
New member
I use many different Bible translations, because some have a scripture that I believe is said to where opponents have a harder time to pick apart. However, I do not believe that any translation is the cause of a false doctrine.

You can study the bible for years, yet not know God's Truth. Jesus says he reveals himself to those who get his teachings and obeys them.
You need to answer my question as to verb tense info. You don't because you know that your answer will counter your own criticism of others . . . taking the words of men in your study of the bible, and don't tell me "God told me about verb tenses, " because that would prove that you are delusional.

As to your use of "many different Bibles," my point is not about the Bibles you use. Rather it is about your dependence on the very scholars you so despise. The same men, are teachers in our seminaries. Your "many bibles" proves that you honor the translations and words of men. Case closed.

Cross Reference

New member
Dan, given that the sign gifts ceased when God closed the door on Israel, would you agree that the point in Paul's epistles written around the time of Acts 28 and later would indicate the cessation?

Where do you get off stating it was a "given", they ceased?
Why not get on with saying that is but your opinion they ceased? Sounds like something "systematic" about how you choose to believe for that error..

God's Truth

New member
You need to answer my question as to verb tense info. You don't because you know that your answer will counter your own criticism of others . . . taking the words of men in your study of the bible, and don't tell me "God told me about verb tenses, " because that would prove that you are delusional.

As to your use of "many different Bibles," my point is not about the Bibles you use. Rather it is about your dependence on the very scholars you so despise. The same men, are teachers in our seminaries. Your "many bibles" proves that you honor the translations and words of men. Case closed.

What you say is nonsense.

Translating the Bible to English does not make a person saved, or make those people know God; and, reading the Bible does not make a person know and understand God.

Jesus tells us how we can know him. We know him by obeying his teachings.

Cross Reference

New member
What you say is nonsense.

Translating the Bible to English does not make a person saved, or make those people know God; and, reading the Bible does not make a person know and understand God.

Jesus tells us how we can know him. We know him by obeying his teachings.

So what are His teachings <smile>?

Word based mystic

New member
So what are His teachings <smile>?

i always saw it as

we love because He first loved us thus giving us a grid to love Him properly.

we cant love him properly until we are born again and His Spirit is in us empowering us to love in spirit and agape.

(((we obey His teachings because we LOVE HIM.)))

obeying does not produce love.

relationship and love produces right living out of relational love towards that person.

look at a husband and wife

i could imagine my wifes response if i listed things she needs to do in order for me to believe she loves me.

instead I desire and love my wife so i Know and pursue knowing what pleases her. mostly it is communication and time spent.

not a list posted on a refrigerator.

obedience out of obligation and necessity is far inferior than the royal law of love
that is we do things because we love

and in the doing and the continuing to do it proves that we love and are His.

God's Truth

New member
i always saw it as

we love because He first loved us thus giving us a grid to love Him properly.

God first loved us is 'us' in general. God does not know and love us personally unless we love Him by obeying Him.

we cant love him properly until we are born again and His Spirit is in us empowering us to love in spirit and agape.

We are told to search for God and we will find Him if we search for Him with all our heart. We search for God with all our heart when we obey Him.

(((we obey His teachings because we LOVE HIM.)))

We love Him by obeying His teachings. That is what He says.

obeying does not produce love.

Obeying is how we remain in God's love.

We love God by obeying God.

relationship and love produces right living out of relational love towards that person.

look at a husband and wife

i could imagine my wifes response if i listed things she needs to do in order for me to believe she loves me.

Isn't she expected to do certain things, such as do not commit adultery, etc? Would you feel loved if she did that?

instead I desire and love my wife so i Know and pursue knowing what pleases her. mostly it is communication and time spent.

not a list posted on a refrigerator.

The whole Bible is a teaching tool on how to love.


New member
What you say is nonsense.

Translating the Bible to English does not make a person saved, or make those people know God; and, reading the Bible does not make a person know and understand God.

Jesus tells us how we can know him. We know him by obeying his teachings.
You are fooling no one when you write: "Translating the Bible to English does not make a person saved . . ." Its not about the Bible, sister, and you know this. It is about your dependence on the scholarship of uninspired men who translated the bibles you read and "study," the same men who teach in our seminaries. Oh, btw, which of those seminary types gave you your teaching on verb tenses?

God's Truth

New member
Its not about the Bible, sister, it is about your dependence on the scholarship of uninspired men, the same men who teach in our seminaries. Oh, btw, which of those seminary types gave you your teaching on verb tenses?

I have already explained it to you enough. Please think about it longer.


New member
I have already explained it to you enough. Please think about it longer.
You have never told me where you got your gk information? Not once. It really is simple, just give me a name instead of telling me you already did. Did your info come from a gk grammar? What grammar? Or did it come from your schooling, if so, where and who was your first year gk teacher.

Word based mystic

New member
Gods truth

look at John 14:15 "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.

look at the progression.

It does not say if you keep my commandments you will love me.

It is just the reverse.
Love and relationship is the main theme throughout scripture.

ephesians 3:16 that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man
we are empowered by His Spirit in the inner man (FIRST)
17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith
Christ dwells in us because our inner man has been empowered FIRST by his Spirit, causing us to be (born again) FIRST.
Which allows us to then be "that you, being rooted and grounded in love,"

so that you may be able to comprehend The depths of Gods Love.
(Comprehend) means (experience) not a mental understanding
the experiencing of God loving us in and through the Holy Spirit then
enables us to be filled with all the fullness of GOD.

As to a spouse committing adultery.
if she really acted out of passion and love for her husband her actions would not be led to adultery.

Word based mystic

New member
in genesis.
God desired relationship
adam chose knowledge of good and evil (being in charge of his own blessings)
to be like God
over relationship/love.
true love/agape will always produce obedient and love based activity
following the law does not produce love
love will however produce obedience.

we learn how to love because our parents show us how much they love us.
this lays a foundation for selfless love in children in the future
Fathers love
bride and the bridegroom simile
Jesus love for us produced a seed of love so we can multiply His Fruit.

what are the fruits of the Spirit?
relational love focused activity.

God's Truth

New member
Gods truth

look at John 14:15 "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.

I think that this scripture will help you see what I am saying:

1 John 5:3 In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands.

That is exactly what I have said...LOVE IS KEEPING HIS COMMANDS.

look at the progression.

It does not say if you keep my commandments you will love me.

It is just the reverse.
Love and relationship is the main theme throughout scripture.

ephesians 3:16 that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man
we are empowered by His Spirit in the inner man (FIRST)
17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith
Christ dwells in us because our inner man has been empowered FIRST by his Spirit, causing us to be (born again) FIRST.
Which allows us to then be "that you, being rooted and grounded in love,"

so that you may be able to comprehend The depths of Gods Love.
(Comprehend) means (experience) not a mental understanding
the experiencing of God loving us in and through the Holy Spirit then
enables us to be filled with all the fullness of GOD.

As to a spouse committing adultery.
if she really acted out of passion and love for her husband her actions would not be led to adultery.

Please consider what I am saying...

God saves those who love Him, and we love Him by obeying.

You do NOT LOVE GOD if you are not OBEYING HIM.

2 John 1:6
And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands

The scripture plainly says that love is obedience to his commands.

We are not even loved by God if we are not loving Him by obeying Him.

God loves those who love Him.

We are not even known by God if we do not first love Him.

1 Corinthians 8:3 But whoever loves God is known by God.

Psalm 91:14 "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

Proverbs 8:17 I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.

1 Samuel 2:30 "Therefore the LORD, the God of Israel, declares: 'I promised that members of your family would minister before me forever.' But now the LORD declares: 'Far be it from me! Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained.

John 14:21 NET The person who has my commandments and obeys them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will reveal myself to him."

We are not loved and known by God unless we are loving God by obeying God.

Word based mystic

New member
we are not capable of loving God properly unless agape love is first birthed in us by Him loving us.

Love produces obedience not the reverse
the fruit or proof of love is obedience.

1 john 4:19 We love, because He first loved us.

i think we are close maybe but it is important to see that our earthly love is not what pleases Him
it is His agape love He first loved us with that enables us to (comprehend) and then love Him back with true agape love

God's Truth

New member
we are not capable of loving God properly unless agape love is first birthed in us by Him loving us.

Jesus saves those who love him by obeying him.

Love produces obedience not the reverse
the fruit or proof of love is obedience.

It goes together.

I have given many scriptures that show you that.

1 john 4:19 We love, because He first loved us.

As I already said before that the 'us' is a general us.

God so loved the world...but I gave you scripture that God does not know or love you personally unless you love Him by obeying Him.

i think we are close maybe but it is important to see that our earthly love is not what pleases Him
it is His agape love He first loved us with that enables us to (comprehend) and then love Him back with true agape love

All we have to do is obey Him.

patrick jane

Jesus saves those who love him by obeying him.

It goes together.

I have given many scriptures that show you that.

As I already said before that the 'us' is a general us.

God so loved the world...but I gave you scripture that God does not know or love you personally unless you love Him by obeying Him.

All we have to do is obey Him.

that's all we have to do -

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