Two Witnesses

Fred Eans

With all the rapture talk, this is a subject not talked about. Why, I ask would God send these two to bring back our attention to God and the end time. First these two who brings us back to the fathers at the appropriate time. God and Satan were in the Garden. Satan and God’s Two Witnesses are here continuing the conflict. Do you think it is possible for us to not pay attention to what is going on? Because this topic has not much interest, rather than think about who one of them is, because he is mentioned is mentioned in the last Chapter of Malachi. Elijah. When he shows up you know something is happening. And that thing is not a rapture. They have a duty, to turn the children’s hearts back to the fathers, and the fathers back to the children. Satan’s heart tells him to steal the children from our Father; our Father’s heart tells Him to save His children. We know one of the witnesses, Elijah. What is special about him. Well for one he did not die. He was chosen to do this. He was transfigured and translated without death. Jesus as you know was transfigured after death. Somewhere it states that all man will taste death. So if a person today was a witness he would have a heart attack before Satan had him killed. Also it would cancel out a couple of other scriptures. So that leaves one other choice. That would be Enoch of Chapter six, Genesis. God took him, before he died, because he so forcibly spoke against the fallen angels. He walked with God. It doesn’t say, but that situation was like Elijah’s. So you have the two witnesses. Elijah who fought for God so well. Enoch, because He fought so hard for God and His Plan. Enoch was faced with a hybrid people, which was the offspring of the angels who left their habitat against God’s will. Those same angels identified as the 7,000 fallen will be accompanying Satan when Satan is kicked out of heaven to assist in Satan’s Tribulation. Since the time has been shortened to five months. These 7,000 will be destroyed before Jesus’s return. Thank you. Fred Eans


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The Two Witnesses are Christians and Jews who become Christ-Followers after the rapture.


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We know one of the witnesses, Elijah.

That could be right, in that in the never-fulfilled Revelation 11:3-12, God's Two Witnesses could be literally Elijah and Moses. For the two men seen "standing before the God of the earth" (Revelation 11:4) at the Transfiguration were Moses and Elijah (Matthew 17:3). And in Revelation 11:4 the two "olive trees" refer back to the two men who were already standing by the Lord by the time of the prophet Zechariah (Zechariah 4:11,14), which was subsequent to the times of Moses and Elijah.

Moses and Elijah could come down from heaven in their mortal bodies at the midpoint of the future Tribulation of Revelation chapters 6 to 18 and Matthew 24, just as they came down at the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:3). Also, the plagues which God's Two Witnesses will cause (Revelation 11:6,5) will match plagues which Moses and Elijah caused in Old Testament times (James 5:17, Exodus 7:20; 2 Kings 1:10-14).

Elijah never died, but was taken physically into heaven (2 Kings 2:11b). And the archangel Michael retrieved Moses' dead body from Satan (Jude 1:9). Michael could have then taken Moses' recently-dead body into heaven where it could have been resuscitated by God back to mortal life, like how, for example, Lazarus' recently-dead body was resuscitated by God back to mortal life (John 12:1). This would explain how both Moses and Elijah could be alive at the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:3).

God's Two Witnesses will prophesy and bring plagues on the world during the literal 3.5 years (Revelation 11:2b-3,6) of the future Antichrist's worldwide reign (Revelation 13:5,7, Revelation 12:6,14), which will be in the latter half of the future Tribulation of Revelation chapters 6 to 18 and Matthew 24. That is why the Antichrist's reign will legally end (Revelation 11:15) right after the Two Witnesses' time on the earth will end (Revelation 11:12-15). The plagues which they will bring (Revelation 11:6) will be part of the Tribulation's second woe/sixth trumpet (Revelation 11:14, Revelation 9:12-13). The Two Witnesses will be taken physically up to heaven before the Tribulation's seventh trumpet sounds (Revelation 11:12,15).

They may not be witnesses in the sense of evangelizing the world (Acts 1:8). For the original Greek word (martus: G3144) translated as "witnesses" (Revelation 11:3) can also refer to those who witness against people, and bring punishment against them (Acts 7:58). The reason that there will be two witnesses (Revelation 11:3) who will bring plagues to torment the unrepentant world (Revelation 11:6,10b) would be because two witnesses are required to bring judgment against people (1 Timothy 5:19). At the same time, the two "witnesses" could be called that because both of them will be martyred (Revelation 11:7-9). For the same original Greek word translated as "witnesses" (Revelation 11:3) can refer to "martyrs" (Revelation 17:6).