The strong parallels between AIDS and the coronavirus scams


like marbles on glass
House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic is a 2009 film directed, produced, and hosted by Brent Leung and described by him as an objective examination of the idea that HIV causes AIDS.[1] The film argues that human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) is harmless and does not cause acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), a position known as AIDS denialism.[2][1][3] The film's claims of impartiality have been widely rejected by scientists, and the film's claims about HIV and AIDS have been dismissed as pseudoscience and conspiracy theory masquerading as even-handed examination.[4][5][6]

A group of scientists interviewed for the film later complained that their comments had been misrepresented and taken out of context, and that the film promotes pseudoscience.[4][5] The film also interviews Christine Maggiore, a prominent AIDS denialist who later died after suffering from AIDS-related conditions.[7]

The film's promotion of AIDS denialism, a pseudoscientific movement implicated in thousands of deaths,[16] drew criticism and anger.[17] The New York Times characterized the film as "a weaselly support pamphlet for AIDS denialists", "willfully ignorant", and "a globe-trotting pseudo-investigation that should raise the hackles of anyone with even a glancing knowledge of the basic rules of reasoning."[4] The Wall Street Journal cited the film as part of "this season's fashion in conspiracy theories."[6]The Portland Oregonian criticized Leung for "not being entirely honest with viewers," and decried the film's reliance on "selective editing, anomalies and anecdotes, unsupported conclusions... and suppression of inconvenient facts."[18]

Reaction from the scientific community was similarly negative. Lancet Infectious Diseases criticized the film's arguments, calling them a "toxic combination of misrepresentation and sophistry."[5], a website created by HIV researchers to address AIDS denialism,[19] criticized the film for concealing its "agenda behind a false veneer of honest inquiry", and published a rebuttal to some of the film's claims.[20] Ben Goldacre, writing in The Guardian, described House of Numbers as "a dreary and pernicious piece of Aids denialist propaganda."[3]

Gary K

New member
I know Fauchi had his paws on both.
Fauchi was at the root of the HIV/AIDS scam. He killed millions of people with highly toxic meds whlie making millions of dollars from selling these drugs. Just like he's pushed remdesivir which destroys the organs of those who take it on corona virus patients he pushed azt on people who had no authoritative diagnosis of AIDS.


Well-known member
Fauchi was at the root of the HIV/AIDS scam. He killed millions of people with highly toxic meds whlie making millions of dollars from selling these drugs. Just like he's pushed remdesivir which destroys the organs of those who take it on corona virus patients he pushed azt on people who had no authoritative diagnosis of AIDS.
He is working for the enemy, no doubt.

Gary K

New member
Kary Mullis on the fraudulent origins of AIDS.

Mullis does some swearing in this video so don't expect a strong Christian environment.
