't want to think like that. I don't want to see a God who would do that. I can hardly believe the sheer power of the seduction of the Christian mind to see such a merciless inheritance for unbelievers.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It is the more important part of the discussion but I'd yet suggest that a Pentecostal library isn't a Protestant library per say.

I'm sure it wouldn't be but then the book I found would have been out of place in either one.

Yes, I do, at least as the first line. My emotions do not have anything to do with whether a truth exists or not. It is more important that I deal with facts than emotes. Emotes just don't 'do' anything.

Nobody's arguing that emotion negates truth or facts anyway. I'm pointing out the fact that we're emotive creatures, designed that way.
Again, no. It doesn't matter what "I believe." It matters ONLY between us, what is real and what is not. God is God, you and I are incapable of 'wishing anything into existence.' You are yet subjective where I'm being entirely objective and including myself in the 'wishful thinking' department.

Lon, I've already said that the reality of 'hell', whatever that happens to be would be real regardless of what you or I happen to think or believe, so what are you talking about? I have sufficient reason not to believe it's what you happen to believe it is. If I'm wrong then that's the reality - just as if you're wrong in turn.


Well-known member
Seeing the thread title, over and over, it's the sort of vain and presumptuous question somebody may ask with no understanding of God. Sure enough, it's like a gateway drug to Adventist or the like false teachings of soul sleep and annihilation.

The question as to "why" any such thing, that questions God's nature or character, violates the Lord's clear admonitions at the end of Job, asking who are you to question the Creator? It's a presumptuous creature question, from somebody lacking the humility to realize you may actually know nothing, in your vast experience of living a few years, compared to the eternal Creator. Perhaps you aren't quite equipped to judge God? Is that possible?

As to hell, it's just what scripture clearly states, and states in enough places to understand it's a place of eternal punishment. What you don't understand is, in fact, completely immaterial. Maybe you should be presenting questions as to the fear of the Lord you don't seem to respect, or trusting the Lord in those things you don't understand? Instead of foolishly trying to put God on trial, could be you'd be wiser to be concerned over your own trial.

Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

Only if you except the translations without checking into the variant renderings that expose your assertion, a traditional plea without substance to back it up, the because we say so clause doesn't cut it any longer.


"Matt. 11:12...Believers who have violent forceful doctrines as a part of their gospel [are] the best example of that violent force is the Christian doctrine of punishing humans for all of eternity..."

:yawn: God is just (Deut. 32:4).

" Mt 11:12 the kingdom of heaven suffers violence. From the time he began his preaching ministry, John the Baptist evoked a strong reaction. Having been imprisoned already, John ultimately fell victim to Herod’s savagery. But the kingdom can never be subdued or opposed by human violence. Notice that where Matthew says, “the violent take it by force,” Luke has, “everyone is pressing into it” (Luke 16:16). So the sense of this verse may be rendered this way: “The kingdom presses ahead relentlessly, and only the relentless press their way into it.” Thus again Christ is magnifying the difficulty of entering the kingdom (see notes on 7:13, 14)." MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1412). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.


Well-known member
Somebody has to save these people from Christianity and merciless religion; someone has to stand for the sinners that the followers of God have rejected. And Jesus has that all covered, the lynch mobs who think themselves the righteous, hold no power to doom any human.

Ah yes, just like Adam and Eve who were not ashamed of their idolatry of the serpent over YHWH because they knew the GOD of love could not really mean to condemn him so they decided to pass the test of love by standing against their GOD by befriending a demon against HIS call to come out from among them so they could be judged.

The same situation is found on earth where the good seed must live with the tares they love to learn to mature into full holiness so they will not be burnt along with tares.

And for those who think there is some great difference between human people and demon people, Matt 13:38-9 tells us that the tares are the human people of the evil one sown into the world by the devil and in Matt 25:32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. tells us the goats who go to lake of fire with Satan and his demons are the people called goats, the people on the left: 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. proving beyond any doubt to me that some human people are in fact demons, born here to do the work of their father the devil.


New member
Ah yes, just like Adam and Eve who were not ashamed of their idolatry of the serpent over YHWH because they knew the GOD of love could not really mean to condemn him so they decided to pass the test of love by standing against their GOD by befriending a demon against HIS call to come out from among them so they could be judged.

I totally disagree with this harsh view. Adam and Eve did not " Go against God", and they did not " Befriend the demon." Adam did not sin during this deception, and he was not deceived. Eve just got mislead, and that's all that happened.

Christian judgment is just harsh.


Well-known member
I totally disagree with this harsh view. Adam and Eve did not " Go against God", and they did not " Befriend the demon." Adam did not sin during this deception, and he was not deceived. Eve just got mislead, and that's all that happened.

Christian judgment is just harsh.

Of course not a word about the verses I quoted in support for people getting laked with the demons, eh?

Ask the people called the good seed if they needed to accept a harsh judgement before the people called tares got burnt. Ask the people called sheep if any had to accept a harsh judgement before the people called the goats were sent into the lake of fire with their father the devil and his angels.

And let's ask how the last sinful good seed feels that he caused how much extra suffering here on earth holding back his acceptance of the judgement as too harsh, postponing that judgement for another how many years of suffering under evil,

when he could have speeded up the coming of that day of the Lord by a holy life by getting in accord with GOD's harshness: 2 Peter 3:11 Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening/speeding up the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat!


New member
I totally disagree with this harsh view. Adam and Eve did not " Go against God", and they did not " Befriend the demon." Adam did not sin during this deception, and he was not deceived. Eve just got mislead, and that's all that happened.

Christian judgment is just harsh.

I need to correct this, I said Adam did not sin, but he did commit one, he ate the fruit after God said not to; and that was all he did wrong. It was the only thing Eve did wrong. Both Adam and Eve were totally outclassed and over powered by the serpent; they had absolutely no chance against the serpent.

And that's just how God wanted it, which is why he let the serpent in the garden in the first place. God got the outcome he wanted.
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