Here's what happened:
1) It was God's will that Trump be the next Commander-in-Chief.
2) The Democrats chose an extremely flawed Nominee.
3) The Democrats used to many lies, rationalizations, and fabrication.
4) The Democrats were too quick to blame the Russians for their own shortcomings.
5) The Democrats looked around for "Scapegoats." The Russians, the FBI, the supposed
fake news, and anything else that might resonate with the masses. All of this was used to camouflage their own wrong choices.
Hillary is a very arrogant, out of touch, egomaniac. She would have been willing to do anything in order to REIGN over the American people. Had she won, we would have had four to eight more years of Obama type politics. She said herself: "I want to continue the legacy of President Barrack Obama." These types of Politicians, promise the world to the voters and deliver NOTHING! Power is their driving force.
1) It was God's will that Trump be the next Commander-in-Chief.
2) The Democrats chose an extremely flawed Nominee.
3) The Democrats used to many lies, rationalizations, and fabrication.
4) The Democrats were too quick to blame the Russians for their own shortcomings.
5) The Democrats looked around for "Scapegoats." The Russians, the FBI, the supposed
fake news, and anything else that might resonate with the masses. All of this was used to camouflage their own wrong choices.
Hillary is a very arrogant, out of touch, egomaniac. She would have been willing to do anything in order to REIGN over the American people. Had she won, we would have had four to eight more years of Obama type politics. She said herself: "I want to continue the legacy of President Barrack Obama." These types of Politicians, promise the world to the voters and deliver NOTHING! Power is their driving force.