Why Homosexuality Must NOT Be Criminalized


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Hall of Fame
Well, no you haven't. If I see a beautiful woman walking down the street then simply finding her beautiful and attractive isn't a 'sin'. If I started lusting after her then you might have a point except I didn't say any such thing.

You claim attraction means something is ok, so why not help yourself, adulterer?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Did you not have a "girls are gross" phase?

Young children tend to be averse to opposite sex friendships, and are more attracted (again, nonsexually) to their own gender. This probably arises from social factors and upbringing (parents, siblings, and peers encouraging certain friendships, discouraging others). Those who end up adopting a homosexual lifestyle tend to have had the opposite experience - they mostly sought friendships with the opposite sex.

I didn't, no.

I get what you're saying about same gender friendships and there's nothing unnatural about that. It simply doesn't impact on a latent inbuilt attraction. Are you saying you didn't find girls attractive when you were a child and saw them differently to other boys?

Right, it's not only moral. It's cultural and social, too.

If you were raised by wolves you probably wouldn't have bought Playboy.

No, sexual attraction is not governed by morals. You can argue that as much as you want, it won't make it any the more true.

If I was raised by wolves I probably wouldn't have bought anything much...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You claim attraction means something is ok, so why not help yourself, adulterer?

Where have I claimed attraction means something is ok? Quote me on that and in context please. Otherwise, admitting that a beautiful and attractive woman is beautiful and attractive is just that. So your 'adulterer' garbage is noted and discarded.


Well-known member
I get what you're saying about same gender friendships and there's nothing unnatural about that. It simply doesn't impact on a latent inbuilt attraction.

"Latent inbuilt attraction" ?
Yes, your socialization does impact your later sexual activity.

If you were socialized in ancient Greece...

Are you saying you didn't find girls attractive when you were a child and saw them differently to other boys?

I remember in preschool, the boys used to all ask each other, "Which girl in the class do you want to marry?"
The correct (socially approved) answer was, "None, gross." One kid used to always say, "All of them." Everybody thought he was a weirdo. I went to a Jewish preschool, though. Maybe that's a Jewish thing.

No, sexual attraction is not governed by morals. You can argue that as much as you want, it won't make it any the more true.

Yes it is. Partially.

Men and women will often find someone more attractive when they find out they're single.
Many perverts even find someone more attractive when they find out they're married.

If I was raised by wolves I probably wouldn't have bought anything much...

What I mean is, the culture tells you "this is how you ought to get your kicks."

If you'd been raised by ancient Greeks, you'd get your kicks a different way.


Well-known member
Excellent, then you agree acting on homosexuality is wrong. See how easy that was?

He's admitted that the thought of homosexual activity disgusts him.
He's implied that attraction does not justify an action.

I don't see how AB has agreed that homosexual activity is wrong, though.


New member
Both heterosexual activity and homosexual activity were considered normal. There was no concept of a homosexual or heterosexual orientation. No one was thought to be capable of attraction only toward a single gender.

Do some reading on the topic.

Kenneth Dover. Greek Homosexuality. 1989
Bruce Thornton. Eros: The Myth of Ancient Greek Sexuality. 1997
David Halperin. One Hundred Years of Homosexuality: And Other Essays on Greek Love. 1990

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
noun: preference; plural noun: preferences

a greater liking for one alternative over another or others.



noun: choice; plural noun: choices

an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.


Do you choose to prefer one flavour of ice cream to the other? No, you don't. The same as I didn't choose to find peanut butter unpalatable yet like dry roasted peanuts. Got the point yet or do you want a dictionary definition in turn?


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Both heterosexual activity and homosexual activity were considered normal. There was no concept of a homosexual or heterosexual orientation. No one was thought to be capable of attraction only toward a single gender.


they were willing to have sex with anything and everything

kinda like hefner

Did you not have a "girls are gross" phase?

rosie odonell's pretty gross :idunno:


There wasn't one shred of evidence of homosexuality being innate when society was shaped to accept it, and now that it's succeeded they are rationalizing it to suffice their morality.

These people have used this tiny little vestige of society to bash Christianity and conservative values for way too long to still be getting away with it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
"Latent inbuilt attraction" ?
Yes, your socialization does impact your later sexual activity.

If you were socialized in ancient Greece...

You go on about ancient Greece as if heterosexual relations were a rarity...

I remember in preschool, the boys used to all ask each other, "Which girl in the class do you want to marry?"
The correct (socially approved) answer was, "None, gross." One kid used to always say, "All of them." Everybody thought he was a weirdo. I went to a Jewish preschool, though. Maybe that's a Jewish thing.

Um, yeah, I think it maybe is dude...:eek:

Yes it is. Partially.

Men and women will often find someone more attractive when they find out they're single.
Many perverts even find someone more attractive when they find out they're married.

If you're heterosexual then it's either going to be a single or married person of the opposite sex then. The only moralistic part is whether to pursue such a course or not, not the attraction itself.

What I mean is, the culture tells you "this is how you ought to get your kicks."

If you'd been raised by ancient Greeks, you'd get your kicks a different way.

Dude, you're a guy who tells me I can train myself to enjoy insipid, bland pop music and won't admit to being sooooooooooo wrong about that. So your fixation on Greece really doesn't mean very much...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
He's admitted that the thought of homosexual activity disgusts him.
He's implied that attraction does not justify an action.

I don't see how AB has agreed that homosexual activity is wrong, though.

That's because he didn't. Angel just wanted to 'read' that into it.