Trump Trolls

The Barbarian

In a break with longstanding tradition, Melania Trump opted to ride with the guests she invited to share her first lady's box during President Donald Trump's State of the Union address.
The motorcade ride, from the White House south lawn to the Capitol building, is just a handful of minutes, but for a first couple who has not been publicly seen together since New Year's Eve, the separate cars were another in a string of isolated movements from a very independent first lady.
The Trumps will travel together in the same vehicle to return to the White House later this evening, according to a White House official.
Contacted by CNN, the first lady's communications director Stephanie Grisham said Trump is "honoring her guests for the true heroes they are."

The appearance comes after the first lady abruptly canceled a planned trip to Davos, Switzerland, with President Trump last week amid allegations that he had an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels. The change of plans stirred further speculation about a possible rift between the first couple, especially after it was reported that the first lady traveled to West Palm Beach, Florida, on Friday instead of Davos...The newspaper also said the first lady was “furious” over reports that her husband’s lawyer Michael Cohen arranged a $130,000 payment to Daniels shortly before the 2016 presidential election to bar her from talking about her alleged sexual encounter with Trump.

patrick jane

Trump is rallying America tonight. Even the dems are clapping, cheering, hooting and hollering.


Trump is rallying America tonight. Even the dems are clapping, cheering, hooting and hollering.

Yeah, right.

Trump has been a bit dull lately (to watch that is). However, this morning, situation normal, phew; Trump claims that his state of the Uniom (sic) speech was listened to by a 'record number of people', more than any other President.

However, perhaps Trump is correct in this case! Yes, Patrick Jane tuned in.

patrick jane

Yeah, right.

Trump has been a bit dull lately (to watch that is). However, this morning, situation normal, phew; Trump claims that his state of the Uniom (sic) speech was listened to by a 'record number of people', more than any other President.

However, perhaps Trump is correct in this case! Yes, Patrick Jane tuned in.
Who cares? :idunno:


Looks as though it isn't going to be any better for him when he gets home tonight. Melania is reportedly furious over the porn star payoff.

Looks like Trump is about to get a wall. Melania has just spent a load of tax dollars for one to keep luvver boy out.

patrick jane

So, who really interfered with the 2016 Presidential election? Russia? Nope, the DNC, Hillary, DOJ and FBI. Do we live in Russia now? What a scam on the American people.


So, who really interfered with the 2016 Presidential election? Russia? Nope, the DNC, Hillary, DOJ and FBI. Do we live in Russia now? What a scam on the American people.

The FBI sure did interfere. Making allegations in the final closing days of the campaign, they re-opened and in investigation on Hilary amid a big fanfare. This was at the MOST crucial time in a tight run race.

This was the defining factor that helped Trump.

So how can anyone allege that the FBI were 'interefering' on behalf of Hilary?

C'mon, just too dumb for words.

patrick jane

The FBI sure did interfere. Making allegations in the final closing days of the campaign, they re-opened and in investigation on Hilary amid a big fanfare. This was at the MOST crucial time in a tight run race.

This was the defining factor that helped Trump.

So how can anyone allege that the FBI were 'interefering' on behalf of Hilary?

C'mon, just too dumb for words.
I see you bought Hillary's book: What Happened. She fixed it and still lost. Power to the people.