Trump will be reelected

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
What do you care about MY president, Canadian?

Add these quotes to your signature lol

you know jg is canadian, right?
Yeah, but I just wanted to see if he had any substantive data; obviously not. :chuckle:

Now back to the topic:

I systematically laid out 5 reasons Trump will be reelected and nobody refuted them. Last chances LOSERS! lol

Trump's 2020 Winning Strategy Flips the Script on Ronald Reagan


Well-known member
The doctor who made the initial diagnosis in Wuhan China was "rewarded" by being escorted to the police station and being forced to sign a confession that he was mistaken - he has since died from the virus that the Chinese government claimed didn't exist!

Given that China has a totalitarian regime, what's the Trump's Administration excuse for cutting $15 billion from the very federal agencies tasked with preventing the outbreak of infectious diseases and then after being given a lead time of 6 weeks, can only produce 75000 kits and 3 testing facilities to serve a nation of over 330 million?

To date the US federal government can claim to have tested a grand total of 5000 potential carriers for the entire nation - countries like China and South Korea are currently testing that many individuals in a day!

I doubt that there is another leader in the world confronting the coronavirus crisis that could find over 3 hours of spare time in his/her busy schedule to play round(s) of golf while the markets were preparing for their greatest 1 day decline in the DOW - over 2000 points!
For the drop in the DOW: you can thank the fake news media, since the Corona virus is killing still way less than the flu, every single day.

God's Truth

New member
The doctor who made the initial diagnosis in Wuhan China was "rewarded" by being escorted to the police station and being forced to sign a confession that he was mistaken - he has since died from the virus that the Chinese government claimed didn't exist!

Given that China has a totalitarian regime, what's the Trump's Administration excuse for cutting $15 billion from the very federal agencies tasked with preventing the outbreak of infectious diseases and then after being given a lead time of 6 weeks, can only produce 75000 kits and 3 testing facilities to serve a nation of over 330 million?

To date the US federal government can claim to have tested a grand total of 5000 potential carriers for the entire nation - countries like China and South Korea are currently testing that many individuals in a day!

I doubt that there is another leader in the world confronting the coronavirus crisis that could find over 3 hours of spare time in his/her busy schedule to play round(s) of golf while the markets were preparing for their greatest 1 day decline in the DOW - over 2000 points!

I thought Obama was the President who always was golfing.

I haven't been seeing any news about Trump golfing.

Are you a spreader of fake news?

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
The latest, dated Thursday, March 12, 2020

What the mainstream media isn't telling you about Trump's reelection bid

In New Hampshire, Mr. Trump received 129,734 votes. When Barack Obama faced no real opposition in 2012, he received 49,080 votes in the New Hampshire primary. That is a huge gap.

This was also true in a number of other states. In Alabama, Mr. Trump received 695,469 votes compared to then-President Obama’s 241,167 votes in 2012. In Arkansas, it was 240,789 for Mr. Trump compared to 94,936 for Mr. Obama. In Texas, Mr. Trump’s total vote count of 1,889,006 was more than Mr. Obama (520,410) and more than the combined votes for Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Mike Bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren.

So why are Republicans turning out in such large numbers for the president in primary races when the outcome is not in question? They are ticked off.

Republicans are ticked off at the partisan impeachment process. They are ticked off at the biased mainstream media. And they are ticked off at the hysteria of the left. Republicans don’t typically protest, so the way they express their frustration is by voting

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
I covered different models showing he will win, and then the insane money he is bringing in. Now I have one for you:

Bernie Sanders.

Bernie right now has the momentum among the Dems. The Bernie brigades are still very angry at how the rigged Democrat Primary system (yes, rigged, by superdelegates) stole the nomination from him and gave it to Crooked Hillary. Yes, very angry. He really did get screwed too I believe.

So, one of two things will happen this time around: Bernie will win or he will get cheated again.

If he gets cheatd again, the Sanders groupies will have a cow, and will stay home. There is no way they will give their vote to the party that screwed their guy twice. Trump will win.

OR: Sanders will win the nomination, and Trump will destroy him. Up until now the fake news media has kept a lid on just how much of a insane extremist communist this imbecile Sanders really is. But when he and his polices and his stupidities and his cabal of Commies gets under the Big Top Spotlight, center stage, in a national election, the GOP will destroy him so badly that he’ll wish he had never been born. They will crush him. Trump will win.

That's three reasons now. Ready for more?

Back to my Reason Number Three: "Bernie".

So it looks like Bernie is OUT. It is time to look for stories about Bernie voters not voting for Biden. That is my prediction. Stay tuned. :popcorn:

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
I covered different models showing he will win, and then the insane money he is bringing in. Now I have one for you:

Bernie Sanders.

Bernie right now has the momentum among the Dems. The Bernie brigades are still very angry at how the rigged Democrat Primary system (yes, rigged, by superdelegates) stole the nomination from him and gave it to Crooked Hillary. Yes, very angry. He really did get screwed too I believe.

So, one of two things will happen this time around: Bernie will win or he will get cheated again.

If he gets cheatd again, the Sanders groupies will have a cow, and will stay home. There is no way they will give their vote to the party that screwed their guy twice. Trump will win.

OR: Sanders will win the nomination, and Trump will destroy him. Up until now the fake news media has kept a lid on just how much of a insane extremist communist this imbecile Sanders really is. But when he and his polices and his stupidities and his cabal of Commies gets under the Big Top Spotlight, center stage, in a national election, the GOP will destroy him so badly that he’ll wish he had never been born. They will crush him. Trump will win.

That's three reasons now. Ready for more?

Back to my Reason Number Three: "Bernie".

So it looks like Bernie is OUT. It is time to look for stories about Bernie voters not voting for Biden. That is my prediction. Stay tuned. :popcorn:

As Michigan votes, #demexit trends with Sanders supporters threatening to leave dem party if Biden wins nomination

The hashtag #DemExit began trending on Twitter across the United States on Tuesday afternoon as supporters of Bernie Sanders threatened to leave the Democratic party if his 2020 rival former Vice President Joe Biden secures the nomination.

It comes as voters in so-called Super Tuesday 2 states—Michigan, Idaho, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota and Washington state—headed to the polls. After Biden dealt a humbling blow to Sanders' campaign in the Super Tuesday voting contests last week, the Vermont senator will need a good showing tonight to regain momentum for his campaign.

Biden made a comeback last week after former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Senator Amy Klobuchar and former Texas Congressman Beto O'Rourke dropped out of the Democratic presidential race and endorsed the former vice president's campaign. Since then, Biden has surged ahead of Sanders, drastically changing the shape of the 2020 race. The Vermont senator has spent the past week in defense mode, trying to recapture the momentum he had last month.


Good point. I think we need to be careful not to buy into the reasoning that the president himself needs to know how to do this stuff. A good president surrounds himself with experts in various fields and they handle this stuff. The president needs to have the bigger picture view.

Orange man don't need no experts. See A list of those areas where Donny knows more than anyone else.

Commander Bone Spur (He used to be a captain but since he is now involved in the coronavirus war he gave himself a battlefield promotion) does not need any experts. He relies on his gut.

"'I have a gut, and my gut tells me more sometimes than anybody's brain can ever tell me,' he explained to the Washington Post during an interview on Tuesday."

When you put that attitude along with his ignorance and narcissism, we have what we have today.

And if you think about it, was it his gut that told him to buy an airline? Start making vodka? Over leverage his casinos? My, my, what a gut, what a terrible gut.

But no worries, Jared the Wonder Boy will take care of everything---Donny loves to make Ivanka happy by giving Jared some work to do so he does not have to collect the rent from the tenants of his crappy apartments---might get his shoes dirty. He solved the mid-East problem, right???

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Back to my Reason Number Three: "Bernie".

So it looks like Bernie is OUT. It is time to look for stories about Bernie voters not voting for Biden. That is my prediction. Stay tuned. :popcorn:

As Michigan votes, #demexit trends with Sanders supporters threatening to leave dem party if Biden wins nomination

The hashtag #DemExit began trending on Twitter across the United States on Tuesday afternoon as supporters of Bernie Sanders threatened to leave the Democratic party if his 2020 rival former Vice President Joe Biden secures the nomination.

It comes as voters in so-called Super Tuesday 2 states—Michigan, Idaho, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota and Washington state—headed to the polls. After Biden dealt a humbling blow to Sanders' campaign in the Super Tuesday voting contests last week, the Vermont senator will need a good showing tonight to regain momentum for his campaign.

Biden made a comeback last week after former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Senator Amy Klobuchar and former Texas Congressman Beto O'Rourke dropped out of the Democratic presidential race and endorsed the former vice president's campaign. Since then, Biden has surged ahead of Sanders, drastically changing the shape of the 2020 race. The Vermont senator has spent the past week in defense mode, trying to recapture the momentum he had last month.

Tuesday, 17 March 2020
Bernie Bros Threaten to Dump Democrats if Biden Is the Nominee

A growing number of Bernie Sanders voters are threatening to leave the Democrat Party should former vice president and front-runner Joe Biden continue on to become the Democrat nominee for president in 2020. Should their threat become a reality, it would likely assure President Donald Trump’s reelection in November.

After their first one-on-one debate — which focused on the coronavirus response, potential climate policies, and Social Security — neither Sanders nor Biden could claim a decisive victory, and Biden made no significant gaffes. Unless the political status quo changes quickly for Sanders, Biden will easily claim the nomination by the time the Democrat convention rolls around this summer.

And that’s not sitting well with the far-left Bernie Bros.

“We will never — NEVER boost or support Joe Biden or defend his abysmal record and terrible policy positions,” said Henry Williams, the executive director of the far-left Gravel Institute, which backed 89-year-old Mike Gravel’s brief presidential bid last year before switching to Sanders. “We will tell people, as we always have, to vote their conscience and to make decisions based on the interests of all the world’s oppressed people.… I do expect a massive exodus from the Democratic Party.”

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
March 14, 2020
Bernie Bros warn of ‘massive exodus’ if Democrats nominate Joe Biden

The Bernie Bros are vowing revenge.

As the presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders continues to crash and burn, the socialist’s most hard-core supporters are vowing they will never vote for Joe Biden at the ballot box — even if that means handing Trump a second term.

“We will never – NEVER boost or support Joe Biden or defend his abysmal record and terrible policy positions,” Henry Williams, executive director of The Gravel Institute, told The Post. “We will tell people, as we always have, to vote their conscience and to make decisions based on the interests of all the world’s oppressed people … I do expect a massive exodus from the Democratic Party.”


Trump gurl, no response to my complaint about Donny's reliance on his gut rather then experts as your earlier post actually suggested? Ah, love is blind, hunh?


His gut made him a billionaire. What has your gut made you, french fry boy at Burger King?

Nobody cares about your whining little complaint.

No, Daddy's $ made him rich, whether he is really a billionaire remains to be seen. His gut gave him some bankruptcies where he was able to screw over his vendors and suppliers (your know the little guys) and con the banks.
And we'll see in November how many people care about his lying incompetence.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
No, Daddy's $ made him rich

The puerility and shallowness of your posts just dig your hole deeper. His dad may have given him a paltry couple of mil, but Trump created his global empire all on his own. Once again you lie, and you lie in a very childish way.

The topic of this post is that Trump will be re-elected. Do you have a comment on that, or do you intend to just drool more snot into the thread.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Back to my Reason Number Three why Trump will be re-elected: "Bernie".

So it looks like Bernie is OUT. It is time to look for stories about Bernie voters not voting for Biden. I have posted three articles on this. Does anyone have an intelligent thought?