When "BLM" doesn't matter...


like marbles on glass
It has a great deal of grace, love, and genuine concern along with a lot of frustration we can only begin to understand and anger born of that. Hate? I've seen it and I understand it didn't simply spring up on its own for no particular reason. I also see whites and blacks marching together by the thousands. You don't get there and that if your message is the message you're reading. Maybe you should take that illustration and ponder it a bit more.

Well said, TH.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Witness to Portland violence describes brutal attack


And here it is: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6181881865001#sp=show-clips


THAT is the message of Black Lives Matter - the message of racial division, the message of race war, the message of hatred of and violence toward the other based on the color of their skin.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I would approve of Trump declaring martial law and sending in military troops with fixed bayonets and live ammo - kill every single one of those cowards

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If the cop realized this, why weren't appropriate measures taken?

They asked him repeatedly if he had taken anything, if he was on anything. Repeatedly, he denied it.

What "appropriate measures" did you have in mind?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
If the cop realized this, why weren't appropriate measures taken?

I don't have that info. An ambulance was called, and Floyd was taken away from the scene by medics.

I have previously seen security camera footage of Floyd when he was brought to the wall of a building by the officers after he was cuffed. They had him sit down on the sidewalk with his back to the wall for a minute. As he was seated there, he nonchalantly ditched a baggie containing a white substance. More fentanyl. The cops didn't notice.

Floyd knew he was on his way back to jail for another stint, and he didn't want to go, so...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yet, they knew the answer.

At the time of the arrest?

What "answer" did they know at the time of the arrest?

Not trained as a police officer though, given the knowledge (supra) I'm sure it's not leaning on the guy's neck.

How else are you supposed to restrain a 6' 4 muscular 220 pound man who is resisting arrest? Should they have tazed him? Should they have beaten him unconscious with billy clubs? Should they have shot him?

Or perhaps they should have done what i-durrr has been suggesting all along - just let him go.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Floyd was apparently going around town and passing off counterfeit money to pay for his legit expenses while using his real cash to feed his drug habit. You don't want to try paying your hood drug dealer with counterfeit money, because if you do and he figures it out, he'll put a few bullet holes in you.


At the time of the arrest?

What "answer" did they know at the time of the arrest?
That he ODed to avoid arrest.

How else are you supposed to restrain a 6' 4 muscular 220 pound man who is resisting arrest? Should they have tazed him? Should they have beaten him unconscious with billy clubs? Should they have shot him?

Or perhaps they should have done what i-durrr has been suggesting all along - just let him go.
Call EMT....prior to dying.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That he ODed to avoid arrest.

They did not know that at the time of the arrest. It's obvious now in retrospect.

Call EMT....prior to dying.

They did - in fact he wasn't pronounced dead until a 1/2 hour after arriving at the hospital.

Every aspect of the narrative as it was originally spoon fed to the retarded people of this country was a lie. There was no racist intent. It wasn't a case of one white cop killing a peaceful black citizen, a model of the community.

It was a case of a career criminal with a history of violence and criminal activity getting caught attempting to pass counterfeit money taking illegal narcotics to avoid being caught with them and causing his own overdose when he resisted arrest and was restrained and denied that he was on drugs.

God's Truth

New member
Floyd was apparently going around town and passing off counterfeit money to pay for his legit expenses while using his real cash to feed his drug habit. You don't want to try paying your hood drug dealer with counterfeit money, because if you do and he figures it out, he'll put a few bullet holes in you.

Right! And now he is upgraded to almost where Martin Luther King Jr. is.