War on Christmas

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A person can find millions of these stories. Bill O'Reilly has been reporting on the war on Christmas for years now.

A picture is often times worth a million words.


The war on Christmas is fueled by greed.
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Give those black boys white rule and they won't be hungry. What's the point of the picture?

Try to keep your racism to yourself Jabin.

Granted, if the countries where those children live weren't ruled by Marxists, they probably wouldn't be starving.

The point of my picture?

Greedy-ungrateful Americans embarrass me.

Jesus is the reason for the season.


History is history weather you like it or not...and we are specifically warned not to take the tradition and customs of them. But since you are well aware of what it is and choose to partake then go ahead,, but some people wont know unless they are told.

good for you:)


...[W]ould you ever give money to a charity that doesn't mention God, Jesus or Christ in the name?
I give to my local church and charities who honor the Lord. I used to support Campus Crusade for Christ until they removed the name Christ. Then, I stopped. Giving should be done in the name of Jesus.

"To pray in Jesus' name means to pray in the authority of that name, much as we might use the phrase "in the name of the law" to assert the authority of the law..." Full text: Names of Jesus 1 Ki 8:43
If it wasn't for Hanukkah there may very well not be Christmas. Depending on how things played out, Jesus might not have been born at all, or culturally he would have been Greek rather than Jewish.

At the time, the Jews were living under the Seleucid Empire, which was a remnant of Alexander the Great's empire. Some members of the younger generation were adopting Hellenistic ways, which the Jewish elders were getting their knickers in a knot over. The Jewish leaders ended up causing enough trouble that Antiochus IV began to see Judaism as a threat and decided to BAN it within his empire. The result was the Maccabean revolt, which is celebrated during Hanukkah.

Christmas itself basically has its origins in pagan winter festivals (the Roman festival of Saturnalia comes to mind). Jesus himself was actually born sometime during the spring.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
If it wasn't for Hanukkah there may very well not be Christmas. Depending on how things played out, Jesus might not have been born at all, or culturally he would have been Greek rather than Jewish...........
Since the birth of our savior was God's plan since the beginning, that means your statement is.... ...oh, how should I say it... ...STUPID

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
so the whole free will/Adam and Eve/death and sin was planned by your god from the start???
No, it wasn't "planned", but God still knew the choices they would make.

Its a sort of paradox of "free will" that we have it, and yet God still knows how things will unfold. He know the choices we will make even though they are our choices to make. Thats because we move through time in a linear fashion, whereas God is ouitside of time and sees all things at once.


New member
No, it wasn't "planned", but God still knew the choices they would make.

Its a sort of paradox of "free will" that we have it, and yet God still knows how things will unfold. He know the choices we will make even though they are our choices to make. Thats because we move through time in a linear fashion, whereas God is ouitside of time and sees all things at once.

I've seen this argument before, sorry, it makes no sense. If your god knew how things would turn out, but he let them, he is not a very nice person. Slavery, WWI, WWII, Hitler, Stalin, etc.

But I guess it keeps the Catholic confessionals open, huh?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
No, it wasn't "planned", but God still knew the choices they would make.

Its a sort of paradox of "free will" that we have it, and yet God still knows how things will unfold. He know the choices we will make even though they are our choices to make. Thats because we move through time in a linear fashion, whereas God is ouitside of time and sees all things at once.
I've seen this argument before, sorry, it makes no sense. If your god knew how things would turn out, but he let them, he is not a very nice person..........
So you would have Him take away our free will and turn us into puppets? I prefer free will over that.
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