The Sinner's Prayer: Modern apostasy and false teaching.


New member
The sinner's prayer is the wide gate, that leads to the broad way, that leads to destruction and many go in thereat.

This is man trying to exercise his mighty free will and make debtor of Elohim.
This man attempting to write himself into the Fathers will.
This man trying to convert himself.
This is man saying sorry and thinking he repents.
This is the way of the reprobate.
This is the way of denominations and cults.
This is how proselytes are made.
This is the effect of the general revelation that Paul speaks of in Romans 1. It reveals the existence of Elohim, but it doesn’t save a single sinner. It leaves them without excuse. Upon receiving this general revelation man often feels the need for religion and a sinners prayer is just what he wants.

This is not the way of salvation. It is the way of destruction. And many go in thereat!

A lot of people on here will have said a sinner's prayer and they think that for them it's different, because they were sincere. No you were not sincere, because a sinner does not possess sincerity. A sinner is filled with self interest and sin not cerity.


New member
I met a guy while out fishing last year. He approached me at my car and said, "as far as I'm concerned, I'm a Christian". I'd briefly explained to him earlier about the history of the lake we had been fishing and that was it. Once he'd made the statement I asked him a number of questions and began delivering truth to him. He kept interrupting and so I turned my back on him and continued packing my car. He realised something was amiss so I told him that I wasn't going to discuss or argue with him. That if he wanted the truth I would tell him the truth, but if he questioned anything I told him, that the offer would end there and then.

He stood listening for 3 hours. Towards the end he volunteered the fact that as a child he been led in saying a sinners prayer and told he was saved. I informed him further, as I had been doing, that he was definitely not saved. The look of relief on his face was a wonder to behold. His life as an unrepentant sinner was lived in contradiction to what is good and just. So now the contradiction had a reason and the reason was simple. He was not what he'd been led to believe he was.

Before we parted I advised him to stop visiting denominations. Drop anything and everything religious and to just get on and do whatever he wanted to do. That the Eternal Almighty knew him and knew where he was. If the Almighty wanted to save him then He would and that he'd know for an absolute fact that he'd been saved.

I'd never seen him before and haven't seen him since.