Why Christ was anxious for the non-returning cured lepers.


Some might wrongly infer that he was dismayed as he sought their thanks and praise. No! He was anxious as they were heading for a greater danger now, being freed from their sickness-confinement. If they don’t center their life on cross-guiding him, they are sure to speed up in their previous suicidal path. Their sickness temporarily delayed their spiritual-suicide and saved the fallen society not only from their sickness but their inner spiritual sin, the root of all sickness.

Of course whole humanity here is suicide oriented due to their Original sin of pride. They inherited that from their soul originating old pride-infected paradise.
Self-sacrificing Love-God creates souls by love-bonding primary spiritual particles. By further love-bonding them, He creates star like paradises, which are bigger than earth as sun-star is. Heaven is like the cosmos and stars are like paradises.

But when old, pride-selfishness enters in paradise to start infight. Souls of angels and people there turn suicidal in pride as pride destroys the internal bonding love disintegrating souls. That infight turns a paradise into a hell of war (Rev12,7-12 and Indian Puran) before dissolution. Worldly organizations are also created and destroyed thus.

Story of Adam and Eve is a metaphorical description our pride-devil infection and fall. Refugee souls, driven away by that infight, are constantly falling to earth and other places. Unrepentant they continue their proud infight here too. Infight, continuing within the passions and parts of soul, destroys the personality (soul), as we see in mad people even here. But disjoined soul parts remain to suffer eternally from their evil likes. That is eternal death and torment. Love-God doesn’t cause it but we cause it en mass rejecting Him.

Heavenly father sends savior.

But some sane souls in a paradise repulse the pride-infection by humility. Repenting for the pride-degeneration of their paradise they preach repentance-rectification. Their unity is Christ. But haughty paradise rejects them as Christ was rejected. He accepts that humbly and thankfully. Uniting with Heavenly father, presiding over all the paradises, he creates new paradise by drawing and regenerating fringe souls open to repentance-rectification. That is cross-bearing self-sacrifice.

Christ can cure the body diseases of fringe people coming to him. But he can’t cure the pride-infection of our souls unless we follow him to shoulder and mount the cross. God respects our autonomy in life and death as we are created in His likeness. Faith in Christ means faith in Christ-following. But pervert humanity has perverted the meaning of faith to so called scripture reading, verbal professing and idolatrous rituals. That can’t save, but give only degenerating opium like peace temporarily.

If the people cured by Christ don’t follow him to cross, they hasten their soul destruction as Christ often told. For that Christ is not responsible. He granted their prayers but rejecting repentance majority turns the gifts to evil purpose.

So, Christ-rejecting Christendom is hastening in their suicide path in abject perversion and suicidal ultimate weapons culture. They may profess atheism now, but Christ bequeathed freedom and sharing principle still remains with them. That free knowledge sharing principle has accelerated science and technology which are used now to encourage materialism and war culture. But saving repentance for Original Sin, they reject by telling that we inherit that from Adam and Eve. No! We inherit the body from them, not soul. Soul is inherited along with original sin from paradise from which we fell. This belief was vogue upto 4th century. But bloody emperor Theodosius eager to rule by terror forced the church to reject that to demote his subjects to animal level. Now all the churches are continuing in that repentance-rejecting Adam-inherited sin fallacy.

Now whole humanity is like the Christ-rejecting lepers. After being delivered from plagues, sickness, hunger, superstitions by his gifts of renaissance, democracy, science and technology they turn their back on him. So the suicidal nuclear war is drawing near, when living will envy the dead.


New member
Some might wrongly infer that he was dismayed as he sought their thanks and praise. No! He was anxious as they were heading for a greater danger now, being freed from their sickness-confinement. If they don’t center their life on cross-guiding him, they are sure to speed up in their previous suicidal path. Their sickness temporarily delayed their spiritual-suicide and saved the fallen society not only from their sickness but their inner spiritual sin, the root of all sickness.

Of course whole humanity here is suicide oriented due to their Original sin of pride. They inherited that from their soul originating old pride-infected paradise.
Self-sacrificing Love-God creates souls by love-bonding primary spiritual particles. By further love-bonding them, He creates star like paradises, which are bigger than earth as sun-star is. Heaven is like the cosmos and stars are like paradises.

But when old, pride-selfishness enters in paradise to start infight. Souls of angels and people there turn suicidal in pride as pride destroys the internal bonding love disintegrating souls. That infight turns a paradise into a hell of war (Rev12,7-12 and Indian Puran) before dissolution. Worldly organizations are also created and destroyed thus.

Story of Adam and Eve is a metaphorical description our pride-devil infection and fall. Refugee souls, driven away by that infight, are constantly falling to earth and other places. Unrepentant they continue their proud infight here too. Infight, continuing within the passions and parts of soul, destroys the personality (soul), as we see in mad people even here. But disjoined soul parts remain to suffer eternally from their evil likes. That is eternal death and torment. Love-God doesn’t cause it but we cause it en mass rejecting Him.

Heavenly father sends savior.

But some sane souls in a paradise repulse the pride-infection by humility. Repenting for the pride-degeneration of their paradise they preach repentance-rectification. Their unity is Christ. But haughty paradise rejects them as Christ was rejected. He accepts that humbly and thankfully. Uniting with Heavenly father, presiding over all the paradises, he creates new paradise by drawing and regenerating fringe souls open to repentance-rectification. That is cross-bearing self-sacrifice.

Christ can cure the body diseases of fringe people coming to him. But he can’t cure the pride-infection of our souls unless we follow him to shoulder and mount the cross. God respects our autonomy in life and death as we are created in His likeness. Faith in Christ means faith in Christ-following. But pervert humanity has perverted the meaning of faith to so called scripture reading, verbal professing and idolatrous rituals. That can’t save, but give only degenerating opium like peace temporarily.

If the people cured by Christ don’t follow him to cross, they hasten their soul destruction as Christ often told. For that Christ is not responsible. He granted their prayers but rejecting repentance majority turns the gifts to evil purpose.

So, Christ-rejecting Christendom is hastening in their suicide path in abject perversion and suicidal ultimate weapons culture. They may profess atheism now, but Christ bequeathed freedom and sharing principle still remains with them. That free knowledge sharing principle has accelerated science and technology which are used now to encourage materialism and war culture. But saving repentance for Original Sin, they reject by telling that we inherit that from Adam and Eve. No! We inherit the body from them, not soul. Soul is inherited along with original sin from paradise from which we fell. This belief was vogue upto 4th century. But bloody emperor Theodosius eager to rule by terror forced the church to reject that to demote his subjects to animal level. Now all the churches are continuing in that repentance-rejecting Adam-inherited sin fallacy.

Now whole humanity is like the Christ-rejecting lepers. After being delivered from plagues, sickness, hunger, superstitions by his gifts of renaissance, democracy, science and technology they turn their back on him. So the suicidal nuclear war is drawing near, when living will envy the dead.

God sends savior??? --- What is this: --- Acts 2:40 KJV ---&--- Romans 12:1 KJV------//--- God did do what you said, but you leave off Him ( Sending You for yourself ). -- We save ourselves ( “Through” ) Christ’s Doctrine by “Faith”. -- And the “Doctrine” is the Seed / Power of God unto ( “Salvation” ). – NOT some other person mouthing every doctrine under the sun. - You hear the Doctrine, and Save yourselfs by YOUR “Faith” in what the Doctrine says. --- Acts 2:38 KJV ----//--- The Savior you're talking about ( Said ) He SEND another Comforter, the Church, It shall (( GUIDE )) YOU unto all TRUTH!!!

Paul – 041013