ECT What does the Doctrine of Inspiration mean to you?


About ten posts ago we entered the realm of 'Wide and Shallow' where hundreds of separate threads could be spawned and far too many parts of posts do not get proper attention. But I am going to resist the temptation to comment fully and concentrate on the portion highlighted in red as being the key issue.

The answer to that portion in red is; "English does not work that way."
The word 'inspired' denotes an action; in this case a spiritual, supernatural one. As such it cannot describe a present condition. It would be just as silly to say that scripture is expired, but that is closer to the truth.

The church fathers used Latin as their preferred language to establish Christian doctrine. They got the translation from Greek to Latin wrong in the Vulgate because 'inspirata' means to blow into. They should have used 'expirata' - to blow out, which more accurately reflects the meaning of 'theopneustos'. But they did not and this idea hung around within the church and, as a result of ecumenical influence, it's seeping into Protestant orthodoxy once more. It is not surprising that the New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition , a version approved by the Vatican, has "inspired by God". 'Inspired' has become accepted by some Christians as a quality which the Bible exhibits and questioning it to get at the truth is frowned upon.

The only way to reconcile this view of inspiration is to believe that God "breathed into" the scriptures something that was lacking after the authors were done their job. Because that's what inspiration means; a breathing into. If that is not what is believed, then teachers and pastors need to use a different word and stop deceiving people.

If theopneustos means breathed out, then don't twist it to mean breathed into. The scriptures are breathed out by God into the world. The process by which this happened is that God "moved" (carried along) holy men to speak. This is inspiration. When He does this He also superintends the process to ensure perfection.

Lol , ya that pretty much ignored all the mechanics I presented .

Your understanding would only be possible in the OT , before the helper was given to those He accepts , an external breath . In the NT , it's an internal breath , part of God's paradoxical framework.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
Lol , ya that pretty much ignored all the mechanics I presented .

Your understanding would only be possible in the OT , before the helper was given to those He accepts , an external breath . In the NT , it's an internal breath , part of God's paradoxical framework.

You don't have any mechanics. You have only your hobby-horse theology that you ride into every battle.

There is no "God's paradoxical framework". If there were, He would have told us.
You can't even present it in a reasonable, understandable fashion.
Somebody sold you ear-tickling, snake oil, a panacea, and you're determined to convince everyone that your investment was worth every penny.

Yes, I ignored your non-mechanics.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
You might need to define "inspired." On the face of it, you cannot get away from inspiration if you want the Bible to be accurate. For instance, descriptions of things where people were not witnesses had to be inspired, as in, God had to provide those descriptions.

Genesis 1 had to be inspired if it is to be possibly true.

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I did not address this comment. Sorry, I meant to.

With regard to events that occurred before there were witnesses:
Why is a human witness required?

Scenario: Adam one day said; "BTW, how did you do all this? and where did I come from?". God told him and it became part of an oral tradition that was finally committed to writing in Moses' day.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
With regard to events that occurred before there were witnesses: Why is a human witness required?

Because then it would require God's input for the words to be written accurately, which sounds like it would justify the description "inspired."


You don't have any mechanics. You have only your hobby-horse theology that you ride into every battle.

There is no "God's paradoxical framework". If there were, He would have told us.
You can't even present it in a reasonable, understandable fashion.
Somebody sold you ear-tickling, snake oil, a panacea, and you're determined to convince everyone that your investment was worth every penny.

Yes, I ignored your non-mechanics.

Really George , your going into deception mode .

You really did something good when you humbled yourself by admitting to the members you are self taught . All here are ! The difference is you admitted it ! That's huge with me , and things like that get God's attention more importantly .

Now you go backwards in the face of what God is putting in front of you and attacking it with misrepresentation and name-calling.

Let's go back to the beginning , I still think you have a true desire to know Him better . Cut out the childish replies , there's plenty of others who cover that .

1 ) God while on Earth was 100% God and 100% man 100% of the time , at the same time .
2) God the Father , the Son , and the Holy Spirit are one entity , and 3 separate entities , all the time , at the same time .

Here are two basic paradoxical understandings of God's world , that must be accepted going out the gate of Christianity . You don't see these as paradoxes that are normal in God's world , but abnormal in ours ?

I don't claim to be one of the rare gifted teachers God gives to perfect the saints or called out ones . But I absolutely claim to be able to point out the stumbling blocks if I see one infront of someone like yourself . If you choose to accept the warning or not is on you .

You on the other hand , could be one of those rare gifted teachers . You have that gift of communication that I'll never claim to have . But you will never know unless you begin to faithe into Him correctly . And that begins by understanding pisteuo correctly .

I think that ends our dialogue with each other , unless you want to get real ! I have something for you that could help , but you'd have to give me your email . Pm me if that desire is there .