What's calvinism?


Banned by Mod
I already responded to Apollo's point the last time he made it. He responded by repeating himself. What else do you want me to say to him that hasn't already been said?

You haven’t said anything. All you’re doing is stomping your foot. I said, where there is a law, there is no free will. I didn’t say there was “no” law, or that the law is bad, or that I want a world where I can do whatever I want with no consequences. You are quoting yourself and attributing it to me. Is that how you “win” all your arguments? By pulling the string attached to the side of your neck and squawking, “Repent, or burn! Repent, or burn!” like a Chatty Cathy Doll?

If a will is limited, it’s not free. I said that the law limits man’s will. If limiting man’s will is not the point of law, the law is pointless. I am saying that where there is a law, there can “be” no free will. Threats of punishment are not only the basis of our legal and prison system, it is the basis of the Christian religion. Adam’s will was not “free” if exercising his will cost him his life.

Would you agree that the law is by nature “coercive”? Why is a law necessary? Most laws are obeyed voluntarily. Most of us don’t need a “law” against stealing in order to not steal. If we are obeying the law voluntarily, the law has no affect. Honest citizens are, literally, above the law. The law against stealing only affects thieves. The thief may “choose” to steal, but there is no way his decision is “free’ if the “price” is five-to-ten with no chance of parole. For those contemplating theft, but deterred by the law, obviously their wills have been “hindered” by the law. A will compelled by the force of law, and the threat of punishment, cannot be free. The will is only free if acting without fear of reprisal.

You are implying that if the Godfather holds a gun to my head, and makes me an offer I can’t refuse, that I’m free to choose to submit and live or free to resist and be murdered. The “choice” to live or die is mine, therefore the Godfather’s offer is valid. The freedom to die is not much of an offer, but history is full of heroes and patriots and even martyrs making such “choices” when forced to choose between slavery and freedom. Even Christians can admire those who on principle choose death over life, except when exercising the same “right to choose” when “crossing” the Christian Godfather.

Having a “choice” is not the test of free will. Free will can only exist if choices are made without fear of reprisal. Is the Pepsi Challenge “free” if choosing Coke (perhaps your preferred beverage) is made a capital crime? It is sheer stubbornness to maintain that a law forbidding Coke has not influenced your decision to choose Pepsi. It is likewise folly to insist that Adam was in any way “free” to choose between eating and not eating “forbidden” fruit, any more than you are “free” to choose “forbidden” soft drinks in a Pepsi-controlled police state. Paying our federal income taxes is, supposedly, “voluntary,” too. We don’t “have” to pay our taxes, but we understand that “voluntary” does not mean we are “free” to not pay our taxes. “Voluntary” in this case means we are free to go to jail.

If God’s offer to Adam was legitimate, and Adam’s will was free, Adam’s decision to eat or not eat would have carried no threat of reprisal. True freedom, like true love, is unconditional, or it isn’t free. Did the Christian god create a free man, or a slave? If he created a race of slaves, he is worthy of neither our obedience or our love.

This is not a critique of the nature of the "true" god, but of the mythological "gangster"-god of Christianity.


Most excellent argument Apollo. Most excellent.

I have put up many times in this forum that only God has freewill. If the will of men is LESS then by simple comparative definition it is LESS than FREE.

The Law provides another example of this LESS than free position.

It is also a certainty that FREE will has only been able to produce SIN. If said "wills" were truly FREE they should be able to produce a NON sin effect as well, but these supposedly "free" wills have NOT been able to so produce.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
You can play semantic games all day long. The end result is the same.
"Behold I set before you this day, life and death, therfore choose life!"

Whether you like it or not if you do not choose to be on God's side you do choose to be His enemy. If that's the side you want to be on, so be it, just don't blame God for your stupidity.

Resting in Him,
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Semantic games are what people who eternally damn other people for what is also in them use Clete. I need no such games.

Your "choice" is what "saves" you? What are you now? A SELF ATONEMENT believer?

They should put all you guys in a room and, you know, see if you could find agreement.

I suspect the lockup would remain indefinate.


Banned by Mod
Not so smug, though. Come out from behind the skirts of your god and fight like a man.

Re: your proof text, as far as I'm concerned, even if taken literally, the God of the Hebrews is not speaking to me, he is speaking, or was speaking, to a band of nomadic goat herders, who at one point spent forty years lost in the desert. As for being an enemy of the Christian god, I do not regard this god as my enemy. Make love, not war.

Why, I wonder, is the Christian god so mad? Well, things didn’t work out. You plan and you plan, and it looks like this. Bummer. Or, things did work out, but god planned for failure, and called his name Jesus. (Is Jesus Plan A, or Plan B? Kinda hard to tell.) Now, his son is dead. Is he satisfied? No. He’s still mad. He got mad, and stayed mad. He is so mad, he has a special day set aside when even the dead won’t be safe. If you happen to p**s this god off – even if you never had the pleasure of actually meeting him, or never heard of the guy – you, and all his other “enemies” (the world), will spend eternity being punished in or near (is lakefront property in demand in hell?) a Lake of Fire, plus other remedial attractions, such as the world famous Isolation Room. If you’re lucky, maybe he’ll only “annihilate” you. I was raised on Marvel Comics, but, I dunno. Sounds like you’re worshipping Doctor Doom.
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Banned by Mod
It is also a certainty that FREE will has only been able to produce SIN. If said "wills" were truly FREE they should be able to produce a NON sin effect as well, but these supposedly "free" wills have NOT been able to so produce.

Smaller, by "sin" you mean a “tendency” toward moral failure? I think it is fair to say that “some” wills (even at times, “our” wills) are capable of producing non-sin effects. The positive side of the law is that you cannot be charged with a crime if (obviously) no crime has been committed. No broken law, no sin. All thoughts or actions that conform to the requirements of the law do not produce sin effects, and are therefore “holy.”

If you are within the law, the law has no power over you. In that sense, the law protects us (e.g., the police can’t pull us over without reasonable cause). I can definitely say that, as a technical matter, even as a non-Christian, I keep the laws of the Christian god vastly more often than not. When keeping the Christian law, I am immune to, or above, the Christian law. I’m not saying I don’t “sin” (“thought” crime issues), or that I’m “perfect” according to the Christian definition of perfection.

But, hells bells, how hard is it to keep the Ten Commandments? Anybody around here planning on killing anybody? Any of us committing adultery? Not me. Been a good boy for over 25 years. Do I need a law punishing infidelity? No. Faithfulness to my wife is my choice. Much confusion (especially among “Christians) could be avoided if Christianity were understood as an adjective, not a noun.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

What alternative would you suggest.
You want a world where there is no consequences to ones actions, please tell me how that would work itself out on a day to day basis.
If I wanted to steal everything you own for example, should I be allowed to do so with no fear of reprisal?
What if I wanted your wife to work as a slave and I had the ability to physically force her to do it. Should I be allowed to that without worrying what you thought about it?
Go on, please tell me how this "I can do what ever I want" world of your would work. I really want to know because I don't believe you've ever thought it through that far. I believe that you hate God and have found a convenient excuse to blame Him for a situation that you find distasteful but that which happens to give life meaning. I believe that life the way you think it should work wouldn't be worth living at all and that for God to have done it any other way would have been a waste of time and energy.
Prove me wrong.

Resting in Him,

P.S. By the way, I’m sorry about having taken so long to respond. I'll try to better!


New member
The bottom line of Calvinism (somewhat different than Reformed theology) is that God decided who would be "saved" before he created the universe. The problem with both is the unintended consequences of this theory.

If God IS love, then the logical conclusion is that everyone is "grandfathered" into Heaven and those who don't want to be there must opt out. The "question" becomes, "What must I do to become unsaved?" This concept is against human nature because humans like to control other humans and because of the "follow the money trail" concept. I have communicated with some Christians who seem more interested in seeing the people who disagree with them in Hell than getting themselves to Heaven. Particularly Reconstructionists/Theonomists? (Any on this list?)

The basic error of the Reformed confessions is the assumption that the Mosiac Covenant applies to gentiles outside of Israel. The only purpose of the Mosiac Covenant was to provide a social contract for the people living in the land. It had NO eternal consequences. ALL the blessings and curses were temporal.

The Main story line in the Bible is that God has chosen people for himself - for Heaven. The Exodus through Deut event is an incidental sub plot that has NOTHING to do with the main theme. Unfortunately, St Paul didn't understand this.

So under the proper Biblical interpretation <G> The purpose of evangelism is to identify people who are alread chosen by God for Heaven and welcome them into the Church. The Church is God's social contract for his post-resurrection people.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by billwald

The bottom line of Calvinism (somewhat different than Reformed theology) is that God decided who would be "saved" before he created the universe. The problem with both is the unintended consequences of this theory.

If God IS love, then the logical conclusion is that everyone is "grandfathered" into Heaven and those who don't want to be there must opt out. The "question" becomes, "What must I do to become unsaved?" This concept is against human nature because humans like to control other humans and because of the "follow the money trail" concept. I have communicated with some Christians who seem more interested in seeing the people who disagree with them in Hell than getting themselves to Heaven. Particularly Reconstructionists/Theonomists? (Any on this list?)

The basic error of the Reformed confessions is the assumption that the Mosiac Covenant applies to gentiles outside of Israel. The only purpose of the Mosiac Covenant was to provide a social contract for the people living in the land. It had NO eternal consequences. ALL the blessings and curses were temporal.

The Main story line in the Bible is that God has chosen people for himself - for Heaven. The Exodus through Deut event is an incidental sub plot that has NOTHING to do with the main theme. Unfortunately, St Paul didn't understand this.

So under the proper Biblical interpretation <G> The purpose of evangelism is to identify people who are alread chosen by God for Heaven and welcome them into the Church. The Church is God's social contract for his post-resurrection people.

Former Reconstructionist. This exact attitude is part of what burned me on CR.


Greetings Apollo
Smaller, by "sin" you mean a “tendency” toward moral failure?

Sin is Word connotation is known primarily as ANYthing not of faith as well as "lawlessness." The Word classifies "lawlessness" as NOT LOVING YOUR NEIGHBOR. (multiple texts available.)
I think it is fair to say that “some” wills (even at times, “our” wills) are capable of producing non-sin effects.

Again from a Word perspective what you present is not possible. A. ALL have sinned. B. All HAVE sin. (let me know if you need the texts)
The positive side of the law is that you cannot be charged with a crime if (obviously) no crime has been committed. No broken law, no sin.

Romans 2:12 says otherwise. Paul also said that SIN REIGNED from Adam until Moses. So there was certainly sin without The Law.
All thoughts or actions that conform to the requirements of the law do not produce sin effects, and are therefore “holy.”

Agreed. Glad to see you insert "thoughts." Many equate sin only to acts.
If you are within the law, the law has no power over you.

The Law is not against The Spirit, nor is it against mankind. Quite the contrary.
In that sense, the law protects us (e.g., the police can’t pull us over without reasonable cause). I can definitely say that, as a technical matter, even as a non-Christian, I keep the laws of the Christian god vastly more often than not. When keeping the Christian law, I am immune to, or above, the Christian law. I’m not saying I don’t “sin” (“thought” crime issues), or that I’m “perfect” according to the Christian definition of perfection.

For a professed non you are demonstrating quite a good handle on the concepts.
But, hells bells, how hard is it to keep the Ten Commandments? Anybody around here planning on killing anybody? Any of us committing adultery? Not me. Been a good boy for over 25 years. Do I need a law punishing infidelity? No. Faithfulness to my wife is my choice. Much confusion (especially among “Christians) could be avoided if Christianity were understood as an adjective, not a noun.

As previously stated, the act of "conformance" does not make "immunity." From a Word perspective sin is still present with ALL.

Agreed on the adjective portion.




Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by billwald

The bottom line of Calvinism (somewhat different than Reformed theology) is that God decided who would be "saved" before he created the universe. The problem with both is the unintended consequences of this theory.

If God IS love, then the logical conclusion is that everyone is "grandfathered" into Heaven and those who don't want to be there must opt out. The "question" becomes, "What must I do to become unsaved?" This concept is against human nature because humans like to control other humans and because of the "follow the money trail" concept. I have communicated with some Christians who seem more interested in seeing the people who disagree with them in Hell than getting themselves to Heaven. Particularly Reconstructionists/Theonomists? (Any on this list?)

The basic error of the Reformed confessions is the assumption that the Mosiac Covenant applies to gentiles outside of Israel. The only purpose of the Mosiac Covenant was to provide a social contract for the people living in the land. It had NO eternal consequences. ALL the blessings and curses were temporal.

The Main story line in the Bible is that God has chosen people for himself - for Heaven. The Exodus through Deut event is an incidental sub plot that has NOTHING to do with the main theme. Unfortunately, St Paul didn't understand this.

So under the proper Biblical interpretation <G> The purpose of evangelism is to identify people who are alread chosen by God for Heaven and welcome them into the Church. The Church is God's social contract for his post-resurrection people.

Okay! :kookoo:

Hey, I have an idea! :idea:
Let's reject all objective truth found in Scripture and totally make up our own interpretation of the Bible from scatch. But here's the good part! Even though we are going to totally rip all of Paul's writtings out of the Bible, we'll still call ourselves "christian" so that nobody will think we're totally out of our minds!
Anybody with me!
:devil: :devil: :devil:


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
:wave: Can we preach a gospel that sounds just like Paul's while we attempt to discredit him? It's OK with me if we have to discredit Luke, Peter, the Holy Spirit, or whomever else necessary in order to thoroughly dismiss Paul.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by Turbo

:wave: Can we preach a gospel that sounds just like Paul's while we attempt to discredit him? It's OK with me if we have to discredit Luke, Peter, the Holy Spirit, or whomever else necessary in order to thoroughly dismiss Paul.

But we must keep calling ourselves Christians. Because, you know, just because we are totally redefining the word doesn't mean we can't still use it! :angel:


Banned by Mod
You want a world where there is no consequences to ones actions, please tell me how that would work itself out on a day to day basis.

I never said that. I never said that I wanted a world without consequences, or that law doesn’t exist in the real world. You keep “saying” that’s what I’m saying, but that’s because you’re too busy reading between the lines to hear what I’m saying. I said, free will ends where the law begins. Where there is a law, there is no free will. If you’re going to argue, argue about that, okay?

Clete, do you need a law to “compel” you to not steal my things? Are you “not stealing” because stealing is “against the law?” Or do you not steal because as a spiritually enlightened human being you know that stealing causes harm, and is wrong? Not wrong because there is a law; wrong because stealing causes harm. Anyone who needs a “law” to tell them not to steal is a thief in their heart.

By making a law limiting Adam’s options before the fact, the Christian god “presumed” Adam’s guilt, or at least “anticipated” Adam’s guilt. No “crime” had been committed, yet the Christian god’s first recorded words to his perfect creation is a LAW, limiting Adam’s will. God said, “You shall not eat,” assuming Adam would, or at least might, choose to eat, if it were up to him, which clearly it was not. So, Adam’s freedom was limited. From every other tree he could eat -- but not this one. That’s “the law,” and the only purpose of the law is to limit the will. The object lesson of paradise lost and the Fall of man, according to Christian mythology, is that god is god, and man isn’t. But, what evidence is there, even in the Christian Scriptures, that god’s “godship” was ever questioned prior to Adam exercising free will?

Did the Christian god have reason to believe that Adam couldn’t be trusted with the power to discern good and evil? If Adam couldn’t choose freely (at least not without fear of reprisal), then neither can we. If NO one has ever had this freedom, then, at least according to the Christian Scriptures, no one has EVER had a “free will.” If man does not have the freedom to discern good and evil for himself without fear of reprisal, Christian theology is “plantation” theology. Christ has "liberated" us from the penalty of the law, designed by the law-giver to teach us obedience, a lesson unnecessary if man's will was free.

The law is for the guilty, Clete, not the innocent. God made a law in anticipation of Adam’s little war of independence. He knew Adam would eat, he made a law, and Adam ate, right on schedule. In the “real” world of law enforcement, this is called a “sting” operation, and is unlawful. God knew Adam would “fail,” and prepared a law in advance in order to “teach” Adam that, evidence to the contrary, he did NOT have a free will.

As long as we can agree that free will ends where the law begins, and that biblical Christianity teaches that man's will is subordinated (inferior) to god's will, there is no argument.


Banned by Mod
Sin is Word connotation is known primarily as ANYthing not of faith as well as "lawlessness." The Word classifies "lawlessness" as NOT LOVING YOUR NEIGHBOR.

So, everything a non-Christian thinks and does is sin, even if they love their neighbors and keep the law?

A. ALL have sinned. B. All HAVE sin.

And all non-Christians are SINNING (being incapable of NOT sinning), whether or not they are actually breaking the law. Even if a non-Christian moves beyond the law by keeping the law, works of charity are sinful?

Romans 2:12 says otherwise. Paul also said that SIN REIGNED from Adam until Moses. So there was certainly sin without The Law.

If there was no law until Moses, what was Adam’s “crime”? No law, no law-breaking.

Christian theologians have created an impossible dilemma. Even if (theoretically) man keeps God’s law, unless accompanied by “faith,” man is doomed. In which case, the law is superfluous, and law-keeping redundant. We will be judged at the Final Judgment by a law we are 1) incapable of keeping, and 2) even if we manage to keep the law, without the wildcard of “faith” (in the exclusive truth claims of Christianity), we will be judged as law-breakers, anyway.

In such a system of belief, if a savior didn’t exist, one would have to be invented.


New member
Just a word of warning to those who are seeking answers about Calvinism. None of these posts as of late are from any Calvinists.

It's like asking John Kerry what he think the Republican party boils down to. Nonsense. Do not accept the oppositions view as truth.

There now. Clete, Turbo, Apollo, smaller, billwald: back to work.:D


Your final conclusion is no different than Mr. Arminius Swordsman. You limit God's Sovereignty as well, just in a different way.


Greetings Apollo
So, everything a non-Christian thinks and does is sin, even if they love their neighbors and keep the law?

Not at all. In love to our neighbors as ourselves the entire law is fulfilled in us.

These observances will STILL remain in the FLESH.

A. ALL have sinned. B. All HAVE sin.
And all non-Christians are SINNING (being incapable of NOT sinning), whether or not they are actually breaking the law. Even if a non-Christian moves beyond the law by keeping the law, works of charity are sinful?

One can fulfill the law and STILL have sin indwelling/present. SIN is a CONSTANT RESIDENT in the FLESH whether the acts of SIN are seen or not. (remember your thoughts)
If there was no law until Moses, what was Adam’s “crime”? No law, no law-breaking.

You tickled upon a great truth when you saw that the COMMAND from God in the Garden STIRRED UP sin in Adam. Sin REIGNED from Adam until MOSES. Why? Because AFTER the law was given SIN was clearly REVEALED in ALL. The Law is THE REVEALER of SIN indwelling. The COMMAND only arouses it. The LAW reveals it.
Christian theologians have created an impossible dilemma. Even if (theoretically) man keeps God’s law, unless accompanied by “faith,” man is doomed.

Christian theology has failed miserably to DISCERN the difference between sin and MANkind. They are NOT THE SAME. God has BOUND ALL with "disobedience" but these are NOT THE SAME. Some WORD applies to the invisible realm of disobedience, and some to MANkind.

You are correct when you observe the IMPOSSIBILITY of the situation. John, in 1 John, set up what I call a DEMON TRAP. One the one hand we CANNOT SAY WE HAVE NO SIN....and as soon as we say that he doubles back and says that the one who sins DOES NOT KNOW GOD, nor have they ever. THIS is an impossiblility without SEPARATION between sin indwelling/evil present within us and MANkind itself.

This is a rather difficult concept that is not meant for many to see. I suspect you may be meant to see this.

When a man does see this it becomes EASY to both LOVE ALL and RETAIN the condemnation texts. They apply to separate entities.
In which case, the law is superfluous, and law-keeping redundant.

Not at all. The Law was always written only to THE LAWLESS. The lawless are those things that are present with us. The Law brings THEIR condemnation, not OURS.

The flesh of men who are RULED by the lawless will pay THEIR penalty as far a FLESH is concerned. This is an entirely separate question from their eternal fates.
We will be judged at the Final Judgment by a law we are 1) incapable of keeping, and 2) even if we manage to keep the law, without the wildcard of “faith” (in the exclusive truth claims of Christianity), we will be judged as law-breakers, anyway.

We will certainly have learned from THEM in a first hand experience the meaning of ETERNAL MERCY eh? In this SIN and EVIL are God's servants as well. Get it??? By being ATTACHED to them we EXPERIENCE an ETERNAL ATTIBUTE of God.
In such a system of belief, if a savior didn’t exist, one would have to be invented.

Let's not resort to the classics. You have just read what few have seen.




Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by Swordsman

Just a word of warning to those who are seeking answers about Calvinism. None of these posts as of late are from any Calvinists.

It's like asking John Kerry what he think the Republican party boils down to. Nonsense. Do not accept the oppositions view as truth.

There now. Clete, Turbo, Apollo, smaller, billwald: back to work.:D


We are a bit off topic aren't we!

Very clever post Swordsman!
Do you suppose that you were predetined to write it?

Resting in Him,


New member
Originally posted by billwald

The bottom line of Calvinism (somewhat different than Reformed theology) is that God decided who would be "saved" before he created the universe.
How would you briefly describe the difference between Calvinism and Reformed theology? I would have thought they were essentially the same.