Why is there something rather than nothing?


Well-known member
Theological morals in a nutshell: "Praise the all powerful because He is all powerful. He can give you an eternal reward or eternal punishment, and that's why you should praise Him. Forget about the powerless and the weak, and focus on getting the favours of the powerful ".

As you see it, with your perspective

However, since God is the Creator and the results of my believing His words are evidenced in my life, your perspective remains very, very limited.

That is your choice.

God cares for my life far more than any scientist, doctor, social worker, parent, politician, agnostic, atheist or believer ever did or could.

God is more real to me than the earth I live on, than the air I breathe.


New member
As you see it, with your perspective

However, since God is the Creator and the results of my believing His words are evidenced in my life, your perspective remains very, very limited.

That is your choice.

God cares for my life far more than any scientist, doctor, social worker, parent, politician, agnostic, atheist or believer ever did or could.

God is more real to me than the earth I live on, than the air I breathe.

Then again you like Him because He provides favours that nobody else can. You're only interested in what you get from the all powerful instead on focusing on what you are giving to the powerless.


New member
If I were to argue the counter, I would say that such being wouldn't by necessity be incapable, just unwilling.

Unwilling to explore that part of its own nature, and although perfectly capable of destroying all evil from existence (because He is all powerful), He decides to let it be, let evil be explored by others, just so that some can be called by His side, but not all...


New member
Unwilling to explore that part of its own nature, and although perfectly capable of destroying all evil from existence (because He is all powerful), He decides to let it be, let evil be explored by others, just so that some can be called by His side, but not all...

I was speaking only to your suggestion that benevolence and omnipotence are mutually exclusive.

Simon Baker

Where the Spirit is, is liberty already. God is Spirit. The movement of creative evolution is apparently 'circular', its 'cyclic'...yes.

Sure,...Spirit speaks, and we discern spiritual things spiritually.

Eh,...I wouldn't go that far or assume such. There is no reason to. Remember, where the Spirit of the Lord is, is liberty. Where is the Spirit? Does God's Spirit dwell in you? Is the Spirit of God omnipresent? Is 'God' infinite? Or do we just worship some human finite concept of a 'god', customizing our 'theology' as we go along? And is there an angry wrathful self-aggrandizing 'God' that is going to punish us if we don't follow a 'pre-scribed' outline or particular religious 'regimen'?

God is unique, special, one of kind, holy,....sure. So is his creation. That includes us....or better yet....is US. All there is.....is 'God' and the 'creation' of 'God'. Nothing else. God is ONE. Indivisible. A manifold One.

Well,.....'God' is the only reality that makes any connection or anything possible, so how could one be separate from 'God'? :)

I think that 'God' being omnipresent, being all in all NOW...is an awesome reality. no pity involved in what is really being. 'God' is the allness of Being NOW.....no time needed for this to be so, but 'God' of course is pervading and present in all time-sequences, past, present or future,...because 'God' is INFINITE. Is this not so?

Perty awesome eh? :)


Perhaps Patrick Was Being Gentle. GOD IS INFINITE GOOD. Key Word Good. You Cannot Approach God Unless You Know Christ. You Will Arrive At This Conclusion In A Way That You Do Not Expect Or Imagine. When GOD Speaks, We Listen. Some Do Not Listen. God Wants Us PURE. ONLY In Christ Is That Possible. Now Or Later, You Will Understand


Eclectic Theosophist


To assume the existence of something does not automatically renders that something into reality. Even more, what we call reality is itself a construction of the mind, and it is in itself an assumption. Which will only lead us to the complete uncertainty of the existence of everything, INCLUDING the Deity that supposedly created itself as pure love.

Indeed, yet I spoke earlier of the reality that is at the root, source and heart of everything (All That Is).....as being the universal, timeless, infinite reality....while else is but a relative reflection of that. Absolute reality ever remains what IS....since it is absolute. I find the teachings of non-duality/non-dualism (Advaita Vedanta and other schools) as being the most direct pointers to that infinite reality as 'Brahman' of which our soul (atman) is non-seperate from (being of the same essence)....since God is one......the only One Being. In this context we use the word 'God' to refer to truth, reality, all that is, the infinite, etc.

Which takes me to this thought: A being which is itself the essence of love has an inherent incapability of hating, hurting or creating anything evil, and it is therefore NOT all powerful. Being pure love and being all powerful are mutually exclusive. We need to choose: is God pure love? or He is all powerful . Is God love only? or He is all, THE WHOLE , everything that can and cannot exist (including evil).

I agree that God as pure love.....could only love, if God is limited to only what God is. We've treated the mystery of evil elsewhere. God as 'The All' or 'The Totality' would include both light and shadow, as reality also includes 'maya'.....as an aspect of illusion in the play of creation.

Repent from what? Repent from disobeying? Repent from using a tool for evil, which was designed by the same Deity who punishes its usage?

I used 'repent' meaning changing, renewing or transforming the mind. A procress of returning to Source, re-turning attention to Spirit.

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Eclectic Theosophist
God is all.......

God is all.......

Perhaps Patrick Was Being Gentle. GOD IS INFINITE GOOD. Key Word Good. You Cannot Approach God Unless You Know Christ.

Yes....most of us theists believe God is infinite good. Dont forget this 'God' is omnipresent, so how could anything be seperate from God? If you insist you are seperate from God, you'll have to prove it, and at the same time disprove his omnipresence.

The concept of 'knowing Christ' can be defined or explained differently depending on who you ask.

You Will Arrive At This Conclusion In A Way That You Do Not Expect Or Imagine. When GOD Speaks, We Listen. Some Do Not Listen. God Wants Us PURE. ONLY In Christ Is That Possible. Now Or Later, You Will Understand.

Well, thats a belief which may or may not be true. Remember God's omnipresence? 'God' already is the one reality always being. God includes the conclusion already in his timeless state. I Am already that....I Am already there.

Can anything exist outside of God?



New member
I was speaking only to your suggestion that benevolence and omnipotence are mutually exclusive.

Is not only omnipotence that I'm talking about, because God is supposedly "omni-everything" (I know that's redundant but go on reading), he is: omnipresent, omnisapient, omniprocreative ... He is everywhere and He is everything. Everytime the sun comes up, there's god; everytime cancer grows, there is God; everytime someone is burnt to death, there is God; everytime a serial killer gets a new victim, there is God... In a universe where evil, pain and death exist the omni-being cannot be all-benevolent


Eclectic Theosophist
Is not only omnipotence that I'm talking about, because God is supposedly "omni-everything" (I know that's redundant but go on reading), he is: omnipresent, omnisapient, omniprocreative ... He is everywhere and He is everything. Everytime the sun comes up, there's god; everytime cancer grows, there is God; everytime someone is burnt to death, there is God; everytime a serial killer gets a new victim, there is God... In a universe where evil, pain and death exist the omni-being cannot be all-benevolent

This takes us back to the 'mystery of evil' of course, where such a 'duality' exists in this conditional realm of existence, this material realm. We've treated 'evil' on other threads, so this problem is resolved variously by different viewpoints. However, of course...if we hold to the absolute allness/omnipresence of 'God' in a pure pantheistic sense,...then yes....'God' includes all, because He is all.

What appears as evil, suffering, pain, death, etc....is all a part of the play of creation, the current of evolution, the path of Nature and her universal laws of birth, death, rebirth. In this eternal cycle of conditional existence,....the full spectrum of potential for both good and evil exist simultaneously. Now how we explain, synthesize or resolve the issue of evil, with the 'concept' of God being both omnibenevolent and omnipresent, depends on one's own philosophical preference and rationale. Its all POV (point of view).

From a purely metaphysical POV, I often come from a pantheist/pan-entheistical world view, so saying that 'God' is One, 'God' is all, is very natural to me, since 'God' is the Totality of All That IS, and more, since He includes all that can be known and all that is unknown,....being The One INFINITE. I can just as well entertain 'God' from a more relational, dual, finite perspective in the world of relationships, where souls think of themselves as separate from 'God', and have many different personifications of 'God', but its all made up of the same universal consciousness, which is the substance of all. When you reduce all things back to their source,....there is but that one essence of which all is made....from IT comes all substance and forms. There is only 'that'.



New member
However, of course...if we hold to the absolute allness/omnipresence of 'God' in a pure pantheistic sense,...then yes....'God' includes all, because He is all.


Well going back to the original question, we agree that: everything that exists IS God, (call it God's thoughts if you want). Then, if God has always existed and everything that exists IS God... then ALL that exists has always existed along with God.

Then the question on how the Universe was created is senseless, because the Universe is God and it was uncreated: Everything that exists must therefore be uncreated. (Which contradicts the Bible and the myth of creation, but the Bible contradicts itself all the time, so I'm not getting into that).

What appears as evil, suffering, pain, death, etc....is all a part of the play of creation, the current of evolution, the path of Nature and her universal laws of birth, death, rebirth. In this eternal cycle of conditional existence,....the full spectrum of potential for both good and evil exist simultaneously. Now how we explain, synthesize or resolve the issue of evil, with the 'concept' of God being both omnibenevolent and omnipresent, depends on one's own philosophical preference and rationale. Its all POV (point of view).


I have always found it puzzling when the laws of Nature are mentioned in a discussion about God. Are the laws of Nature above God's will?. Is it that not even God can break those laws? . I have heard this argument a couple of times: Evil is the human nature. But wasn't it God who designed human nature along with all Nature and its laws?.

Or is it that "Nature and her universal laws of birth, death, rebirth" are God's Nature. As well as Evil and Good are God's dual nature and dual will (because God CAN always control his own nature at WILL).

Which makes me feel uneasy about this God. I can forgive anyone for having an evil "nature" but not for having an evil "will". Nature (such as instincts) are sometimes uncontrollable, but having an evil "will" is rather scary.

From a purely metaphysical POV, I often come from a pantheist/pan-entheistical world view, so saying that 'God' is One, 'God' is all, is very natural to me, since 'God' is the Totality of All That IS, and more, since He includes all that can be known and all that is unknown,....being The One INFINITE. I can just as well entertain 'God' from a more relational, dual, finite perspective in the world of relationships, where souls think of themselves as separate from 'God', and have many different personifications of 'God', but its all made up of the same universal consciousness, which is the substance of all. When you reduce all things back to their source,....there is but that one essence of which all is made....from IT comes all substance and forms. There is only 'that'.


Same thoughts, now remove intelligence, conciousness and will from that source of everything, add physical properties like energy and movement and you have Materialism.


Eclectic Theosophist
consciousness, energy, form.........

consciousness, energy, form.........

Well going back to the original question, we agree that: everything that exists IS God, (call it God's thoughts if you want). Then, if God has always existed and everything that exists IS God... then ALL that exists has always existed along with God.

Well,...this gets into the deeper metaphysical question whether God the Infinite existed before the inception of a finite creation, and as you know, this is the classical traditional orthodox theist position, that 'God' is the Creator of all, but has always existed as a 'Being' prior to space-time-creation.... so ever maintains an eternal priority of Being before any finite material creation. The Infinite ever IS.....while finite forms and expressions arise from within the context of infinity.

Indeed, we assume God IS, and Alone is absolute, infinite, eternal, ultimate, supreme, etc. - yet there has come into being the movement of creation (the evolution of life in-form-ation) as a creative expression of That Which IS. In such movements and their relations is the whole field of creation, and its various inter-actions....all arising within the Infinite. Space and time are but relative measurements and forms engaging the senses. As long as there is anything to 'relate', all perception and even knowledge is 'relative', dependent upon something else to exist or function.

The essence of pure awareness itself however, if it is the light of the Absolute Being....is pure radiance which is beyond any relation, yet includes the play of relationships in its totality of expression.

Then the question on how the Universe was created is senseless, because the Universe is God and it was uncreated: Everything that exists must therefore be uncreated. (Which contradicts the Bible and the myth of creation, but the Bible contradicts itself all the time, so I'm not getting into that).

As touched on above,.....we would ask if its still possible that an uncreated reality can still be the origin or source of a finite, limited, progressive, evolving CREATION. My view includes the context of non-duality and the apparent duality of the visible world as a totality, so that the infinite can co-exist and inter-act simultaneously with the finite, as well as eternity with time. Its a wonderful mystery, a paradox.

I have always found it puzzling when the laws of Nature are mentioned in a discussion about God. Are the laws of Nature above God's will?. Is it that not even God can break those laws?

From a non-dualistic view, there is no separation between 'God' and 'Nature', unless we make a distinction. In any case,...the laws of nature would not go against or contradict God's law, who is nature's maker and source. If we consider the constitution of God, then His very nature and will are wholly true to his Being and the character thereof.

I have heard this argument a couple of times: Evil is the human nature. But wasn't it God who designed human nature along with all Nature and its laws?.

If we consider God as Infinite Good, wholly pure and divine...then man must create his own explanations for the evil experienced by man (i.e. The Fall, disobedience, pride, selfishness....) and lay the blame of 'sin' on man, or some deceiver or evil entity such as satan, Lucifer, the devil, etc.

Or is it that "Nature and her universal laws of birth, death, rebirth" are God's Nature. As well as Evil and Good are God's dual nature and dual will (because God CAN always control his own nature at WILL).

These are questions I still ponder, and research :)

Which makes me feel uneasy about this God. I can forgive anyone for having an evil "nature" but not for having an evil "will". Nature (such as instincts) are sometimes uncontrollable, but having an evil "will" is rather scary.

Yes, for having an evil will....shows there is motive, the very intention to inflict evil for its own sake, for its own sick pleasure or cruelty. However, I think we could be splitting hairs over an evil 'nature' and/or 'will',....since if one has an evil nature, they likely will express that evil thru the faculty of their soul, which includes 'will'. You don't know a person is evil, until he ACTS that evil out, intending it.

See our former discussion on evil here. (it includes links to 2 threads on 'evil').

Same thoughts, now remove intelligence, conciousness and will from that source of everything, add physical properties like energy and movement and you have Materialism.

Yes, I don't agree with an extreme view of gross materialism, since you cannot separate the reality of consciousness, energy or spirit from matter, neither does creation arise and interact without intelligence. It just so happens that materialism cannot exist on its own, as some independent entity apart from consciousness. There are some convincing proponents of the primacy of consciousness in the field today, and it is self-evident even beyond any theory or its supports,...that consciousness is the fundamental reality.

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New member
...and it is self-evident even beyond any theory or its supports,...that consciousness is the fundamental reality.

That is basically the same as saying: "my view is self-evident even against all evidence", in other words, "I'll believe what I want, no matter what others say, no matter what experience says"

From my point of view, what we call "reality" is a construct made from the very limited experience we can have of a world that just "is".
"Reality" is a judgement that a healthy brain uses to classify thoughts, memories, etc: Real thoughts, real memories or unreal ones. However the universe cannot "judge" if something is real or not. In fact there is only one thing the Universe can do:

To "be" is the only fundamental verb, not "to think", not to "judge" not to "will", not to "be conscious", no "to plan", not "to care" ...those verbs are far too complicated for the fundamental action "to be".

The universe, as a whole, can only do one thing: to be. Yet there are small parts of the universe which can do some more complicated stuff... in particular, a tiny tiny part of the universe, called the human species, can think, plan, will, be conscious, care, etc.

As Carl Sagan put it "We are a way for the cosmos to know itself"


Eclectic Theosophist



Hello all,

I was just chatting with Damian on Facebook, so thought to find some common threads between as us and thought to resurrect one of them here ;) - we've engaged in many older threads, like on 'A Course In Miracles' (ACIM) and other eclectic subjects, but those are no longer extant.

He's doing fine but busy at another forum, much more liberal I might add, and has no plans to return here. I must admit he got a little short at times and a bit snippy, but you know the territory.

With that in mind as to any further discussions on whats been shared here so far.....have a Merry Christmas! :)

Ben Masada

New member
Why is there something rather than nothing? The sufficient reason...is found in a substance which...is a necessary being bearing the reason for its existence within itself." - Gottfried Liebniz

Because, if it was not so but any other way, you would not be here today asking this question.


Well-known member
God is so Good that He created others to share His Love with. He is so full of love He overflows into us all.