Why would God need a hell?

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In Matt. 16:11, again Jesus teaching; " How is it that you do not understand that I spoke it not to you concerning bread, that you should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees?" Just what is the leaven of the Pharisees? Jesus meant their doctrine, and the doctrine was that of endless misery for unbelievers. Jesus normally stayed simple and basic, he could have preached much deeper and spiritually profound, but he did not do that. Here he warned of this teaching of endless misery for unbelievers, warned against it. He knew the mentality of the Pharisees and he really did not like it, in Matt. 23:13 he showed that they were always seeking ways to " Shut off the Kingdom of God from people." The modern day Pharisees is still no different today.


New member
You ever notice how some people become believers in God , and then forget how they were once unbelievers? They forget and loose compassion on unbelievers and are willing to send them off to some hell. They are suddenly ignorant of how they were once ignorant of God. Belief in hell can harden your heart. In Heb. 5:2, " Who can have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out of the way."

Unbelievers are just out of the way of so many attitudes of churches now, they have developed this " Us verse Them" attitude. The love of many has waxed cold.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Christianity isn't about "escaping" hell, although that's beneficial. If you got saved to "escape hell," chances are...You ain't saved. But sometime people wont listen to, although this is true, "God loves you and wants you to have a fellowship with him." A lot of times, they just turn and walk away. But if you start off trying to lovingly show them the biblical consequences to sin (which we all are sinners) you seem to have better success winning souls to The Lord. That's all I really mean.

It shouldn't be but it essentially is a lot of the time. 'Turn or burn' etc and you can't have it both ways either. If it isn't about 'escaping hell' then the lack of such wouldn't do away with there being good news would it?


New member
In Psalms 145:9, " The Lord is Good to ALL." Again the need for hell is dismissed by the inclusive nature of God's word; it keeps including everyone in every book of the bible written. I think its absurd for any gospel to be preached in God's name that is not itself all inclusive; it must match the bible.

Notice again how to put scriptures together, line upon line, precept upon precept; Ps. 145:9, " The Lord is Good to All!", Romans 2:4, "The Goodness of God leads people to repent." God is good to all, all will one day be led to repent; its academic! And its good news for everyone.


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What chance has the world for salvation? Would you give this world a chance to be saved? In John 8:12, again Jesus;, " I am the Light of the World!" Notice again the inclusiveness of Jesus statement. He did not limit his Light to just believers, he is not shinning just for church people or the righteous, he illuminates the whole world! Illuminates it with what? With his Great Salvation!

The future of the whole world is to be led by Christ, illuminated by Christ, converted by Christ and Loved forever by Christ! Its a love story, still being written by the living book of Acts. Acts 17:28, in him we Live, move and have our being! The complete cycle of our lives has been determined. God will pour out his spirit on ALL flesh, Acts 2:17. The whole world will be baptized in the free spirit of God!


New member
Did you know that the hell doctrine is a " Commandment from men?" Because it certainly was never a commandment from God.

Show me where God ever commanded it.

Jesus in Mark 7:7, " In vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."


New member
So people that ask these kinds of questions can go there:duh:

Or...A person who thinks that the wages of sin is to be tortured alive forever in hot hell can read their Bibles to discover that eternal torture in hell is not true. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord".

"Whosoever believes in Him shall not Perish, but will have Eternal Life".


PS - There is not a single verse in the entire Bible that makes the claim that God sends people to hell when they die where they are tormented alive forever. But there are many many Bible passages that specifically state that the wicked will perish and will be no more, that they will be destroyed. You should accept what the BIBLE says rather than your horrific religious lie about eternal torture.

Ben Masada

New member
Did you know that the hell doctrine is a " Commandment from men?" Because it certainly was never a commandment from God.

Show me where God ever commanded it.

Jesus in Mark 7:7, " In vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."

I am aware that the hell doctrine is a commandment of man. Did you know too that the commandment to sacrifice animals was never a commandment of God but rather of man? Jeremiah, one of the greater Prophets stands as the best evidence to that fact when he said that the Lord never commanded that animal sacrifices be part of the Faith of Israel. (Jer. 7:22)

Ben Masada

New member
What chance has the world for salvation? Would you give this world a chance to be saved? In John 8:12, again Jesus;, " I am the Light of the World!" Notice again the inclusiveness of Jesus statement. He did not limit his Light to just believers, he is not shinning just for church people or the righteous, he illuminates the whole world! Illuminates it with what? With his Great Salvation!

The future of the whole world is to be led by Christ, illuminated by Christ, converted by Christ and Loved forever by Christ! Its a love story, still being written by the living book of Acts. Acts 17:28, in him we Live, move and have our being! The complete cycle of our lives has been determined. God will pour out his spirit on ALL flesh, Acts 2:17. The whole world will be baptized in the free spirit of God!

All the chances in the world if we use our Intellect and Freewill to repent and return to the obedience of God's Law. That's the chance the Lord has given us to set things right with Him so that our sins, from scarlet red become as white as snow.
(Isa. 1:18,19)


New member
All the chances in the world if we use our Intellect and Freewill to repent and return to the obedience of God's Law. That's the chance the Lord has given us to set things right with Him so that our sins, from scarlet red become as white as snow.
(Isa. 1:18,19)

There is no such thing as free will, its just another Christian deception.


New member
so you're a robot - :shocked:

I am a realist. A human has a will, but it could only be free if it was not influenced by outside forces. We are just totally ignorant of just how much life is influenced. If we place two children in a fenched in yard and told them they can play, but not go outside the fench; they are limited as to what they can do.

Humanity is just as limited, and just as fenched in. We can only go so far in this life.


There is no such thing as free will, its just another Christian deception.

Ge 2:17

“If you have sinned, do not lie down without repentance; for the want of repentance after one has sinned makes the heart yet harder and harder.” ~ John Bunyan


New member
In order for Christianity to put people in their hell, their going to have to take them out of God's hands; Ezk.18:4, " Behold, ALL souls are mine." Now, put that scripture with Isaiah 66:9, where God teaches that he has given birth to humanity and he will not abort any of us. Stunning salvation for every human ever born.


Did you know that the hell doctrine is a " Commandment from men?"

Did you know that you cannot have a come in Savior but a stay out Lord? :freak: He'll have all of you :listen: or he'll have none of you. Lk 6:46

Turn (Ac 9:35), repent (Ac 8:22), return (1 Sam. 7:3), be converted (Ac 15:3). Thomas Nelson Publishers. (1996). Nelson’s quick reference topical Bible index (p. 526). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.


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