why does Rusha hate me?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
any law regarding abortion will go to the Supreme Court where liberals will find it to be unconstitutional

do you understand that?
Course I do. But you asked what the republicans could have done. I gave you an answer.

What is more interesting is what the republicans actually did. They gave up. They just gave up and didn't even try.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Course I do. But you asked what the republicans could have done. I gave you an answer.

What is more interesting is what the republicans actually did. They gave up. They just gave up and didn't even try.

what about getting more conservatives on the court so they won't find laws against abortion to be unconstitutional?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
what about getting more conservatives on the court so they won't find laws against abortion to be unconstitutional?
Traditionally, the justices that have been appointed by republicans have supported abortion. It does not seem that republicans are that great at appointing judges to support their agenda.

Or maybe they are.

The republicans do not want to lose abortion as a campaign issue. As long as they can talk about stopping abortion and sound good to people like you they will not change the status quo. They know they can count on your vote.

Frankly, I do not think that most republicans want to face a vote on abortion on the floor. To do so would reveal their true feelings about abortion and I think a great many of them are far more pro-choice than they want us to know.

Chrys, answer me this: What have the republicans actually done to end abortion?


why does Rusha hate me?

I would like your insight as to why she hates me
I am not interested in a dialogue with her
I know she will say she doesn't hate me but........

Maybe it's your asinine one liners. Why waste time posting to you thoughtfully with feeling or considering your feelings when all you get back is a 10 words or less asinine rude or disregarding statement. I've had better dialogue with pull string toys as a kid.

I learned this the first week here when reading your responses to others and during my own brief exchange with you.

I'd rather crack open a fortune cookie, at least it's one liners are palatable.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Maybe it's your asinine one liners. Why waste time posting to you thoughtfully with feeling or considering your feelings when all you get back is a 10 words or less asinine rude or disregarding statement. I've had better dialogue with pull string toys as a kid.

I learned this the first week here when reading your responses to others and during my own brief exchange with you.

I'd rather crack open a fortune cookie, at least it's one liners are palatable.

I hate long posts

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
If you want to end abortion then there is nothing they can do. By making abortion illegal all you do is drive it underground. Abortions will be fewer, but they will not cease. You cannot legislate and end to abortion, you can only make it illegal.
We should not make abortion illegal because people will do it anyway? Would you apply the same line of reasoning to, say, murder and theft? We have laws against murder and theft, but people still do them.

We do prohibit and sanction certain actions because we consider them harmful to the social order. Legalizing these actions do not improve the situation, it protects the perpetrators and punishes the innocent.

As far as abortion is concerned, I fail to see how killing off the next generation is going to improve the social order.


Hall of Fame
So like Chrys, was this thread all you thought it would be?

Have the answers you have been seeking been answered?

Afterall, I KNOW that when I believe someone dislikes or despises me, the first thing I plan on doing is asking a bunch of anonymous posters on a message board what could be the reasons someone they don't really know too well doesn't like someone else they really don't too well.

Now after all of this hang wringing, I think I may start a thread inquiring about whether or not Johnny Depp thinks of me as his favorite fan ever and likes me as much as like him!



New member
Well now!

Well now!

So like Chrys, was this thread all you thought it would be?

Have the answers you have been seeking been answered?

Afterall, I KNOW that when I believe someone dislikes or despises me, the first thing I plan on doing is asking a bunch of anonymous posters on a message board what could be the reasons someone they don't really know too well doesn't like someone else they really don't too well.

Now after all of this hang wringing, I think I may start a thread inquiring about whether or not Johnny Depp thinks of me as his favorite fan ever and likes me as much as like him!


That's a dandy idea! And I wonder if "what's his name" from the "Matrix" films knows how much I enjoy looking at him? It just came to me, Keannu Reeves!
How about stealing a Tele Sevalas line for the title "Who Love's ya baby?" Hmmmmmm? bybee :idea:


Hall of Fame
That's a dandy idea! And I wonder if "what's his name" from the "Matrix" films knows how much I enjoy looking at him? It just came to me, Keannu Reeves!
How about stealing a Tele Sevalas line for the title "Who Love's ya baby?" Hmmmmmm? bybee :idea:



Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Now after all of this hang wringing, I think I may start a thread inquiring about whether or not Johnny Depp thinks of me as his favorite fan ever and likes me as much as like him!


Well, actually I was going to start a thread asking why Chrys hates me.....but I decided it wasn't important enough to me. :plain:


Hall of Fame
Well, actually I was going to start a thread asking why Chrys hates me.....but I decided it wasn't important enough to me. :plain:

How did you come to the realization that Chrys doesn't like you? Which one liner convinced you?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
right now we have four conservatives on the Supreme Court
the republicans put them there
And they tend to vote to support abortion rights. So basically the republicans have done nothing and you support them. That is sad.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
We should not make abortion illegal because people will do it anyway? Would you apply the same line of reasoning to, say, murder and theft? We have laws against murder and theft, but people still do them.

We do prohibit and sanction certain actions because we consider them harmful to the social order. Legalizing these actions do not improve the situation, it protects the perpetrators and punishes the innocent.

As far as abortion is concerned, I fail to see how killing off the next generation is going to improve the social order.
The simple fact of the matter is that making abortion illegal will not end abortion. Murder is illegal and we have one of the highest murder rates on the planet. Theft is illegal and people still steal. If your intention is to end abortion, making it illegal wont end it, just criminalize it. If that is all you are after then fine. But if you want to end it then you need to change peoples hearts.

Abortion is just a symptom of a much greater problem. You can treat the symptoms all you want but until you address the root cause, the symptoms will always remain.

And what is the root cause? Lust. Lust for money. Lust for sex. Lust for stuff. Lust for satisfying all of our worldly wants right now no matter what. Our society has lost it honor.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
do you know which judges upheld the ban on partial birth abortion?
Do you remember what happened at the end of the Clinton years? In his final two years he had a republican congress. They passed a big abortion bill and sent to Clinton and Clinton vetoed it. But there was a lot of support in both congress and the country for the bill.

Do you remember what happened when W took office? He had the same republican congress that Clinton had. There was still a lot of support in the country for an abortion bill. Do you remember what the abortion bill looked like that was sent to W for his signature? Here is a hint, the congress never took up the bill again.

What good are a whole panel of republican appointed judges if the republicans in office can't be bothered to actually pass a bill when they have the perfect opportunity to do so?