This is why democracy had to be subverted. Without undermining democracy, we couldn't have saved it.


"Foundation of the World" Dispensationalist χρ


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Odd that Trump signed off on the shutdown.
Trump did everything that MAGAs think is pure evil in response to the pandemic.

So those who got the COVID shots and voluntarily complied with COVID restrictions and mandates were ultimately obeying orders from Putin; whereas those who didn't, and who protested and criticized all such tyranny and insanity while getting mindlessly reviled as "science deniers," etc., were defying Russia.

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Greatest poster ever
So those who got the COVID shots and voluntarily complied with COVID restrictions and mandates were ultimately obeying orders from Putin; whereas those who didn't, and who protested and criticized all such tyranny and insanity while getting mindlessly reviled as "science deniers," etc., were defying Russia.
Well, Putin did foist satanic vaccines upon the Russian people, but I suspect he might not have cared about what we did or didn't do about it.


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Well, Putin did foist satanic vaccines upon the Russian people, but I suspect he might not have cared about what we did or didn't do about it.

Why do you suspect that? Why wouldn't Putin have cared about whether or not Americans complied with the COVID policies he, as Trump's boss, had directed Trump to support or implement in America? Or, was Trump going rogue, making himself insubordinate to Putin by running with such policies?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I hope it was worth it to them.
Just another step in their plan to burn it all to the ground (western civilization, capitalism, ethics and morality, etc) so that they can Build Back Better® with their socialist utopia


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Just another step in their plan to burn it all to the ground (western civilization, capitalism, ethics and morality, etc) so that they can Build Back Better® with their socialist utopia
:rolleyes: Oh...I know. And it's not "them" really that I am referring to.

:unsure: It's the underlings & willing ideological dupes who will be left scratching their heads wondering what happened. You know, the running joke about the western "communist" who finds out his place in the new order is not writing poetry for the enrichment of the "masses" but rather working in the mines for the support of the "Party".

Some of them are posting on this board right now. :LOL:

Of course it's their children who will bear the worst of it. 😐