Trump Offers Ben Carson HUD Secretary Job

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

e: Everyone thought Carson would be tapped for SG because he is a doctor. But this.... ...this is yet another brilliant Trump move. Trump is a winner in every sense of the word.

Trump Offers Ben Carson HUD Secretary Job

As was speculated yesterday in various media outlets, moments ago Bloomberg confirmed that Ben Carson, the man who ran for president then said he wouldn't feel comfortable having a role in the Trump administration because he has no government experience, has been formally offered the position of secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development..............(SNIP)


New member
Time to take the Donald's advice and...get into real estate, Trump drones.

Believe you me, that appointment is not towards serving the poor and or working class.

In the long run, only the entrepreneur will remain having greatly benefited.

The working class once more left facing the huge financial mess of excess once more headed our way - on steriods.

Like I said, might as well get in on the winning side of that.



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Some folks are just "the glass is always empty" type.

Yea, they are either whining on internet discussion boards or protesting, vandalizing, and assaulting those that don't agree with them.... Let the butt hurt continue... :chuckle:


New member
Some folks are just "the glass is always empty" type.

You poor thing - in the above I'm actually focused on that part of Trump's self-serving agenda that is potentially half-full.

It is your half-empty you are thinking I am looking at a thing from the half-empty from.

Get a clue Tam.

I already noted the same by my "Trump At His Best" thread.

Which the clueless in their half-empty saw nothing of value in.

Duh - uh.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Time to take the Donald's advice and...get into real estate, Trump drones.
Believe you me, that appointment is not towards serving the poor and or working class.
In the long run, only the entrepreneur will remain having greatly benefited.
The working class once more left facing the huge financial mess of excess once more headed our way - on steriods.
Like I said, might as well get in on the winning side of that.
Some folks are just "the glass is always empty" type.

Some people are. But Dumboh is just a dimwitted imbecile. He doesn't even know that a glass holds water. :)

Yea, they are either whining on internet discussion boards or protesting, vandalizing, and assaulting those that don't agree with them.... Let the butt hurt continue... :chuckle:

Carson is the perfect example of an African America who grew up in a poor single-mom home. His mom forced him to read instead of watch television and now he is an amazing success. If he can bring that to HUD that would be awesome.