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Sound is "Only the Vibration of Gas /// A-I-R:
Light is "Only" the Vibration of "S-P-A-C-E":

Sound can ONLY Be Heard IF there is Gas, or AIR for "IT" to Vibrate through.
Light can ONLY be SEEN IF there is Space for "IT" to Vibrate through.
There is NO Place in the Universe that does Not Have "Some" Space for Light to Vibrate through. -- If the Space is Twice as Thick in One Place, the Same Size as Another PLACE; the Light Will take Twice as Long to travel through the Same Size with double amount of SPACE compacted in IT.

Sound can only be heard in just a few Places in the Universe, where there are some massive objects that are Large enough to Maintain AN Atmosphere, that Sound can Travel through IT.

LIGHT is Nothing BUT the Vibrations of SPACE. - Regardless of what form of Energy is Vibrating Space, it Will Always Travel through the ( Same Amount of Vibration "Cycles", ) regardless how few "Cycles" or "Many" Cycles of Energy there are in a Mile.
Space Distance - always has a Different Amount of Space. - A Mile of Space CAN Be So Limited With Place Size, that the Mile may be - Ten Miles if seen from the Same place one sees the Space more Concentrated. -- In Other Words; - "Distance" Depends ON The Quantity OR how Compressed Space is in any PLACE, - Space is a "Place", but can be Large OR Small, according to how Thick Space is in any Place. Space has NO SIZE, Only the Quantity of SPACE in The PLACE. - ""A"" PLACE can be Measured a Hundred Feet from the Outside, and be A Mile, OR A Foot, OR Fifty Miles on the INSIDE; depending on the Thickness of "Space in" the PLACE.

Looking out through the mass of Galaxies, one thinks that they are seeing in a Strait Line, but you have NO IDEA where you are actually seeing anything. The Light Traveling to you from 20,000,000 to 20,100,000 Light Years Away, IS Weaved around in every direction before it Ever Got to YOU.
The Stupid SPACE Scientists, actually have NO IDEA what A GALAXY Really LOOKS LIKE. - MANY Galaxies are About a 100,000 Light Years Across. - The "Front Side" of the Galaxy Traveled for a 100,000 Years Before the "Back Side" Ever got to The FOOLS, and the closest Galaxy is About a 1,000,000 light Years Away.

AND The STUPID FOOLS Say There is a Boundary, or Limit to HOW FAR the Edges of the Universe GOES. - There IS ""N-O -- E-N-D"" To Any Direction. - Every Direction IS ""E-T-E-R-N-A-L""!!! -- There IS NO ""MIDDLE"" Of the Universe!!! - There IS NOOO SHORT OR LONG DISTANCE In the Universe!!! -- I-F There WAS A - 1,000,000th O-F ONE PERCENT OF The Universe;; -- IF There Was 1,000,000th of 1% - of the Universe; THAT Also Would BE An ""E-T-E-R-N-A-L"" Distance!!!!! - There IS NO Such thing AS A PERCENT OF The Universe!!!


((( When You "D-I-E"; You WILL Be - EITHER EQUAL TO IT "A-L-L", - O-R -- You WILL Be NEGATIVE TO IT "A-L-L" )))!!!!!! -- ((( 1 John 3:2 KJV )))!!!!!! -- I'm Just Waiting!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 040116