The TEN:


New member
I SEE!!!

There are those who are sent to observe and to report, and I see!! – It seems when the Son of Man came He did not find the slightest Faith on the earth. --- After long time Paul, I say Paul in the flesh, however, he was one sent to teach, and some learned in spite that few understood his teaching!! – 2 Peter 3:16 KJV --- If I changed my teaching I would not be Paul, or the one sent to teach. – As before, -- Acts 27:23 KJV ---/--- The same stands by me now, whom ye cannot see or understand!! ----- If you were in Christ, you would know that when He was yet before Abraham, we came to Abraham and inquired and observed the conditions there. - You should know the rest of the Truth from there!! --- Either way I saw you not then, but you were some of those in the city. --- Later after the Law, the two of us who were there with the Lord; - appeared with Jesus glorified on the mount. – Then the two of us sat in the tomb after Jesus was raised, after being crucified with Him outside the wall of Jerusalem. – Later I was caught up to the Third Heaven and heard words from the Lord’s own mouth, seeing Him in the brightness of His and His Father’s Glory!!
We, - the same two who were sent to complete the work of the Lord, -- in the flesh, - John and I were delivered over to the other side, from where I now come to your side of the gulf to judge the dead!! – THUS, you are now judged, and as the Lord cut the time short that some may be saved, - I AM now cutting the time short for you judgment to be finished, that none can be saved ----- As the rich man died and lifted up his eyes, BEING IN HELL, so it is with you. – It’s appointed unto man ONCE TO DIE, after that the CONDEMNATION OF THE “JUDGMENT” OF HELL!!!


I have no need to observe any longer, I see you are beyond the Truth and the Master of the House says it’s time to allow your world to fall!!

Paul – 012312


New member
1 Corinthians 12:15 KJV – “If the foot shall say, because I am not the hand, I am not of the Body; is it therefore not of the Body”? -----
What ever is of the Body is of Christ, for Christ is the Body, and the Body is His. – However, the eye and the ear and the mouth are of the Head of the Body, and are still of Christ’s Body. The eye and the ear and the mouth are not of the Body of Herself, but of her Husband, Jesus the Christ. – In Him dwelleth all things, INCLUDING the Body.
I say this for your shame, - not to win you in any way. If I win you, I am the looser as you are.

Does the Body speak with Her hands or Her feet!! – Is not the Wife commanded to remain silent in the House of the Lord!! – The “House”, YE SAY YE ARE OF, AND ARE NOT, because ye speak, ( or say you speak ), and you say nothing that is heard or seen by the Lord of the House, for you truly are NOT OF THE HEAD OF THE HOUSE, but are of another house; whose house I an sent to break in and make desolate. ---- It is the mouth that is of the Head, and it speaketh to the Wife instructing Her in all things of the Head / Husband / Jesus!!! – The Angels are not of the Body, but are of the Head, and so I speak, and so the Head of the Wife speaks!!

You all are wise!! – “Desolate” means “hardly nothing but sand”, RIGHT!! – WRONG!!! – Jerusalem and the World LEFT DESOLATE simply means, Christ withdrew from it, or better, Christ put them OUT from Him. Either way, ye are “without” Christ, being put away in death, baptized or buried in FIRE!! – How can you walk with the Lord, if you have no legs, or foundation to stand on in any of this!! - You refuse to be healed, and I AM not sent to HEAL YOU but to show you that you are left desolate!! ---- “IF THY FOOT OFFEND THEE, CUT IT OFF”!!!

Paul – 012412

some other dude

New member
You need a bunny
