Unjusts’ creator unjust God heals injustice hanging on cross.



Then Bombay police was gathering numerous vagrants on the metropolis pavements. They came upon an old feverish stinking beggar in taters lying in the dirt. They routinely asked his and his father’s name to fill a required form. He answered “My name is Harilal Gandhi and my father’s is Bapu”,(Gandhi is affectionately called Bapu, meaning father by Indians). They said “certainly he is the father of all Indians. But what is your physical father’s name?” He answered “Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi” which is Gandhi’s full name. Astounded they asked “are you really Gandhi’s own son? We revere him like God, and you became such a wretched devil?” After checking they found it true.

Parents being dead and disowned by all, he was sent to a government tuberculosis sanatorium. There he died soon unmourned.

He was the rebel of Gandhi family opposing everything Gandhi represented. But Gandhi always confessed himself responsible for his state. Harilal Gandhi was his eldest son born when he was a slave to his sexual passions at 18 years age. After that he went to England to study law. Returning he went to South Africa to practice. There he was converted to Christian principles by his Quaker friends. So he forsook luxury and all pleasures to serve poor bonded laborer Indians there, following Christ’s command. But Harilal brought up in luxury resented this. But his siblings born in discipline put up with this voluntary poverty, though grudgingly. They understood that they are being sacrificed for the new India nation.

Gandhi expected too much from this eldest son. In his impatient years he tried to force his ideals upon him. In reaction Harilal’s rebellion intensified to self-destructive excesses. He drank, visited brothels, sold contrabands etc., though he knew that he is destroying himself by those. In the end he converted to violent Islam, taking Muslim name. Gandhi had to disown him for using his name to cover his evil deeds, though up to the end he tried every means to turn him back from self-destruction. He became such a wretch that few recognized him at Gandhi’s funeral.

Hindu upper classes also bitterly rebelled against Gandhi for his support of the downtrodden masses and Muslims. So they slandered, attacked and then assassinated him. Now India and the world respect him as the creator-father of new India. But his own became alien. It always happens in the lives of great men, who represent God.

So God is in the context of the whole creation. He puts up with his first born rebel Lucifer and gives his dues. No one can be just and pleasant to everybody. When one method may succeed in some area, in different areas they fail. While majority gains, minority loses. A short term benefit often is often injurious in the long term. But Father God being responsible for all, in Christ takes the foolish ire of the aggrieved ones in love and forgiveness to turn them off from rebellious self-destruction.

But the worldly Christian organizations present a so called just God, who must punish the injustice of His own created things! Is not He responsible for their injustice-suicide in the first place? This is to support despotic their unjust dissenter hunting and religious tyranny. So called brainwashed Christians parrot them and put up with most unjust substitution theory. It is blasphemous as it presents God as a blood-thirsty avenger. Sin, a negative, is nothing but weakness due to weak love-bond of soul parts. It can’t be washed, punished away or atoned. Only love exercise can reinstall love inside a sinner to give him love-integrity for overcoming sin. So Christ the teacher always stresses on love-exercise in gospel and now, as he is living.

Of course people are free to take any type of God put up by jew and other faiths, even cannibal gods of aborigines. By their choice they show what they like to be. But trying to be father of orphans and destitute I want to become Heavenly Father like as exemplified by Christ on the cross, not catholic chosen hell-sending god of catholic made bible.
