Treasury-robbing democrat pork spending


Well-known member
Democrats have deep delusions about the need for massive big government-growing welfare spending. Welfare spending in America is unsustainable, not needful. Democrats are stupid about fiscal issues. They are unaware that borrowed money needs to be paid back, like personal credit card spending.

  • $108 billion to pay for at least two free years of community college for all students, regardless of citizenship status.
  • $450 billion to fund a universal pre-kindergarten program for children ages 3 and 4.
  • $225 billion over the next decade to pay for 12 weeks a year of paid family and medical leave.
  • $5 million in annual grants to the Small Business Administration for helping “felons transition into entrepreneurs.”
  • $1 billion to deploy electric vehicle charging stations across the country.
  • $3 billion for a campaign to increase “tree equity” across the U.S. in hopes of further curbing greenhouse gas emissions.


Well-known member
Democrats have deep delusions about the need for massive big government-growing welfare spending. Welfare spending in America is unsustainable, not needful. Democrats are stupid about fiscal issues. They are unaware that borrowed money needs to be paid back, like personal credit card spending.

  • $108 billion to pay for at least two free years of community college for all students, regardless of citizenship status.
  • $450 billion to fund a universal pre-kindergarten program for children ages 3 and 4.
  • $225 billion over the next decade to pay for 12 weeks a year of paid family and medical leave.
  • $5 million in annual grants to the Small Business Administration for helping “felons transition into entrepreneurs.”
  • $1 billion to deploy electric vehicle charging stations across the country.
  • $3 billion for a campaign to increase “tree equity” across the U.S. in hopes of further curbing greenhouse gas emissions.
What is driving democrats to spend money on pork that will cost taxpayers in higher taxes for decades? Political payoffs are another major factor driving politicians to pay back supporters with tax monies that will have to be taken from Americans' earnings. Politicians who rob Americans to pay off their supporters with money that must be collected in taxes are unworthy of holding office.

President Biden’s push to reward one of his biggest allies, organized labor, with a lucrative tax break will cost taxpayers nearly $1.8 billion over the next decade, according to a new analysis.

The Joint Committee on Taxation released an in-depth analysis of the tax proposals included within Mr. Biden’s 10-year, multi-trillion-dollar social welfare bill on Thursday. It found that allowing union members to write off some of their dues payments on their tax filings would wind up depriving the federal coffers of approximately $1.8 billion over the next decade, or $180 million a year.

As currently written, the provision would allow members of a labor organization to deduct $250 in union dues off their annual tax returns.


Well-known member
Democrats have deep delusions about the need for massive big government-growing welfare spending. Welfare spending in America is unsustainable, not needful. Democrats are stupid about fiscal issues. They are unaware that borrowed money needs to be paid back, like personal credit card spending.

  • $108 billion to pay for at least two free years of community college for all students, regardless of citizenship status.
  • $450 billion to fund a universal pre-kindergarten program for children ages 3 and 4.
  • $225 billion over the next decade to pay for 12 weeks a year of paid family and medical leave.
  • $5 million in annual grants to the Small Business Administration for helping “felons transition into entrepreneurs.”
  • $1 billion to deploy electric vehicle charging stations across the country.
  • $3 billion for a campaign to increase “tree equity” across the U.S. in hopes of further curbing greenhouse gas emissions.
Democrats intend to tax the rich in red states, not their friends and supporters in blue states. Democrats need to be banned from establishing tax and spend policies designed to benefit a select few at the expense of the American taxpayer.

A proposal by vulnerable House Democrats to restore a lucrative deduction for wealthy blue state residents will cost taxpayers more than $200 billion by 2025.

The Joint Committee on Taxation detailed the figure in a Thursday report analyzing the tax proposals House Democrats want to include in President Biden’s social welfare bill. According to the analysis, restoring the state and local tax (SALT) deduction would cost the country more than $200 billion over the next five years.

SALT allows individuals annually to write off a portion of their state and local taxes. The lucrative tax break is utilized by residents from predominantly Democratic coastal areas, where the state and local tax burdens are especially high.


Well-known member
Democrats have deep delusions about the need for massive big government-growing welfare spending. Welfare spending in America is unsustainable, not needful. Democrats are stupid about fiscal issues. They are unaware that borrowed money needs to be paid back, like personal credit card spending.

  • $108 billion to pay for at least two free years of community college for all students, regardless of citizenship status.
  • $450 billion to fund a universal pre-kindergarten program for children ages 3 and 4.
  • $225 billion over the next decade to pay for 12 weeks a year of paid family and medical leave.
  • $5 million in annual grants to the Small Business Administration for helping “felons transition into entrepreneurs.”
  • $1 billion to deploy electric vehicle charging stations across the country.
  • $3 billion for a campaign to increase “tree equity” across the U.S. in hopes of further curbing greenhouse gas emissions.
Biden lies when he said his spending plan will not cost anyone a dime. Joe Biden lies when he says only the wealthy will have to pay higher taxes. Joe Biden lies when he moves his lips.

He went on to say that Democrats were using the rhetoric against the wealthy deceptively because they were spending far more than could be taken from the wealthiest Americans.

"Some of the focus on the billionaires and the ultra-wealthy that people are putting in the news right now — it's fine, it's valid, it's not enough to fund everything we want to do," Lamb explained.

"Well, the combined cost of everything that Democrats are proposing to do right now goes far beyond what billionaires are ever going to realistically pay," he added.

The admission explicitly contradicts the continued promises from President Joe Biden that no one making less than $400,000 a year would face higher taxes to fund his spending schemes.


Well-known member
Biden lies when he said his spending plan will not cost anyone a dime. Joe Biden lies when he says only the wealthy will have to pay higher taxes. Joe Biden lies when he moves his lips.

He went on to say that Democrats were using the rhetoric against the wealthy deceptively because they were spending far more than could be taken from the wealthiest Americans.

"Some of the focus on the billionaires and the ultra-wealthy that people are putting in the news right now — it's fine, it's valid, it's not enough to fund everything we want to do," Lamb explained.

"Well, the combined cost of everything that Democrats are proposing to do right now goes far beyond what billionaires are ever going to realistically pay," he added.

The admission explicitly contradicts the continued promises from President Joe Biden that no one making less than $400,000 a year would face higher taxes to fund his spending schemes.
Alarming reports keep flooding in about favored recipients of democrat pork monies. At the top of the list lies massive funding to be given to Democrat-friendly global warming industries, foundations, enterprises, and individuals riding in plush cars on the democrat global warming money train. Closely trailing are the democrat Marxist unions who totally support the anti-American leftist democrat party agenda.

The big winners are the climate-change activists and their powerful lobby, who would walk away with $555 billion in subsidies to move America from one source of energy to another, but which will not likely change the standard of living for anyone who is alive today — except for those drinking from the climate-change trough.

Close behind the climate activists are the teachers’ unions. The framework boasts $400 billion for universal pre-school and day care. Who will benefit from this new entitlement? Not most kids.


Well-known member
The Biden administration is sneaking a huge tax break for rich democrat lawyers into their latest democrat pork tax and spend plans. They lie when they claim republicans give the rich tax breaks. It is the democrat party that champions tax breaks for rich democrats while jacking up taxes on the poor and powerless.

Democrats have tucked a lucrative $2.5 billion tax break inside President Biden’s multitrillion-dollar social welfare bill that would benefit the trial lawyers lobby, spurring Republican accusations of political backscratching.


Well-known member
Democrats continue to jack up taxes to have more money to spend on special interest projects (called 'pork-spending'). Now that democrats have enacted voter fraud protections into voting laws Americans can continue to count on massive tax increases and massive democrat pork spending until the nation falls like Nero's Rome.

"Governor Brown and his fellow Democrats are already diverting funding to their own pet projects," she said in the press release. "In this budget proposal, they are diverting 30 percent of funding from the gas tax to non-road related projects like building parks and job training for felons. That’s money from the very gas tax the Democrats promised would go solely to fixing our decrepit roads and providing relief for traffic congestion."
Forgive me for being repetitive but we all know the bigger picture here right? Destruction of the economy, then chaos, then using the chaos to impose Marxism.


Well-known member
Forgive me for being repetitive but we all know the bigger picture here right? Destruction of the economy, then chaos, then using the chaos to impose Marxism.
I suspect we may find the driving force behind modern anti-American democrat policies lies in the roots of the emerging 'New World Order' designs by world leaders that have been developing for 50 years. Klaus Schwab established the European Management Forum in 1971, now known as the World Economic Forum, or "Davos," and has attracted political, banking, business, and entertainment leaders from around the world by the thousands. Klaus Schwab preaches world control by a leftist oligarchy that is not elected by democratic means, and he favors Marxist wage and labor controls over the subdued people of the world.

Schwab as publisher of the World Economic Forum's 2010 "Global Redesign" report postulates that a globalized world is best managed by a self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments (including through the UN system) and select civil society organizations (CSOs).[21] He argues that governments no longer are "the overwhelmingly dominant actors on the world stage" and that “the time has come for a new stakeholder paradigm of international governance”. The WEF's vision includes a "public-private" UN, in which certain specialized agencies would operate under joint State and non-State governance systems.[22]

According to the Transnational Institute (TNI), the Forum is hence planning to replace a recognised democratic model with a model where a self-selected group of "stakeholders" make decisions on behalf of the people.[23] The think tank summarises that we are increasingly entering a world where gatherings such as Davos are "a silent global coup d'etat" to capture governance.