Trump Slams Fear Mongering Reporter GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Trump sounds off on reporter: Americans want hope, not sensationalism

Trump sounds off on reporter: Americans want hope, not sensationalism

President Trump sounded off on a reporter during the White House coronavirus briefing.

This is great and Trump is exactly right of course. This is why people elected Trump.


Then he should provide hope, not lies. Commander Bone Spur lacks moral courage and honesty. He is a fraud and deep down he knows that.

The electoral college elected Trump. The people elected Hilary. Still bothers Trumpy to this day.

Staff edit - profane acronym removed.
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not as much as bothers Hillary and her supporters

have a good cry about it J :darwinsm:

It should bother every American at this point after realizing what a nightmare this guy is. Now he is touting the antimalarial drug in a tweet. The one the real expert, Fauci, just yesterday said was premature and based on anecdotal evidence. Well, anecdotal is a big word for Trump

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
The electoral college elected Trump

That's how elections work in The United States. It is a system that protects minority rights.

The Popular Vote vs. the Electoral College

It should bother every American at this point after realizing what a nightmare this guy is

What bothers Americans is nozy foreigners sticking their fat noses in our business. Trump is the greatest president ever, and America is the greatest country ever, two things you will never have in whatever sewer you live in.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
Jonahdogs derailing notwithstanding, back to the topic

Trump sounds off on reporter: Americans want hope, not sensationalism

Trump sounds off on reporter: Americans want hope, not sensationalism

President Trump sounded off on a reporter during the White House coronavirus briefing.

This is great and Trump is exactly right of course. This is why people elected Trump.


That's how elections work in The United States. It is a system that protects minority rights.

The Popular Vote vs. the Electoral College

What bothers Americans is nozy foreigners sticking their fat noses in our business. Trump is the greatest president ever, and America is the greatest country ever, two things you will never have in whatever sewer you live in.

Ah, glad you are concerned about the rights of minorities. I feel so much better.

A sewer I live in? But I live in the US, in a nice suburb.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
(Trump) lacks moral courage and honesty. He is a fraud and deep down he knows that.

He is a typical NYC millionaire/billionaire, self-promoting, full of bluster and bombast, in love with the sound of his own voice and thoughts. A common type in that environment, unapologetically lacking moral courage and honesty, from an environment where being a billionaire means never having to say you're sorry for being a fraud.

In America, that was seen as a refreshing change from the weaselly dishonesty we'd come to expect from our politicians :)

for an example, Google Bill Clinton parsing "is"

Right Divider

Body part
The electoral college elected Trump. The people elected Hilary.
The electoral college is how we do things. It was created so that California and New York to not rule the whole country.

We are the United STATES of America and NOT the United STATE of America.

We're lucky we have the electoral college, otherwise we'd be in far worse shape.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
The electoral college is how we do things. It was created so that California and New York to not rule the whole country.

We are the United STATES of America and NOT the United STATE of America.

We're lucky we have the electoral college, otherwise we'd be in far worse shape.

Trump has often spoken out against the Electoral College process. He was against it before the 2016 election. He did call it "genius" immediately after it gave him the presidency in 2016, but he spoke out against it again in 2018:

Trump says he'd like to scrap Electoral College

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Given this President's public pronouncements since February, it hardly inspires confidence - Trump and his supporters can't demand that the media and/or the American public have confidence in his leadership, it has to be earned?

Last year the federal government conducted the "Crimson Contagion" Study to determine the readiness of different departments to deal with a pandemic and to highlight those areas where additional resources were required!

Apparently this President made the activities of Hunter Biden in the Ukraine as his priority and this Report was never acted upon or taken seriously - an oversight for which Americans are already paying a heavy price!