Trump vs Clinton


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Your comment had absolutely nothing to do with the statement that Donald Trump made.

The ego maniac Donald Trump is claiming that Mike Pence was forced into supporting Ted Cruz instead of him?

Face it, Pence's endorsement of Cruz was tepid at best aCW, or at least that was how I read it. He endorsed Cruz on one hand while praising Trump on the other. Read it for yourself, I wasn't the on;y one who saw it that way. Only Pence knows whether he was forced or coerced into anything really...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Your comment had absolutely nothing to do with the statement that Donald Trump made.

The ego maniac Donald Trump is claiming that Mike Pence was forced into supporting Ted Cruz instead of him?

Face it, Pence's endorsement of Cruz was tepid at best aCW, or at least that was how I read it. He endorsed Cruz on one hand while praising Trump on the other. Read it for yourself, I wasn't the on;y one who saw it that way. Only Pence knows whether he was forced or coerced into anything really...

I'm going to agree with you on this one. I at one time actually thought that Mike Pence was a conservative. When he cowered to the LGBTQueer movement like a sniveling little weasel on religious (i.e Christian) freedom legislation, that opened by eyes. Then I read about his other liberal actions while Governor of Indiana.!-Part-4&p=4761128&viewfull=1#post4761128

Donald Trump and Mike Pence were made for each other.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Your comment had absolutely nothing to do with the statement that Donald Trump made.

The ego maniac Donald Trump is claiming that Mike Pence was forced into supporting Ted Cruz instead of him?

I'm going to agree with you on this one. I at one time actually thought that Mike Pence was a conservative. When he cowered to the LGBTQueer movement like a sniveling little weasel on religious (i.e Christian) freedom legislation, that opened by eyes. Then I read about his other liberal actions while Governor of Indiana.!-Part-4&p=4761128&viewfull=1#post4761128

Donald Trump and Mike Pence were made for each other.

Face it, our nation has lost it's moral compass, America has been in moral decline for some time, I call it entropy of society. The Lord jesus warned us it would go this way...

Here is another reading for you, I believe we can find agreement on this article as well.


Face it, our nation has lost it's moral compass, America has been in moral decline for some time, I call it entropy of society. The Lord jesus warned us it would go this way...

Here is another reading for you, I believe we can find agreement on this article as well.

You don't help a nation that is near the very bottom of a moral sewer by electing ungodly men into political office.

We can survive 4 years of Hillary Clinton. Let's work hard to nominate and elect a real conservative in 2016, not someone like secular humanist Donald Trump.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You don't help a nation that is near the very bottom of a moral sewer by electing ungodly men into political office.

We can survive 4 years of Hillary Clinton. Let's work hard to nominate and elect a real conservative in 2016, not someone like secular humanist Donald Trump.

This is where we go separate are not going to elect a third party candidate, that is simply an absurd folly you are entertaining. We cannot survive four years of Clinton because the damage that will be done transcends her elected term personally. It is even more absurd that you would posit the notion that electing one man...Trump, is some how worse than electing a felon, liar, and a personally & professionally corrupt individual like Hillary. With Trump there is a glimmer of hope that he will surround himself with relatively good people & make some positive changes, appoint some good judges with the help of congress, you don't even have that with the felon so please, spare me the lecture of how bad Trump is as a president because you simply don't know how that will look yet, conversely you do know darn good and well what the felon intends to accomplish and that is simply unacceptable to me.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

You don't help a nation that is near the very bottom of a moral sewer by electing ungodly men into political office.

We can survive 4 years of Hillary Clinton. Let's work hard to nominate and elect a real conservative in 2016, not someone like secular humanist Donald Trump.

This is where we go separate are not going to elect a third party candidate, that is simply an absurd folly you are entertaining.

I don't believe for a second that a 3rd Party candidate could be elected, but that doesn't change the fact that voting for a secular humanist who has no loyalty to the Republican Party or to it's pro Judeo-Christian doctrine platform will help the United States out of the moral sewer that we're currently in.

The harm has been done: The current sodomite in chief redefined God's institution of marriage, he opened our national defense (military) up to queers, drag queens and genital mutilators. He ruined the best health care system in the world by turning it over to government. Those things won't be repealed under a Donald Trump administration, if you think that they will be, you've truly been fooled by the pathological liar.

...With Trump there is a glimmer of hope that he will surround himself with relatively good people & make some positive changes, appoint some good judges with the help of congress...

Can relatively good people persuade an evil person to do good? Knowing what they know about Donald Trump yet still voting for him, makes me question if those "relatively good people" really are good.

Remember, it wasn't relatively good people that got Donald Trump where he is today (the Republican Party Presidential candidate), it was godless Libertarians and democrats who crossed Party lines that did.


New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

You don't help a nation that is near the very bottom of a moral sewer by electing ungodly men into political office.

We can survive 4 years of Hillary Clinton. Let's work hard to nominate and elect a real conservative in 2016, not someone like secular humanist Donald Trump.

I don't believe for a second that a 3rd Party candidate could be elected, but that doesn't change the fact that voting for a secular humanist who has no loyalty to the Republican Party or to it's pro Judeo-Christian doctrine platform will help the United States out of the moral sewer that we're currently in.

The harm has been done: The current sodomite in chief redefined God's institution of marriage, he opened our national defense (military) up to queers, drag queens and genital mutilators. He ruined the best health care system in the world by turning it over to government. Those things won't be repealed under a Donald Trump administration, if you think that they will be, you've truly been fooled by the pathological liar.

Can relatively good people persuade an evil person to do good? Knowing what they know about Donald Trump yet still voting for him, makes me question if those "relatively good people" really are good.

Remember, it wasn't relatively good people that got Donald Trump where he is today (the Republican Party Presidential candidate), it was godless Libertarians and democrats who crossed Party lines that did.

I think that Trump is areligious and not a follower of the godless religion of Secular Humanism. The leaders of Secular Humanism are Obama and Clinton who attack Christian values. With all his faults, I don't see Trump attacking Christians.


Well-known member
But we already know Clinton is a criminal, a dictator, a murderer. Shall we dignify that? And now we have the Confuser-in-Chief thinking Turkey is a democratic development because it artificially looks like a wacko army was set back. None of that is true. Ataturk wanted the army to protect the secular state from the Islamic fundamentalists, which Erdogan is. The secular state is over. It will go sharia, and a sharia state in NATO is insane.

If Clinton continues to welcome all these immigrants, she is a participant in the Islamization of the world. At least Trump says we cannot have people coming from terrorist-listed nations. It should be improved to be on the basis of adherence of sharia law. But at least it is steps ahead of Clinton the criminal.

Clinton is oblivious to the issues of safety. Trump will provide it.


I think that Trump is areligious and not a follower of the godless religion of Secular Humanism. The leaders of Secular Humanism are Obama and Clinton who attack Christian values. With all his faults, I don't see Trump attacking Christians.

This is the second time that you've made that statement regarding Donald Trump being "areligious" as opposed to being a secular humanist. Let's look at what secular humanism is so that you don't continue to make that false statement:

The basic philosophy behind secular humanism is as follows:

Any set of beliefs that promotes human values without specific allusion to religious doctrines.

areligious is defined as:

1. unconcerned with or indifferent to religious matters.

The two definitions are inseparable.

Donald Trump stated in a debate and in an interview that he has "New York values" (people in New York evidently 'value' things like abortion, homosexuality and other things that Holy Scripture speaks out against).

Trump earlier in the year during an interview stated that he never has asked God for forgiveness. If those things don't paint the unrepentant pathological liar as a secular humanist, nothing does.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
This is the second time that you've made that statement regarding Donald Trump being "areligious" as opposed to being a secular humanist......
You're not God, you're not in Trump's brain, and you don't read minds. Trump says he's a Christian. Until he proves otherwise I take the man at his word. He is certainly more of one than you are. You want to round up people who suffer from a mental disorder and throw them in prison. Hah!

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Right. Vote Trump



Trump knows what he's talking about. Trump does not lie like Cruz. Lyin' Ted !!!

I've said many times that if you don't like what Donald Trump says or stands for, wait 30 seconds and that very well might change.

Yes, during the debates Donald Trump called Ted Cruz "Lying Ted". Trump's friend David Pecker of the National Enquirer made up stories about Cruz having multiple extra marital affairs (Trump stood back in silence when those false accusations were made). Trump posted unflattering pictures of Cruz's wife Heidi and came out and said that Cruz's father was involved in the Kennedy assassination.

Just the other day that sleazy moral degenerate-pathological liar, when announcing pseudo-conservative Mike Pence as his VP running mate, said that Ted Cruz is a "great guy".

You can continue to hate Ted Cruz because of his strong stance on traditional family values, but at least pretend to like him, Donald would expect that of you.


You're not God, you're not in Trump's brain, and you don't read minds. Trump says he's a Christian. Until he proves otherwise I take the man at his word. He is certainly more of one than you are. You want to round up people who suffer from a mental disorder and throw them in prison. Hah!

I'm only judging Donald Trump based on the things that he's done and said, both in years past and recently.

Do we really want a sexual deviant who has not only given an interview for the misogynist/pornographic Playboy magazine, but was on the cover of it as well as President?


Regarding Trump's alleged "Christianity". You are aware that he attended an 'gay' affirming church when he was traveling the country during the primaries aren't you?

Donald Trump Attends ‘Gay-Affirming’ Presbyterian ‘Church’ in Iowa Days Before Caucus

Are you aware that his spiritual leader is "Norman Vincent Peale" aren't you?

" a Christian minister he denied that God was a being, saying “Who is God? Some theological being? He is so much greater than theology. God is vitality. God is life. God is energy. As you breathe God in, as you visualize His energy, you will be reenergized!” (Plus: The Magazine of Positive Thinking). As a Christian minister he told Phil Donahue, “It’s not necessary to be born again. You have your way to God, I have mine. I found eternal peace in a Shinto shrine … I’ve been to Shinto shrines and God is everywhere. … Christ is one of the ways! God is everywhere.” He denied the very heart of the Christian faith and replaced it with his doctrine of positive thinking.

"Christ is one of the ways"????? This coming from a supposed Christian pastor?

I've covered all of this in my WHMBR! Part 4 and will be doing more in upcoming days.


Trump vs Clinton

A large % of the Trump vote is anti-Hillary, as opposed to being pro-Donald!

A constituency of voters who define themselves in terms of "anybody but Hillary," does not have a positive attachment to Trump.

Obama currently has a 56% approval rating so any attempt by Hillary to closely identify with him looks like a winning strategy!


Key word there, "Has", as in many years ago.
Jesus preached repentance. I believe the 70 year old Trump is not the 35 year old Trump.

You on the other hand, are a hate-monger who transcends time.

Pay attention: During an interview earlier this year (which I linked above) Trump said that he hasn't asked for God's forgiveness.