Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

They have found NO COLLUSION BETWEEN TRUMP AND RUSSIA!': Trump again touts GOP panel findings on Russia probe after complaining media ignored them
  • President Trump's former lawyer, John Dowd, says he doesn't expect the special counsel to release a report on his findings in the Russia probe
  • Dowd said he'd be 'shocked' if any of Robert Mueller's conclusions about the president became public: 'I don't think there'll be a report'
  • President Trump has been touting findings of Senate Intelligence Committee
  • Chairman Richard Burr said his panel has yet to find evidence of collusion between the president's 2016 campaign and Russia
  • 'If we write a report based upon the facts that we have, then we don't have anything that would suggest there was collusion,' he said

ME: I told you so.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
News media shudders at Trump 'no collusion' bombshell

The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday revealed its investigation into President Trump’s possible collusion with Russia during the 2016 election is about to wind up, with very little to show — no “direct evidence” of the president’s involvement here. News media coverage in the aftermath of this striking moment was, uh, scanty — something that Mr. Trump already has noticed in recent days.

“The mainstream media has refused to cover the fact that the head of the VERY important Senate Intelligence Committee, after two years of intensive study and access to Intelligence that only they could get, just stated that they have found NO COLLUSION between ‘Trump‘ & Russia,” Mr. Trump tweeted Friday, following a pivotal appearance by Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr on CBS suggesting there was not much to show.

Some suggest the news media is just shocked

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
As The Russia Hoax Begins To Unravel, The Gaslighting Begins
The media has started backing away from the Russia collusion hoax. Many seem to know a reckoning is coming.


ME: When it is finally known by all that this was all a lie, who pays the price for the destruction and devastation cause to this country because of this hoax? Who gets held responsible? This is one of the greatest travesties perpetrated on the American people in my lifetime.


The people that knew for a fact that the Russia collusion story was a fantasy were the people who talked about having an insurance policy.

It stands to reason that the collusion hoax wasn't the insurance policy if they knew for a fact it couldn't hold up to scrutiny