Trump Likely Can't Avoid Talking to Mueller

The Barbarian

Some of the president’s advisers want him to answer questions in writing, like Ronald Reagan did during Iran-Contra—but don’t count on the special counsel agreeing to it.

Earlier this week, after weeks of rumblings about Donald Trump speaking to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, The New York Times reported that the president’s lawyers are urging him not to testify to Mueller. “His lawyers are concerned that the president, who has a history of making false statements and contradicting himself, could be charged with lying to investigators,” the Times reported.


While Mueller has kept his cards close to his vest, there are reasons to doubt he might agree to a Reagan-like deal. Although Iran-Contra independent counsel Lawrence Walsh allowed Reagan to answer questions in writing, that was in large part because aides had testified that the president was mostly unaware of illegal activity, and Walsh “concluded that President Reagan’s conduct fell well short of criminality which could be successfully prosecuted,” according to his final report.

“The focus of the investigation was not criminal conduct by President Reagan,” Barrett said. In this case, however, Trump is very much a focus—from his campaign’s relationships with Russia to his own financial dealings to, perhaps most prominently, whether he obstructed justice.

“The president’s conduct is a subject of this investigation,” Barrett said. “My guess is Mueller would not be satisfied with written interrogatory.”


You all seem to forget that Mueller is investigating Russian collusion and interference. Mueller is NOT targeting Trump cos he likes Hilary.

The betting is that Donald Trump is a bit of a chump and is innocent. But his immediate associates are not innocent, and will go down, sooner or later.


Hall of Fame
You all seem to forget that Mueller is investigating Russian collusion and interference. Mueller is NOT targeting Trump cos he likes Hilary.

The betting is that Donald Trump is a bit of a chump and is innocent. But his immediate associates are not innocent, and will go down, sooner or later.

Nope ... he is as guilty as OJ Simpson. He will get away with his collusion and obstruction of justice for the same reason: Bias in his favor. With the GOP, Trump could confess, and they would claim he is innocent.


New member
The betting is that Donald Trump is a bit of a chump and is innocent. But his immediate associates are not innocent, and will go down, sooner or later.

I don't think that's at all likely. The phone call from Air Force One kinda suggests Trump is the central figure, but his subordinates are giving him some amount of cover.


I don't think that's at all likely. The phone call from Air Force One kinda suggests Trump is the central figure, but his subordinates are giving him some amount of cover.

If the phone call is recoded somehow then why is Mueller taking so long?

The Barbarian

Musty tries a Yahbut:

Hillary colluded with Russia over uranium.

Too bad for her, if it's true. But given the evidence, so far, looks as though she never even signed off on it.

On the other hand, we've got Trump admitting publicly that he fired Comey because of the Russiagate investigation:
It was the first time that Trump had explicitly tied the Russia probe to his rationale for firing Comey. It was one of a series of explanations for dismissing the FBI director, some of which directly contradict those offered earlier by top White House officials.

Trump told NBC's Lester Holt: "And in fact when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said 'you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story, it's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won'."


New member
If the phone call is recoded somehow then why is Mueller taking so long?

Mueller is taking his time, checking all the boxes. He's going to talk to every witness. He's going to look through all the documents. He's going to follow the money. And then, when he's done all of that, when he knows what really happened, he's going to talk to Donald Trump, which will (likely) involve him either admitting to a crime, or perjuring himself, or both. This isn't taking a long time. This is a little on the fast side for a careful, thorough investigation.

Mueller will likely know more details of what happened than any one player including Trump before he goes to talk to Trump. He wants to be everywhere first, and that takes some time.

The Barbarian

I think Biden got it right when he said that if he was Trump's lawyer, he'd tell him not to talk to Mueller. He said Trump has a problem with "precision." Which is precisely right. Trump not only lies, he forgets what he said earlier. Lying is an accuracy problem. Lying in a different way each time is a precision problem.


Trump's target is the upper left one.

And it's the precision problems that get one nailed for obstruction.



Hillary colluded with Russia over uranium.

Given that all 17 of America's intelligence agencies agree that it was the Russian who illegally hacked the DNC computers, why would Putin and WikiLeaks release emails damaging to Hillary's Campaign - if she was colluding with them?

The Barbarian

Given that all 17 of America's intelligence agencies agree that it was the Russian who illegally hacked the DNC computers, why would Putin and WikiLeaks release emails damaging to Hillary's Campaign - if she was colluding with them?

It's a fiendishly clever conspiracy. Clinton deliberately had the Russians rig the election against her so she would lose; she had to do that, so that she could achieve her real goal of putting Trump in jail.

Don't you see how obvious it is? WFTH-I..



Hillary paid for the Fake Dossier.

Despite Trump taking full advantage of the illegally hacked emails from the DNC computers that were released by WikiLeaks, Trump supporters have yet to present a convincing response as to why Clinton never made direct reference to the Steele Memo during the Campaign, or arranged to have it leaked!

Unlike Trump's statement that "I love WikiLeaks," Clinton has never uttered a corresponding comment that "I Love the Steele Dossier!"

Despite this week's vote by House Intelligence Committee, "The Donald" now refuses to release the "Democratic Rebuttal of the Nunes Memo" - is it just a matter of coincidence that this announcement was only made public after 7:30 pm on a Friday night?

patrick jane

Despite Trump taking full advantage of the illegally hacked emails from the DNC computers that were released by WikiLeaks, the facts remain that Clinton never made direct reference to the Steele Memo or arranged to have it leaked!

Hillary is not on the record stating that "I Love the Steele Dossier!

There has just been a news announcement that despite this week's vote by House Intelligence Committee, "The Donald" has refused to release the "Democratic Rebuttal of the Nunes Memo" - is it just a matter of coincidence that its being made public after 7pm on a Friday night!
That's exactly what your team has done since November 9th 2016. Every nothing burger they have is released on a Friday to control the news cycle for the weekend. A taste of your own medicine.


New member
There has just been a news announcement that despite this week's vote by House Intelligence Committee, "The Donald" has refused to release the "Democratic Rebuttal of the Nunes Memo" - is it just a matter of coincidence that its being made public after 7pm on a Friday night!

The Friday-night news dump has been especially full:

1. Trump declines to release the response memo from the Democrats about the Nunes memo.
2. The associate AG, third in command at the Justice Department resigned.
3. An unnamed aid resigned today, following the resignation of Rob Porter yesterday, both related to spousal abuse.
4. John Kelly apparently offered to resign in the midst of the abuse allegations and his handling of them.

Busy Friday.

The Barbarian

Trump won't release Democratic memo, sends back to committee
President Donald Trump won't release the Democratic rebuttal to the Republican intelligence memo alleging FBI abuses of its surveillance authority at this time, and has sent it back to the House Intelligence Committee for changes.
In a letter to the committee, White House counsel Donald McGahn said, "although the President is inclined to declassify the February 5th Memorandum, because the Memorandum contains numerous properly classified and especially sensitive passages, he is unable to do so at this time."

Trump had said earlier Friday he planned to release the memo.
"It's gonna be released soon," Trump told reporters at the White House, adding, "We're going to release a letter."

The House Intelligence Committee voted unanimously on Monday to release the 10-page Democratic memo, and the committee rules gave Trump five days to decide whether to block or allow its release.

You know what the sensitive material involves...
