The Word is Getting Out

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The Word is Getting Out

This is the show from Tuesday May 1st, 2007.


* Our PBA Ruling Analysis: condemning the wicked PBA Ruling is getting widespread distribution on the Internet (and you can help)!
We are Google 1 of 90,900 for: Gonzales v. Carhart analysis (For this same search, our ruling summary is also Google 6 & 8!)
We appear three times on Google's second page of listing out of 114,000 hits for: PBA Analysis.
We appear as a link in Google 1 of 351,000 for: Gonzales v. Carhart. (Wikipedia links to "PBA Ruling Splits Movement" at CovenantNews.)
We appear as a link in Google 59 of 1,080,000 for: partial-birth abortion. (Chuck Baldwin links to "Pastor Bob Enyart's excellent analysis of this ruling.")
The popular Latest Headlines reports on our project of preparing an Open Letter to Dr. James Dobson about the PBA ruling.

* Brian Rohrbough: as president of Colorado Right To Life, urges those in agreement to please consider helping to underwrite the crucial Open Letter to Dr. James Dobson now being prepared regarding his celebrating the violently wicked PBA ruling. Please pray for Bob Enyart Live and the other ministries drafting an open letter to Dr. Dobson to run in the Colorado Springs Telegraph-Gazette (the hometown paper of Focus on the Family's headquarters). We plan to fed-ex the letter to Dr. Dobson in advance of placing the ad, to give him a chance to reconsider his support for such an evil ruling. If you are in agreement, please consider calling 800-8Enyart and helping to underwrite this crucial communication!

* Quinn from Manchester IN: is spreading the word among Christians that this ruling is wicked and must not be celebrated. For, no one should call good evil, and evil good.

Today's Resource: Those who love Bob's 330-page manuscript, The Plot, are excited about the availability of a downloadable .PDF version! "A downloadable Plot is a premium," says Joe Rossano of Noblesville, Indiana, "because now I'm able to quickly search its 10,000 Scripture references to find the information I'm looking for!" If you would like to donate to the Open Letter to Dr. Dobson newspaper ad in the Colorado Springs Telegraph-Gazette, you can do so and get a downloadable Plot at the same time! We will apply the full purchase price of a downloadable Plot bought anytime during the next week to our Open Letter project! This will help us get our newspaper ad funded, and you will get a computer-searchable Plot manuscript on your computer! And if anyone donates to the Open Letter project more than the $44.99 price of the downloadable Plot, you can request and the BEL staff will give you a free download of the manuscript! Thank you to all who have helped already, and who will help with this crucial project!
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