The Steele Dossier - the debunked source of thousands of leftist lies and crimes against the state


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It strains the limits of credulity to believe the leftist politicians and newspersons were all just stupid or deceived by the dossier and the Trump/Russian collusion lie. There must have been thousands of leftist democrats who knew full well the Hillary-concocted conspiracy theory was a lie invented to help her win the 2016 election, yet they repeated the lie thousands of times in mostly failed efforts to overthrow the government of the US under President Trump.

Watchdog organization Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton told Fox News in a Tuesday statement that Steele, "who also worked for the FBI, created a fake Dossier was understood as such by the DOJ, FBI, Mueller, and the Obama White House yet it was used to spy on and try to prosecute Trump, his associates and his family."

"Mr. Durham, in the least, should question Clinton, Obama, and Biden about what they knew and when they knew it." Fitton said. "And there in this conspiracy, such as Jake Sullivan, have been promoted throughout in the Biden administration."