What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

What disgusts you the most about beanieboy?

  • He's a homo.

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • He's a hypocrite.

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • He uses the bible(something he claims not to believe in) to tell Christians how they should live.

    Votes: 19 55.9%
  • He claims not to need Christ in order to be loved by God.

    Votes: 9 26.5%

  • Total voters
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On Fire said:
Wow...that's not so much a questions as it is a request for research. Bean has over 4,000 posts. I've conversed with him on many occasions. In summary:

Bean is a homosexual.

Bean says he is a former Christian.

Bean does not agree with the Bible and Christians who tell him that homosexuality is an abomination in God's eyes.

Bean likely abandoned God when he was unable to reconcile his sinful deathstyle with Christ's calling.

Thank you that was very well thought out post.

Now, heres where I come in.

Yes, Bean is a homosexual. In your eyes thats evil, I'll give you that one. But in the eyes of the rest of the world, it is not evil, it is okay, its a persons own choice to do what they will in the bed room. In this day and age, its no ones place to tell any one what they do there. Maybe back in the "day" when christians could force people to do what they wanted, but, hey, thats what I like to call progress.

As far as Bean leaving the faith, he problably realized like, my self, and several others, that when you look at every thing that christians ask you not to believe in, it just doent make that much sense.

And like I said, its an abomination in your gods eyes, not in his own. People can believe in other gods then the chrisitan one. I sure wish some of you would start to get that.


Merely Christian
beanieboy said:
I asked a simple question.

Can you demonstrate fruits of the spirit or not?

You want to be able to recognize the fruits of the Spirit without the Spirit. I'm not sure darkeness can understand light, as John explained.


New member
I abandoned what I was taught when I saw people dying of AIDS, and the church offering condemnation, rather than compassion, and when I saw churches excluding gay people from churches specifically. I left after hearing a priest tell a troubled 15 yr old, who felt troubled by his same sex feelings, that he would be better dead than gay. I left because people like Poly told gay people that they were hated by God, and that is the biggest lie ever told.

I thought they were misled, and still do.

There are many who are now caring for those in hospices, but they seem to have come around after being led by others outside the church who understood how to treat one another.

And I wanted to find out what the leaders of the compassion believed.

And everything pointed to Buddhism. I see it as a stopping point, not a destination. I am to learn what I can from here, and I have learned a lot.

But I think that Christians have a lot of catching up to do with the heathens.

As for the biblical references, I simply state that theologians are split on what the bible says of the 6 or 7 passages, which is examined on www.whosoever.org.

Christians, in general, are strangely obsessed with homosexuality, and don't speak much of the fact that most heterosexual adults are sexually active.

Homosexuals are just an easier target.

I understand why one considers it a sin, and why one doesn't. Being Buddhist, I see nothing to justify, especially not with the Bible.

I simply look at it from a Buddhist point of view. Whom does it hurt? No one, so I think of it as a non-issue.

The curious thing is that while one will say that it is in the bible, I can point to hundreds of verses on something like drunkenness, and no one is protesting bars, or people drinking at weddings - which are supposed to be holy, or frat houses.

It is a lesser sin. But it makes you do things you regret, drunken driving has killed people.
But it is a sin no one pays attention to.

Nor saying, "Oh, my God, Jenny!! How are you" - taking the name of God in vain.

Yet, somehow, this "sin" of homosexuality - two people simply loving one another - counts.

If the bible is not taken seriously in its entirety by believers, then it is impossible for a non-believer to take any of it seriously.


Merely Christian
Balder said:
Being evasive again, Nin?

I've read many of his posts. I definitely see things I respect. But we're not talking about my opinion of him. I'm asking you about yours, based upon what you've read. You don't have to answer it if you don't want, or you can just say "Yes" or "No" and leave it at that. My personal opinion isn't relevant to the question.


Pehaps you missed the "no" part?


Nineveh said:
You want to be able to recognize the fruits of the Spirit without the Spirit. I'm not sure darkeness can understand light, as John explained.

Darkness always comprehends light, you seem to be able to tell the two apart fairly well, in your eyes, we do the same in ours.

The sooner you learn that every single person on this planet has different perseptions then you, the better off you'll be.


New member
cattyfan said:
No one is rejoicing in the thought of anyone burning in Hell. Frankly the knowledge that some of the people I know (not just here, but in face-to-face life) are going to suffer eternal torment because of their rejection of Christ is something that quite literally keeps me up at night. I don't enjoy the idea that people who have the opportunity to know and love the Lord choose instead to sign on for an unending bath of pain.

Poly said:
You're my enemy because you are God's enemy. You spit in His face claiming not to need His Son. I take that kind of personal. And if I take it personal you better know that it doesn't hold a candle to how personal God takes it. And when you stand before Him and He says He wants nothing to do with you because you wanted nothing to do with His Son, I'm going to be rejoice seeing you get what you justly deserve

You seem to be mistaken, catty.

And you do what? Look the other way?
Don't want to risk your rep points?
Or do you rebuke your christian brethren.
Poly here does rejoice at my eternal torture.
Poly's not kept awake at night. She's excited about it, and looking forward to it.

Is that what you God is about?
Is this a good witness?
Do you like someone presenting God as a) hating me and b) rejoicing when I burn in hell?

Are you going to stand up for what you believe?


Merely Christian
TheSearcher said:
Darkness always comprehends light,

Let's weigh your opinion against John the Baptist's:

In him (Christ) was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

Since I used to fall outside of the Light of men at one point in my life, I have to agree with John on this.

you seem to be able to tell the two apart fairly well, in your eyes, we do the same in ours.

Yes, I know. bean and you seem prone to calling light darkness and darkness light. I'm not shocked by this. There is a gulf between your ideas and God's.

The sooner you learn that every single person on this planet has different perseptions then you, the better off you'll be.

Perhaps the sooner you learn that some choose to follow a Just and Righteous God rather than their own opinions, the better off you will be :)


beanie...I'm still waiting.

I'll even make it easy for you. Complete the following sentence:

"I want the Christians on TOL to ____________________________________."

fill it in. Not "so-and-so calls me names." Not "but they said something before." Not "but I believe this now and here's something Buddha said."

The answer is what EXACTLY do you want the Christians on this forum to do. Nothing vague or general....and nothing about what we may or may not have failed at previously. And nothing quoted from the Bible, a book you don't believe in.

Tell us what YOU want...and what will keep us from having this same discussion next month.


New member
Nineveh said:
Let's weigh your opinion against John the Baptist's:

In him (Christ) was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

Only Light understands light?

Why would light need more light?

Isn't the point of light to illuminate the darkness, thus, taking the darkness away?

But if only light understands light, then only the saved can understand Christ, so you have to be saved to accept Jesus, which seems rather redundant.

How do the unsaved (those in darkness) ever come to the idea that they need God (light) if they can't understand it?


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
TheSearcher said:
Okay. Hows this.

Could you please, show me the post where Bean, was trying to defend his personal life style with scripture.

If you can, I would like to see that post.
Here's one thread:

Here is another:

Here are some more:
http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showthread.php?p=496403#post496403 (be sure to read the his post following this one as well)




New member
cattyfan said:
beanie...I'm still waiting.

I'll even make it easy for you. Complete the following sentence:

"I want the Christians on TOL to ____________________________________."

fill it in. Not "so-and-so calls me names." Not "but they said something before." Not "but I believe this now and here's something Buddha said."

The answer is what EXACTLY do you want the Christians on this forum to do. Nothing vague or general....and nothing about what we may or may not have failed at previously. And nothing quoted from the Bible, a book you don't believe in.

Tell us what YOU want...and what will keep us from having this same discussion next month.

I have said this repeatedly.
I am trying to live only by example.
I am trying not to instruct Christians how to live.
You have asked me, so I can give examples to take or leave.

I want Christians on TOL to:
- call other christians on non-christian behavior, and respond accordingly when a brother rebukes you in love.
- understand that everyone comes to God in their own time, not someone else's.
- admit that there is a possiblity that they may be wrong, and be respectful that not everyone has the answers. Just because another christian doesn't agree doesn't make them an idiot. There is a possibility that you may be wrong.
- live by example.
- to love your enemies, as instructed.

But generally? To be a little more open. It's like people see the unsaved as the enemy, and attack them for coming through the door of the church.

As I said, take this with a grain of salt.

I don't want to instruct christians.
I am going to continue on the buddhist path, and live by example.
Continue to do what you will, reflect on what I said, do what you will.



Nineveh said:
Let's weigh your opinion against John the Baptist's:

In him (Christ) was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

Since I used to fall outside of the Light of men at one point in my life, I have to agree with John on this.

Yes, I know. bean and you seem prone to calling light darkness and darkness light. I'm not shocked by this. There is a gulf between your ideas and God's.

Perhaps the sooner you learn that some choose to follow a Just and Righteous God rather than their own opinions, the better off you will be :)

Like I said, its all about the personal views man. You believe what you want, and I will believe what I want. The difference is that I dont force what I believe down peoples throats.

I'm glad your not shocked. There is a gulf between my ideas and your gods ideas.

If it improves your life, thats great. You seem to think that because I'm not a christian I'm a horrible reprobate, this I am not.


Merely Christian
beanieboy said:
Only Light understands light?

Why would light need more light?

Maybe you should focus on the darkness not understanding Christ. You often use "misunderstanding" in your replies after all.

Isn't the point of light to illuminate the darkness, thus, taking the darkness away?

But if only light understands light, then only the saved can understand Christ, so you have to be saved to accept Jesus, which seems rather redundant.

Not really, first you have to understand when God talks about you being in darkness and stumbling around in your sin, He really is talking to you. Once you come to terms with where you actually stand with God you might be more open to accepting Him and His understandings over your own. But that's a big leap for you, I know, to be humble before a God that doesn't agree with you. And certainly much less comfy than a pagan idol that doesn't care one way or another.

How do the unsaved (those in darkness) ever come to the idea that they need God (light) if they can't understand it?

Speaking for myself, it came down to the place I could no longer tell God He was wrong about me because He put it all right in my face. I could at that point do like you and try to justify my sins yet one more time, or I could agree with this God who knew me to my very soul.


New member
Nineveh said:
Maybe you should focus on the darkness not understanding Christ. You often use "misunderstanding" in your replies after all.

Not really, first you have to understand when God talks about you being in darkness and stumbling around in your sin, He really is talking to you. Once you come to terms with where you actually stand with God you might be more open to accepting Him and His understandings over your own. But that's a big leap for you, I know, to be humble before a God that doesn't agree with you. And certainly much less comfy than a pagan idol that doesn't care one way or another.

Speaking for myself, it came down to the place I could no longer tell God He was wrong about me because He put it all right in my face. I could at that point do like you and try to justify my sins yet one more time, or I could agree with this God who knew me to my very soul.

Yet other christians question your tactics, and you ignore them, even when biblically supported. Why is that, Nineveh?


Merely Christian
TheSearcher said:
Like I said, its all about the personal views man. You believe what you want, and I will believe what I want. The difference is that I dont force what I believe down peoples throats.

Then my advice to you is quit judging people by your standards while judging them for judging. Some one may take that as an example of your atempt to shove your opinions down other's throats :)

I'm glad your not shocked. There is a gulf between my ideas and your gods ideas.

Hey! We agree :)

If it improves your life, thats great. You seem to think that because I'm not a christian I'm a horrible reprobate, this I am not.

Actually, about the only thing I have really thought about you so far is that you jumped into this convo being a hypocrite.


Merely Christian
beanieboy said:
Yet other christians question your tactics, and you ignore them, even when biblically supported. Why is that, Nineveh?


The people who claim to follow Christ but are more than willing to hold your hand while you continue in your rebellion? I'm not going to comfort you and tickle your ears like your idol beanie, your works will be burned away and you will be left with nothing but what you love most, you.


Nineveh said:
Then my advice to you is quit judging people by your standards while judging them for judging. Some one may take that as an example of your atempt to shove your opinions down other's throats :)

Hey! We agree :)

Actually, about the only thing I have really thought about you so far is that you jumped into this convo being a hypocrite.

I would first ask you to take your own advice, by removing that board out of your eye before going after myself of Bean. The subtle difference is that your trying to force people to believe as you do, I'm just doing what every one else does and voice their oppinions.

As far as hypocrites goes, there are several here, I dont think I'm one of them.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
TheSearcher said:
Okay, I can see where he was challenging it, yes. But when did he say the bible defended it?
He argues that the God of the Bible does not condemn it, or that if He does there's no way of knowing for sure because the Bible is so ambiguous on the matter, so Christians should give him a pass.

beanieboy doesn't even believe the Bible is God's word, so why is he afraid to acknowledge what it plainly states? It's weird, isn't it? Can you imagine any of the Christians here hanging out at a Muslim site and trying to cast doubt on Koran passages that condemn us?


Nineveh said:

The people who claim to follow Christ but are more than willing to hold your hand while you continue in your rebellion? I'm not going to comfort you and tickle your ears like your idol beanie, your works will be burned away and you will be left with nothing but what you love most, you.

Thats pretty hateful. Doesnt it get tireing being that hateful all the time? Doesnt your soul just want a break once and while and be at peace. Rest every once and while. You must have a tone of negitive energy stored up to be that, well, mean.

I hope that one day you are not put through the forge Nineveh, I fear that your hate will cause you to harden and break.
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