The Terri Case - this is ridiculous

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New member
Terri has been essentially dead for some time know.

Twenty percent remaining brain tissue, a heart beat, meaningless responses to stimuli, with no chance for improvement, does not make for a life.

If I were Terri, I would have wanted my spouse to end my life years ago.

Time to get out the video camera and invite multiple witnesses for the taping of me completing a Living Will, Advanced Directive, and Durable Power of Attorney regarding health care. Make sure you get everyone on tape. Then, make multiple copies of the video tape and the documents.



Skeptic said:
Terri has been essentially dead for some time know.

Your opinion. Not the opinion of many others.

Skeptic said:
Twenty percent remaining brain tissue, a heart beat, meaningless responses to stimuli, with no chance for improvement, does not make for a life.

I don't believe what you stand for makes a life. Can I starve you to death?

Skeptic said:
If I were Terri, I would have wanted my spouse to end my life years ago.

You have no way of knowing that.

Skeptic said:
Time to get out the video camera and invite multiple witnesses for the taping of me completing a Living Will, Advanced Directive, and Durable Power of Attorney regarding health care. Make sure you get everyone on tape. Then, make multiple copies of the video tape and the documents....

You don't have a clue what the future of indigent care technology is going to bring to the world. If you follow through with those plans, you are a fool.

The Edge

You should not call someone a fool for having an opinion. It's wrong, just as I was wrong for calling Terri's parents sick people. I'm sorry for what I said. Now you should apologize to Skeptic.

You should state your opinion, but dont' insult people.


The Edge said:
You should not call someone a fool for having an opinion. It's wrong, just as I was wrong for calling Terri's parents sick people. I'm sorry for what I said. Now you should apologize to Skeptic.

You should state your opinion, but dont' insult people.

I didn't call Skeptic a fool for having an opinion. In fact, I ddin't call him a fool at all. I told him if he followed through with his plan then he would be a fool. I would consider him a fool not for his opinion, but for his actions.


New member
I'm new around here, but I'm wading in anyway, simply because it seems so few actually understand the American system of government and the United States Constitution.

Firstly, I'd like to address the concept here of "judicial tyranny". The truth in this matter, despite the situation with Mrs. Schiavo, is that it was an unconscionable violation of our own Constitutional Process that Congress, the Senate, and the President got involved. Their attempts to circumvent the courts is in direct violation of the Three-Part system established in the Constitution.

The Legislative branch (Congress and the Senate) writes laws, the Executive Branch (the President) enforces the laws, and the Judicial branch (the courts) interpret the laws.

The Constitution's establishment of a three-part government was made so that no one branch of government could become too powerful. It is a system of checks and balances that was created to ensure that the governemnt of the country could not be powerful enough to turn into a despotism or tyranical regime (such as the card I have seen played so very often here - Nazi Germany. And really, it's a card played so often it's like there's whole decks with just the one. Give the Nazi cry a rest. People who demand that their beliefs be forced onto others are the fascists. I encourage you to consult a dictionary and thesaurus for definitions and synonyms.).

Before going off about tyrranies and despotic groups of people, I suggest one actually reads the Constitution. It's there for a reason, and foisting any kind of morality on the populace is not that reason. It's there to limit governmental control over the people.
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Hey Skeptic-
Would you want your wife to be engaged to another man and have children with him too? Would you trust her if she couldn't honor her marriage vows? :think: Remember those? :idea: For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health until DEATH DO YOU PART?

Any one who believes this man is "devoted" to his wife is a :dunce: :duh:

TTFN :wave2:



Well-known member
The Edge said:
My ignornace becuase I distance myself from the "news that doesn't need to be in the news"

I should have no knowledge of the case at all!!!! It's a private, family matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's my point.

I agree. There no hope for her or her family as long as she is being kept breathing. From what I hear her husband stood by her side for a long time. Any money he got paid her bills. His life has been on hold for 15 years. On the other side, parents see hope where there is none. They do not wish to accept what is happening. We are in no position to judge. And it is not a issue to play politics with. It's time to let God take her and get on with life. Then they all can start over again.


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keypurr said:
His life has been on hold for 15 years.
He shacked up with another woman and had 2 kids by her.

Oh yeah, his life is really "on hold". :rolleyes:

Mr. 5020

New member
Stelakh said:
I'm new around here, but I'm wading in anyway, simply because it seems so few actually understand the American system of government and the United States Constitution.
I can think of two people off the top of my head that are going to truthsmack back into reality for this statement. Would you like a soda?


New member
This has only hit the news here on TV since the court stepped in..before that , there was nothing. I have given the background to the story from looking on here and in the American papers, and so many people say the same thing about her husband - jerk!
Why can't he just concede to parental control...leave it to those who truly do love her...and just back off right out of it and live his new life!!!

Mr. 5020

New member
julie21 said:
This has only hit the news here on TV since the court stepped in..before that , there was nothing. I have given the background to the story from looking on here and in the American papers, and so many people say the same thing about her husband - jerk!
Why can't he just concede to parental control...leave it to those who truly do love her...and just back off right out of it and live his new life!!!
Amen, sist-a, preach it!!!!


From what I hear her husband stood by her side for a long time.
Really?? :confused:
Any money he got paid her bills.
HIS LAWYERS got about $650, that Terri can be starved to death....NONE of it went to pay for HER lawyers! :nono:
His life has been on hold for 15 years.
You are mistaken. Michael has a fiancee and has been living with her for many years and they have children together!! :baby: Doesn't look like his life is on hold to me!!
On the other side, parents see hope where there is none.
Your opinion.
It's time to let God take her and get on with life. Then they all can start over again.
She is NOT termianlly reason to let God "take" her. She is BEING STARVED TO DEATH!!!!!!! Who will start over again? Can her sister and brother "start over"? Can her parents make another one just like her? :confused: :nono:

You are :kookoo:


Blessed beyond measure
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Now there's a post deserving of some Rep points!


...His life has been on hold for 15 years....

Really? How do you father 2 children by a different woman with your life on hold?

He shacked up with another woman and had 2 kids by her.

Oh yeah, his life is really "on hold".

Great minds think alike!
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