"Therefore, Abortion Must Remain Legal"


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Again "murder" is only your opinion LH, nobody intends to murder anyone or indeed person here. Doing what is considered to be for the best in each individual case rather takes precedence for me over your dogmatic blanket beliefs about conception.
I suspect that you don't actually care a fig about individual cases at all, you simply want that there to be a "soul" created somehow magically at conception that needs to be "saved", right?
Prove it to be only my opinion... put up or shut up.


New member
So well done for being somewhat more free thinking than they are.

You may proclaim 2 + 2 = 5 and consider yourself a freethinker for your views... but in reality it's deluded thinking.

Killing womb dwellers is not cool. Thank God my adoptive son's birth mom was not a freethinker like you, he'd never have seen life outside the womb nor be the joy he is to so many.


New member
So well done for being somewhat more free thinking than they are.
You may proclaim 2 + 2 = 5 and consider yourself a freethinker for your views... but in reality it's deluded thinking.

Killing womb dwellers is not cool. Thank God my adoptive son's birth mom was not a freethinker like you, he'd never have seen life outside the womb nor be the joy he is to so many.
I've shared my specific opinions of abortion at some length in several posts in this thread, any of which you are very welcome to dissect and comment on btw.
However you seem to have alighted on one which was a side issue, off topic even, so I don't know what you mean by "2 + 2 = 5" but yes I like to think freely and don't choose to adhere to any doctrine as you seem to advocate.

However, hopefully you did read some of my previous posts, so why then don't you find a specific issue that you'd like to raise rather than trying to accuse me of wanting to kill your adopted son?

There is a virtual infinite number of potentially excellent and worthy possible human beings who will never be, based on just the mechanical realties alone. Some believe that from conception a human being exists, despite the fact that the majority of zygotes are doomed to fail quite naturally without any encouragement from the likes of me. Are actual persons so easily and casually disposed of particularly if a loving omnipotent God is in charge?

I am of course delighted that your adopted son is alive and wanted, presumably is healthy and loved too. I think we should all strive to make sure that all new human beings get that kind of welcome to life rather than the often shoddy reception and suffering many do get instead.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Sorry LH but the onus is firmly on you to justify your otherwise bald assertions, not me.
I'm pretty sure in a matter such as this the onus is on you, who argue the zygote-fetus is not a person, to prove it is not yet a person, as you are the one making the argument that it is okay to abort the development of said zygote-fetus.

And while you're at it, alwight, also prove that "Blue is the bestest color" is only my opinion. Put up, or paint your house blue.
Because apples and zebras.:AMR:


New member
I'm pretty sure in a matter such as this the onus is on you, who argue the zygote-fetus is not a person, to prove it is not yet a person, as you are the one making the argument that it is okay to abort the development of said zygote-fetus.
No, you seem to be the one here who wants to compel others by law, otherwise without your prohibitive legal intervention we can each decide for ourselves where our opinions lie regarding whether a person may exist or not and then act accordingly.

However, the physical evidence seems reasonably convincing to me at least that a body without a functioning central nervous system has no actual way to function as a person.
If you don't agree with that then it would be for you to show that a "person" has some other way of functioning or just existing other than by neural activity, and indeed that it would actually be harmed by an abortion anyway.


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No, you seem to be the one here who wants to compel others by law, otherwise without your prohibitive legal intervention we can each decide for ourselves where our opinions lie regarding whether a person may exist or not and then act accordingly.

However, the physical evidence seems reasonably convincing to me at least that a body without a functioning central nervous system has no actual way to function as a person.
If you don't agree with that then it would be for you to show that a "person" has some other way of functioning or just existing other than by neural activity, and indeed that it would actually be harmed by an abortion anyway.




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How would an impaired central nervous system equate to there being no central nervous system?
Degenerative damage in fact shows how a person can tend to fade away untill there is no functioning at all.

No functioning nervous system doesn't mean no functioning at all. Great impairment, yes, but does not equal to not being a person.

Ask this man for example or is he not a person anymore:



New member
No functioning nervous system doesn't mean no functioning at all. Great impairment, yes, but does not equal to not being a person.

Ask this man for example or is he not a person anymore:

Stephen Hawking seems to have a better functioning CNS in some respects than me or most other people imo.
Is there an actual point here?
My point was about having no CNS at all btw.


New member
Hall of Fame
Stephen Hawking seems to have a better functioning CNS in some respects than me or most other people imo.
Is there an actual point here?
My point was about having no CNS at all btw.

Actually he has nearly no functioning of his central nervous system that is what happens with ALS.

We wouldnt cease to consider him a person though would be since his brain seems to function just fine even though he has little motor skills, but under your criteria we should be able to just kill him right? But then he doesnt appear to have a soul, so you are at least on to one thing about the cns.


New member
Actually he has nearly no functioning of his central nervous system that is what happens with ALS.

We wouldnt cease to consider him a person though would be since his brain seems to function just fine even though he has little motor skills, but under your criteria we should be able to just kill him right? But then he doesnt appear to have a soul, so you are at least on to one thing about the cns.
Then surely when his CNS is no longer functioning at all, just like anyone else they are simply gone, whatever may happen to the body afterward.
I don't believe in souls btw for anyone.


New member
Actually he has nearly no functioning of his central nervous system that is what happens with ALS.

We wouldnt cease to consider him a person though would be since his brain seems to function just fine even though he has little motor skills, but under your criteria we should be able to just kill him right? But then he doesnt appear to have a soul, so you are at least on to one thing about the cns.

The brain is part of the CNS. ALS hampers it, but does not destroy the CNS.

If he had no functioning of his CNS, he would either be brain dead or just regular dead.


New member
Hall of Fame
The brain is part of the CNS. ALS hampers it, but does not destroy the CNS.

If he had no functioning of his CNS, he would either be brain dead or just regular dead.

Little and none arent the same - just like a baby in the womb who has a brain, has a partial cns, or their brain would be non functioning.

so can we kill stephen hawking, since his is in about the same functioning state as young baby in the womb, or can we agree hawking is a person and so is that baby?
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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I agree. But this has no nervous system at all. Do you consider it a person?

No, retard. Try and aim your idiotic challenges at people who actually use nervous system and other physical traits as a determiner for personhood.

People like yourself. How do you determine personhood and why do you condone the killing of people even after they qualify under your regime?