Why Liberals Hate the Holidays


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Why Liberals Hate the Holidays

This is the show from Thursday December 19th, 2013


* DBC Top Ten List: Check out this 2002 Top Ten list from an ad that Denver Bible Church ran in the Denver Post. And below, see the Westword Award it won for Best Church Advertisement 2002. :)

Denver Bible Church Press Release
For Immediate Release:

Top Ten Reasons
Why Liberals Hate the Holidays

Liberals often pit themselves against good traditions. Bible teachings present the cure for liberalism. It is good to eat animals, both for people (who get great enjoyment and nutrition) and for the animals (they have the great honor of being eaten by people. :)

Animal rights activists would annihilate sixty million turkeys yearly, turkeys which would never even exist if they didn't end up on dinning room tables. (It is better to live and be eaten then never to have lived at all.)

Extremist environmentalists forget that trees are a renewable resource. For every tree cut down, thousands of seeds can reproduce an unlimited number of new trees, and America has more trees today than 200 years ago.

Leading liberals have prejudice against the social descendants of the Pilgrims. Liberalism tends toward racism against Europeans, sexism against males, and discrimination against Christianity. Some people put down others to elevate themselves or their friends. Liberals often denounce Christian white males in order to elevate their special interests.

Leading liberals blame religion, especially Christianity, for the world's problems, advocating instead atheistic, evolutionary socialism. Liberals thus ignore the murder of tens of millions of people in the recent past by the atheistic, evolutionary socialist Soviet Union and other communist countries.

Liberals prefer kids growing up institutionalized in daycare and government schools than having them raised at home by loving parents. And finally, in their long war against God, liberals suggest that the only good Christian is a bad Christian, that is, one who rejects the exclusive claims of Jesus Christ.

For more information, see:
or contact:
Denver Bible Church Pastor Bob Enyart
PO Box 583 Arvada CO 80001


And here's a handy text version of our top ten list:

10 Thanksgiving is mass murder for turkeys.
9 Too many SUVs traveling to grandma's house.
8 College bowl games encourage competition.
7 Millions of Christmas trees are cut down.
6 The pilgrims were thanking God, not the Indians.
5 Christmas lights waste electricity.
4 The letters C-h-r-i-s-t are still seen in public.
3 Winter lull in global-warming hype.
2 Daycare centers are closed.
1 Christmas celebrates a birth, not an abortion.


New member
Most of those reasons are stupid to very stupid. And, I think Denver Bible Church is very stupid, and probably more liberal (neocon) than conservative itself.

Yes, I know neocons celebrate eating animals and driving fuel inefficient vehicles, but so do most liberals. PETA is a minority among liberals. And, I've never seen a rich liberal drive a small, inexpensive car (other than as a token).

How about the Top Ten Reasons Why Jews Hate Christmas? AKA: The Top Ten Reasons Why Jews Celebrate Something as Lame as Hanukkah.


like marbles on glass
Why Liberals Hate the Holidays Why Conservatives Love Making Themselves Look Ridiculous

Why Liberals Hate the Holidays Why Jabin Can't Decide Which He Loves More, Misogyny or Bigotry


Well-known member
Why Liberals Hate the Holidays

This is the show from Thursday December 19th, 2013


* DBC Top Ten List: Check out this 2002 Top Ten list from an ad that Denver Bible Church ran in the Denver Post. And below, see the Westword Award it won for Best Church Advertisement 2002. :)

Denver Bible Church Press Release
For Immediate Release:

Top Ten Reasons
Why Liberals Hate the Holidays

Liberals often pit themselves against good traditions. Bible teachings present the cure for liberalism. It is good to eat animals, both for people (who get great enjoyment and nutrition) and for the animals (they have the great honor of being eaten by people. :)

Animal rights activists would annihilate sixty million turkeys yearly, turkeys which would never even exist if they didn't end up on dinning room tables. (It is better to live and be eaten then never to have lived at all.)

Extremist environmentalists forget that trees are a renewable resource. For every tree cut down, thousands of seeds can reproduce an unlimited number of new trees, and America has more trees today than 200 years ago.

Leading liberals have prejudice against the social descendants of the Pilgrims. Liberalism tends toward racism against Europeans, sexism against males, and discrimination against Christianity. Some people put down others to elevate themselves or their friends. Liberals often denounce Christian white males in order to elevate their special interests.

Leading liberals blame religion, especially Christianity, for the world's problems, advocating instead atheistic, evolutionary socialism. Liberals thus ignore the murder of tens of millions of people in the recent past by the atheistic, evolutionary socialist Soviet Union and other communist countries.

Liberals prefer kids growing up institutionalized in daycare and government schools than having them raised at home by loving parents. And finally, in their long war against God, liberals suggest that the only good Christian is a bad Christian, that is, one who rejects the exclusive claims of Jesus Christ.

For more information, see:
or contact:
Denver Bible Church Pastor Bob Enyart
PO Box 583 Arvada CO 80001


And here's a handy text version of our top ten list:

10 Thanksgiving is mass murder for turkeys.
9 Too many SUVs traveling to grandma's house.
8 College bowl games encourage competition.
7 Millions of Christmas trees are cut down.
6 The pilgrims were thanking God, not the Indians.
5 Christmas lights waste electricity.
4 The letters C-h-r-i-s-t are still seen in public.
3 Winter lull in global-warming hype.
2 Daycare centers are closed.
1 Christmas celebrates a birth, not an abortion.

Good stuff