Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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New member
You think it's just cut and dry that if Trump works with Saudi 16 years later that he supports 9/11?

I am talking about things he said about Saudi Arabia during his campaign. Do you agree with campaigning Trump criticizing Saudi Arabia or president Trump embracing them?

I am sure you'll say both as you're a Trump apologist who can never say anything critical about the man.

patrick jane

I am talking about things he said about Saudi Arabia during his campaign. Do you agree with campaigning Trump criticizing Saudi Arabia or president Trump embracing them?

I am sure you'll say both as you're a Trump apologist who can never say anything critical about the man.
"he could take a dump on my desk and I would approve" - Anderson Pooper



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Hall of Fame
If he went to Saudi Arabia and somewhat called them out on harboring terrorist factions, I'd call that a good thing. :up:

I look forward to listening to the speech in its entirety.

One criticism I'm hearing now is that Iran just had a major election and Trump didn't acknowledge it at all. Iranians largely voted against hardliners.


One criticism I'm hearing now is that Iran just had a major election and Trump didn't acknowledge it at all. Iranians largely voted against hardliners.
- the Iranians held an national election

- there were distinct alternatives

- women were allowed to vote

Saudi Arabia, a nation of which the "Trump Administration" approves, provides no democratic elections, allows no diversity of thought and represses women in society!

The fact that President Trump was visiting Saudi Arabia, on the day when the Iranian election took place, is testament as to just how clueless those in the White House must be for not avoided this scheduling "gaffaw" that would only invite such comparisons!

It should also be noted that it was Saudi Arabia, that was the birthplace of Osama Bin Laden and origin of the majority of those responsible for 9/11, a country conveniently omitted from the list of nations on Trump's travel ban!
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Trump doesn't like elections, and he doesn't like stories that aren't about him.
In addition to asking Comey to kiss his ring and swear personal loyalty, the President wanted the FBI Director to start arresting reporters - presumably from the New York Times and the Washington Post!

When the history of this period is finally written, we will probably learn just how close America came to having her democratic institutions endangered!

patrick jane

- the Iranians held an national election

- there were distinct alternatives

- women were allowed to vote

Saudi Arabia, a nation of which the "Trump Administration" approves, provides no democratic elections, allows no diversity of thought and represses women in society!

The fact that President Trump was visiting Saudi Arabia, on the day when the Iranian election took place, is testament as to just how clueless those in the White House must be for not avoided this scheduling "gaffaw" that would only invite such comparisons!

It should also be noted that it was Saudi Arabia, that was the birthplace of Osama Bin Laden and origin of the majority of those responsible for 9/11, a country conveniently omitted from the list of nations on Trump's travel ban!
ALL recent previous administrations have been in bed with the Saudis


New member

U.S. President Donald Trump praised Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte in a phone call last month for doing an "unbelievable job on the drug problem," according to a leaked Philippine transcript, despite human rights condemnation of Duterte’s drug crackdown.

I'll put this one down as ugly. :plain:

And "Trump tells Duterte of two U.S. nuclear subs in Korean waters"

Is there any strategy here? :idunno:


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From the Ron Paul Liberty Report

Yesterday, President Trump held a telephone conversation with the president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte.
Duterte’s government has been gunning down drug suspects in the streets, by the thousands.
No arrests. No trials.

While affairs in the Philippines are not the business of the U.S. federal government, it is nevertheless very degrading to us Americans to find out that our President actually heaps praise on such ruthless brutality.

Trump Heaps Praise on Ruthless Duterte


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
From the Ron Paul Liberty Report

Yesterday, President Trump held a telephone conversation with the president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte.
Duterte’s government has been gunning down drug suspects in the streets, by the thousands.
No arrests. No trials.

While affairs in the Philippines are not the business of the U.S. federal government, it is nevertheless very degrading to us Americans to find out that our President actually heaps praise on such ruthless brutality.

Trump Heaps Praise on Ruthless Duterte

You know the Cartels run Mexico right?
What would it actually look like if someone cracked down on them?
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