Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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patrick jane

I never do. I was talking about Pop and you mixed in the Rose Garden. I assumed it was a reaction, but if you went off my
You were talking? All I saw was comments from Pop about Trump. Your topic? You didn't say anything. Did you see the whole Rose Garden event or did you pick the first or worst report about it?

The collective damage? Here's another thing I know, you're convinced that America does not like Trump when it's only the group that you identify with.

patrick jane

Or the collective damage he's done and is continuing to do. Now he's hurting his own constituents in an end run attempt to further degrade the health care system while trying to push through a tax program that mostly benefits people like him.
Another uninformed matter of opinion from you. Your sources are wrong and biased, nothing new there. Do you mean how Trump ended the healthcare subsidies that were found to be unconstitutional?

The Trump White House has issued two Obamacare-related policy announcements this week: announcements that some characterize as “gutting” or “sabotaging” the health care law. But a sober, factual analysis reveals that the Trump decisions will be fairly modest—and largely positive—in their effect.


You were talking? All I saw was comments from Pop about Trump. Your topic? You didn't say anything. Did you see the whole Rose Garden event or did you pick the first or worst report about it?

The collective damage? Here's another thing I know, you're convinced that America does not like Trump when it's only the group that you identify with.

When Trump is re elected this going to be so great. I just can’t wait. Like a “thrill up da leg” baby!

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Well-known member
This just in;

In the continuing saga of "GROPER in CHIEF" Donald Trump's effort to impose restrictive travel bans, version 3.0 has just been overturned by a Hawaiian Federal Court Judge.




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Oh, look. [MENTION=15326]intojoy[/MENTION] found a fake picture on the internet.

How cute :hammer:

WizWeasel. I’m heading to Europe today I’ll try and get some video of me hassling refugees. Pray for my safety wizzel.

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New member
Hall of Fame
I can't believe I live in world where Trump would be considered as the leader of the free world, alongside names like Lincoln, Washington and JFK.

BTW, if I could have worked in the word RAPE with TRUMP, this thread would be "enormous" (a favorite Trump word), but that's exactly what Trump is doing to the Republican party.

Trump continues and will continue destroying the GOP.

Trump has got to go. He can do a reality show but not from the white house. I'm just telling you what will happen because of this bafoon baboon, Trump. It's not the issues Trump raises, it's the rest of his personality that stinks.

He has no experience in politics at all, never has. He got rich because of his daddy and has gone bankrupt.

He's a flashy loud mouth that grates on your nerves. He thinks he's speaking eloquently but he can't answer a question directly. It's always "look" or "listen" or "here's what I . . "

The GOP better do something quick or they are doomed for sure.

Trump lost me when he did this -

Maybe I'm being harsh on Trump, but I still think he's a bad President unless he changes his demeanor completely and at least acted like a professional at something.

I wonder if his kids cringe when he spouts off, getting backlash and resistance worldwide now to the Trump name/brand. :think:

Like when he said the following:

"She was favored to win, and she got schlonged," Trump said, turning a vulgar noun for a penis into a verb.

Only bad results can come to the GOP because of Trump.

You aren't being too hard on him. He's a disgrace. I know it's irrational to vote against other Republicans who have nothing to do with Trump but I want to punish them somehow for giving us Trump. Chrys always talked about destroying the Democrats and now I want to destroy Trump's GOP.

I was already moving toward the Democrats because of environmental issues and now with Trump it might be a while before I vote R. :think:


New member
You aren't being too hard on him. He's a disgrace. I know it's irrational to vote against other Republicans who have nothing to do with Trump but I want to punish them somehow for giving us Trump. Chrys always talked about destroying the Democrats and now I want to destroy Trump's GOP.

I was already moving toward the Democrats because of environmental issues and now with Trump it might be a while before I vote R. :think:

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Well-known member
You aren't being too hard on him. He's a disgrace. I know it's irrational to vote against other Republicans who have nothing to do with Trump

So then why punish them?

but I want to punish them somehow for giving us Trump.

They did? And exactly who gave us Trump.

Chrys always talked about destroying the Democrats and now I want to destroy Trump's GOP.

Trump's GOP? Like all 5 members of it?

I was already moving toward the Democrats because of environmental issues and now with Trump it might be a while before I vote R. :think:

I already knew this sadly...why you want to hitch your boat up to commies, I haven't a clue , but whatever floats your boat....

patrick jane

You aren't being too hard on him. He's a disgrace. I know it's irrational to vote against other Republicans who have nothing to do with Trump but I want to punish them somehow for giving us Trump. Chrys always talked about destroying the Democrats and now I want to destroy Trump's GOP.

I was already moving toward the Democrats because of environmental issues and now with Trump it might be a while before I vote R. :think:
:rotfl: That'll tip the scales
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