Trump's Position On Abortion


Or you could be honest for once in your life and admit that it's Donald Trump's hatred of women that drew you to him.

Donald Trump does not have hatred for women. He just doesn't labor under delusions, nor is he shackled to feminist ideology. He told the truth, the real women like him, the feminist minded do not. I see all those women vouching for him and then I just look at the feminist idiots making up stuff like they always do :rolleyes:

You are just appealing to them to load up on the lacking ammunition in your arsenal. What drew me to Trump is how he sabotaged political correctness- all that fake, nonsensical shenanigans that has plugged up politics.

He showed you all up, and good too- it all hilariously backfired, and you're butthurt about it :chuckle:


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Or you could be honest for once in your life and admit that it's Donald Trump's hatred of women that drew you to him.

Donald Trump does not have hatred for women.

Pornographers treat women like a piece of meat, they don't respect them. Besides, if someone like Trump spoke to my wife like he's spoken to other men's wives...(aCW avoids a visit from the Secret Service by not saying that he'd give the guy a good punch in the nose).

Trumps history of spousal abuse and treatment of women is well documented. Call Trump what you want, those with common sense call him a sleazy misogynist moral degenerate.


if someone like Trump spoke to my wife like he's spoken to other men's wives...

So if a woman is married, then she shouldn't be criticized in return for hers toward others?

I guess it's not just for the married either, it's become a birthright!

You know what would be great- a test which asks only one question: state something that is wrong with men.
And then afterward.. SURPRISE question: state something that is wrong with women.

It would save me the trouble in showing you all what's wrong with you, it really would :rolleyes:


So if a woman is married, then she shouldn't be criticized in return for hers toward others?

I guess it's not just for the married either, it's become a birthright!

Trump’s history of flippant misogyny

In Thursday night’s debate, moderator Kelly reprised other Trump comments. “You’ve called women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals,’” she said.


Trump’s history of flippant misogyny

In Thursday night’s debate, moderator Kelly reprised other Trump comments. “You’ve called women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals,’” she said.

Only Rosie O' Donnell, he said :rotfl:

Trump schooled her, because unlike others, he doesn't fold over traps like that. Sure he's stated tings to certain women, and they deserved it. Sorry to intrude on your white knight complex, but he didn't call all women disgusting animals and that's what it takes for you to call him a misogynist :wave:


New member
Most people who have no real reason to support Hillary - like not being on Welfare or not working for the federal bureaucracy - but are continually bashing Trump are getting their talking points from the Old Media, the Government-Media-Complex.

The fact that a sizeable number of people who probably do not use the Internet to listen to the Alternative Media nevertheless support Trump says a lot about his appeal. The Government-Media-Conmplex would maybe be more effective in beating Trump if they did not show him at all on TV. But that might backfire on them. Of course,the Trump bashers who get their ideas from the Old Media say Trump is a deceiver.

In fact, in this society and culture in 2016 a presidential candidate must have a good image, be a celebrity, have a lot of appeal and be dynamic and outspoken to win. We have a culture that is still an image culture to a great extent. The Marxist-Leftist political correctness propaganda weapon was effective in getting the guy who has been in office almost 8 years elected, and may work for Hillary also up to a point, and especially for her hard core supporters. But masses of people are partly awake and other masses still like celebrities. Hillary is well known, but she looks like Stalin's housekeeper, as Michael Savage suggested, and as more and more is made public about her negative side, her image as seen by much of the public will probably be tarnished.

But - just as Hillary and the guy who has been in office almost 8 years do not have celebrity images but are propped up by political correctness, so Trump is not just image. He is what is called an Alpha Male, has a strong personality, stamina, can speak without a script or teleprompter, can hold his own in a word fight, and shows signs of having heart too.
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Hall of Fame
If Ted Cruz were the republican candidate for President, the Libertarians would roll a joint and go back to supporting Gary Johnson and the democrats would most likely vote for Trump, provided he minded his manners and didn't act like too much of a misogynist.

It wouldn't happen. Trump is not capable of change and any attempt to tone down his rhetoric would be nothing more than an act.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

If Ted Cruz were the republican candidate for President, the Libertarians would roll a joint and go back to supporting Gary Johnson and the democrats would most likely vote for Trump, provided he minded his manners and didn't act like too much of a misogynist.

It wouldn't happen. Trump is not capable of change and any attempt to tone down his rhetoric would be nothing more than an act.

I'm giving the democrats too much credit:

As long as Trump continued to be pro abortion and pro LGBTQ rights like he currently is, he'd be warmly embraced.


Hall of Fame
As long as Trump continued to be pro abortion and pro LGBTQ rights like he currently is, he'd be warmly embraced.

And yet he is the candidate who is supported by a majority of the far Right ... which outside of the "at least he's not Hillary" argument doesn't make any sense ...

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Where Do the Candidates Stand on Abortion?

These guys know more than you morons do.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

As long as Trump continued to be pro abortion and pro LGBTQ rights like he currently is, he'd be warmly embraced [if he were to run as a democrat].

And yet he is the candidate who is supported by a majority of the far Right ... which outside of the "at least he's not Hillary" argument doesn't make any sense ...

"The far right" are overlooking the fact that Donald Trump is a liberal and supporting him because (as you said) "at least he's not Hillary".

They're not aware that by electing Donald Trump that they'd being setting a very bad precedent: electing an ultra liberal to a conservative Party.

Unlike the Chinese, Americans don't think long term, they pretty much think for the moment. "In 1972, U.S. President Richard Nixon asked China’s first premier, Zhou Enlai, for his assessment of the French Revolution, 183 years after the revolution’s conclusion. Zhou’s response: "It is too early to say."

Our nation will survive 4 more years of a democratic President, we won't survive if conservatives sell out their values and allow a secular humanist moral degenerate like Donald Trump to represent them.


New member
While many who do not read or listen to members of the Alternative media on the Internet
, but read and watch on Television the Governmnt-Media-Complex, which is anti-Trump, nevertheless are Trump supporters. Some or many church Christians, at least here on this forum, accept and spread the anti-Trump message of the Old Media. The Old Media is for a continuation of the present kind of rule by the elite.


While many who do not read or listen to members of the Alternative media on the Internet
, but read and watch on Television the Governmnt-Media-Complex, which is anti-Trump, nevertheless are Trump supporters. Some or many church Christians, at least here on this forum, accept and spread the anti-Trump message of the Old Media. The Old Media is for a continuation of the present kind of rule by the elite.

The ultra liberal mainstream media has been very kind to Donald Trump, as he, like them is a liberal.

I've found most of the information that I've been posting on Donald Trump from the "Alternative media" as you call it.

Take for instance how Donald Trump is being sued in a NY State court for (along with Trump's good friend convicted level 3 sex offender Jeffrey Epstein) raping a 13 year old girl.

Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored

You and I both know that if a conservative were accused of such, the left wing media would be running that story 24/7 and demands from that conservative's own Party to step down would be made.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
^ Every time ACW posts he proves what a sick twisted mind he has, and that he is no Christian. Go do what you do best, looking for gay boogymen under your bed.


^ Every time ACW posts he proves what a sick twisted mind he has, and that he is no Christian. Go do what you do best, looking for gay boogymen under your bed.

Oh but Catfish, I don't have to look under my bed for homosexuals, they're all around me in pro Trump threads.

Let me explain how debate works:

When I post a link showing that Donald Trump is being sued for RAPING A 13 YEAR OLD GIRL, you're supposed to come up with some kind of evidence showing that the case is fraudulent and shouldn't be given any credence.

See how easy debate can be...if the truth is on your side.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.....Let me explain how debate works......
You don't debate.
People: See how he changes the topic from abortion to his sexual perversions? The man is warped. Regardless of the topic, ACW will change it to sex or gay people. ACW is sexualy obsessed in a very sick way. And this he calls debate.

You are a grossly sick person dude. If I knew where you lived I'd notify the authorities. Sexually obsessed sick people like you should be made known to your community.

The Horn

My statistics regarding Planned Parenthood can easily be googled. I didn't make them up. They don't force women to have abortions and they don't force them to visit their health care facilities.
Women have abortions of their own free will and because of their terrible personal problems and they would have them even if PP did not exist . And I repeat - defunding PP will only INCREASE the abortion tae in America.
PP is not to blame for abortion in America. Poverty and adverse social and economic conditions cause abortion here, the same as they do everywhere .
Fetal pain ? It's a scientific fact that a fetus can only feel pain late in a pregnancy . The overwhelming majority of abortions happen long before it can do this. A four week old fetus does not have a developed brain and nervous system yet, just like Republican politicians .
And in the rare cases of late term abortions performed because of medical emergencies to save a woman's life, doctors DO use anesthesia on the fetus. It's not even necessary in the vast majority of them.


Hall of Fame
Women have abortions of their own free will and because of their terrible personal problems and they would have them even if PP did not exist .

Women have abortions ... because the procedure eliminates the unborn baby they willfully created. The only case where their own will is not involved is rape.


Trump supporters be like..


It got old- after it stopped being hilarious. You'd mistake them for comedians if they weren't so adamant to tell how much they believe the words that spew from their heads.