Victoria Jackson Leads Glee Exodus

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Victoria Jackson Leads Glee Exodus

This is the show from Thursday March 24th, 2011.



* Bob Enyart and Doug McBurney Discuss Headlines
: The 24-hour reality TV show called the Fox News Channel is a political soap opera that Republicans develop an addiction to for their hourly fix to keep up with mostly irrelevant political minutiae. Meanwhile Bob and Doug talk about substantive issues like the Montana personhood bill, South Dakota's "and then you can kill the baby" about regulations, and Victoria Jackson admitting that the homosexuals kissing on TV's Glee is sickening! (Victoria is a Christian and Bob talks about meeting her in ABC's green room before they appeared on Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher and then in their follow-up on-air discussion Victoria accepted Bob's admonishment.) And finally, the guys talk about Apple dropping Exodus International's "gay cure" app from their iTunes store, and about Bob's 1991 on-air warning to former homosexuals (some of whom were in studio representing a ministry called Where Grace Abounds) that just as former pornography addicts should not run a ministry to strippers, neither should ex-homosexuals operate a ministry to homosexuals.

* Post-show Note
: For thoughts on the government's proper role regarding marriage, please see Bob Enyart's new article, The Biblical Role of Government in Marriage.

Today’s Resource: Do you know the Bible as well as you would like to? Do you have compelling Bible Study materials that cause you to LOVE studying? If not, check this out! You can learn the Scriptures with our verse-by-verse and topical BEL Bible Study albums! You can get these MP3 CDs in the mail, or listen immediately by downloading Bob Enyart's studies! If you've never listened to Pastor Bob's seminar giving an overview of the whole Bible, you owe it to yourself to download and listen to The Plot study right now! Then follow up with The Tree, and you'll be on your way to a renewed love affair with God's Word!


I identify as a Christian
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I'll have to begin my post by saying how much I enjoy your program Bob. Thanks for making it available online.


Odyssey Dawn--dumb name. I agree with you there. Sounds like an Obamism. It totally lacks any forethought like Obama's policies.

Personhood: A person is a person no matter how small. In other words a person is a person from the point of conception. The snow storm of paperwork justifying abortion doesn't change this fact. Hopefully America will have the smarts to shed abortion like it did black slavery and the oppression of the blacks.

Glee--I have known about it for a while but never watched it. It never interested me. I heard about Curt and Blaine kissing. Just sickening. :vomit: Enough to make me lose my supper if I were unfortunate enough to see it.

Exodus International Ipod App - Good intentions and a good idea. I have mixed feelings about the organization though. Would a member of AA go into a bar and minister to drunks? It would be better for the leadership to be people that do not struggle with this sin.
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Bob Enyart

Staff member
I'll have to begin my post by saying how much I enjoy your program Bob. Thanks for making it available online...

Personhood: A person is a person no matter how small...

Exodus International Ipod App - Good intentions and a good idea... It would be better for the leadership to be people that do not struggle with this sin.
Thanks for the encouragement Inzl Kett. And I agree with your wise point that leadership should be folks not tempted by such sin. Alcoholics ministering to other alcoholics is a bit different than ex-homosexuals ministering to homosexuals. While of course there's temptation everywhere (you'd have to leave the world... and even in space there would probably be temptation), an alcoholic's addiction is "once removed" from the alcoholic sitting next to him. That is, he's not tempted to drink the guy's blood. (I'd use a vampire analogy here, but it's too twisted :) ) But of course they might go out together and get drunk. Contrary to that, the ex-homosexual's temptation IS the homosexual sitting right next to him.

Thanks IK.

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