What's Important When Death Hits?

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What's Important When Death Hits?

This is the show from Friday September 24th, 2010.


* Bob Enyart and Jo Scott in Studio: Bob and Jo talk...
- about a dear friend in hospice
- about what's important when we approach death
- about Bob's bout with kidney disease that kept him out of fourth grade for months
- about replacement birth rates and the Islamification of Europe
- and they hear from Leslie Hanks who has distributed a 1,000 A62 fliers outside of the Women of Faith event at Denver's Pepsi Center and
- about the public school teacher that Leslie met today.

* Planned Parenthood's Anti-62 Rally Collapses: Bob and Jo talk a bit more about yesterday's collapse of the pro-abort rally in Colorado Springs when the emcee made the mistake of inviting up to the podium anyone in the audience willing to sign their lame petition. So, without hesitation, the pro-lifers took to the stage, and took it over, with Rep. Norris never speaking to the media or the crowd, and the rally falling apart and never resuming!

* Bob Provides a Blurb for a Christian Book Exposing Ann Coulter: Read Borchers. Find out that Ann Coulter is Guilty, Slanders, and covers up for Republican High Crimes, Misdemeanors, and Godlessness. And while our own hit YouTube video, The Coulter Hang-Ups, shows How to Talk to Ann (if you must), Borchers goes far beyond any other Christian who has documented Ann's own Treason.

* Ken Buck Has Already Broken His Campaign Promises To Protect Innocent Children: The documentation is all over the Internet, but apparently ColoradoRTL.org will be creating a /buck web page to put that information all in one place as documentation for an upcoming mailing on Buck's betrayal. Now he's said he would vote AGAINST A62, he will NOT introduce an abortion ban, and he will vote to confirm PRO-CHOICE judges who rule to keep child killing legal. He's buckled already, and all he's had to face is the abortion lobby and a girly man like Michael Bennet who kills unborn children. God forbid that he ever made it to Washington with pro-life support because as sure as the sun sets in the evening Buck would cave and vote to confirm a "pro-choice" "strict constructionist" judge who could be on the bench for forty years fighting to keep child killing legal. In that situation, Buck's hands would be stained by the blood of every child murdered with that judge's support. If Buck had wisdom, he would be thanking the pro-lifers who are exposing him now, before it is too late, for him.

* KGOV's Annual Telethon at 62 of 200! We NEED YOU to help us stay online for another year! Our goal is 200 people to pledge $20 a month (or current friends of BEL to increase their giving by $20)! Please HELP! Call 800-8Enyart or you can give online! So far: 62 of 200. Thank you guys! And for the rest of you, really, please help!

* A62 Campaign Status Report: Check out the latest at ColoradoRTL.org, register for CRTL's Oct. 2nd banquet, and join a weekly lit drop!

Today’s Resource: Have you ordered The Plot Boys yet? In this audio series, Bob teaches through his book The Plot along with two young boys, Stephen and Josh. The teaching is presented in a way that kids can readily understand, yet it is is also a valuable resource for adults to learn the plot of the Bible. Order the 3-CD set today or download the study right now! Also consider ordering the entire Bob Enyart Library. This invaluable resource will benefit your entire family and help support the ministry of Bob Enyart Live!
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